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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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The amount of people supporting a failed, violent coup, one unsupported by the people, (large) elements of the military and the political opposition is absolutely maddening. Hell, I'm amazed at the amount of people who actually believe Erdogan is in any way similar to Adolf Fucking Hitler. Goddamn, tonight's been positively disgusting. If Erdogan gains even more support/power after this it will be 100% the result of the kind of dumb fucks that think a stupid coup like this is any kind of okay. Keep insulting those ‘dumb masses’ all you want, whatever the future looks like it’ll be y’alls making.

Opinions on coup aside, not thinking Erdogan is a fascist autocrat is pretty hysterical.


You realize Erdogan's support, assuming election results are real (they're not) is a plurality at best and not a majority, right?

Last elections his party got 49.5% of the vote, so yes you're technically right that it's plurality. It hardly matters as he is the most popular politician in Turkey by far.

I don't support him at all by the way, I think he is a disaster. But he is a popular disaster. His power comes from the people against the elites. That's why a coup against him is hopeless.
You should excuse the majority of GAF for not supporting someone in favour of mass press censorship, media intimidation, electoral fraud and antisemitic tendencies while also citing Nazi Germany as a good example of a presidential system in a unitary state which he is striving for.

Can someone please inform on the electoral fraud? The wiki link wasn't working on mobile? Any other reliable sources ?
Please spare me all the non-secular nonsense. Any party against Erdogan can freely enter the elections and vote Erdogan and his boys out.

Surely they can freely criticize him and his government for bending the constitution as he sees fit, for rigging the same elections that got him elected president of the country, for imprisoning journalists for speaking their minds against the same issues...


Btw can someone quickly explain to me why and what Erdogan has against the Kurds? Aren't many of them Muslim too? Wouldn't that be counter intuitive of him?

He's still a Turkish nationalist. Much like how Bush was a Christian fundie but also deeply nationalistic. Erdogan represents a blending a Turkishness and Islamism.


Btw can someone quickly explain to me why and what Erdogan has against the Kurds? Aren't many of them Muslim too? Wouldn't that be counter intuitive of him?

You are truley clueless, aren't you. In short: being a muslim does not automatically mean that you love every muslim out there. Quite the opposite. Turks and Kurds hate each other just like Sunnis and Shiites. Same goes for christians. Ever heard of the 30 years war?


Does it matter? The opposition MHP and CHP gave its support to AKP. Which more or less equals to atleast 80% of the civil to be against the coup.

CHP members were in the parliament when it was bombed where they were announcing that the poeple should not leave the streets.

Some people posting in this tread is just posting without a brain, they just post coup to fill their need for action. A coup may not affect you but it fucks up the ppl in Turkey.

I'm surprised by this honestly apparently its dense to not support a movement that has no regards for the civilian population

I really hope the hold outs surrender

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
You should excuse the majority of GAF for not supporting someone in favour of mass press censorship, media intimidation, electoral fraud and antisemitic tendencies while also citing Nazi Germany as a good example of a presidential system in a unitary state which he is striving for.

Don't forget the gem that happened after Germany recognized the Armenian genocide!



Is this a joke?

He jails anyone who opposes him in the media, he closes down opposing news view points. There's absolutely nothing democratic about the way Erdogan operates today. For fuck's sake he was the one trying to shut down social media not two years ago.

None of what you said contradicts what I said. He is acting as a dictator, yes. But he is popular and enjoys the support of the people. There is no contradiction between these two things.
"The CNN Turk studio is being taken over by soldiers. This has just been confirmed on CNN Turk by the current anchorwoman. /u/6559"

It's over guys... Right.
Typical Western liberalism in this thread

Country elects democratic leader. Democratically elected leader isn't to the liking of some. People suggest leader gets overthrown in an undemocratic fashion.

You can't pick and choose when you want democracy. You have to deal with the fact that not every election result will be to your liking.

I'm not a huge Erdogan fan but military coups are an attack on democracy more than anything Erdogan has done.
Dictators can very well be popular you know. Look at Mussolini before Italy entered the war. The people used to be on his side when he was winning.


So the coup failed? I thought it was successful?

Does this mean that Turkey is no longer going to be secular?

The crescent moon has smiled on Turkey tonight. Our Supreme Caliph Erdogan will finally be able to usher in a new Golden Age for Neo-Ottoman Wahhabist Salafist Islam. All according to keikaku.
You are truley clueless, aren't you. In short: being a muslim does not automatically mean that you love every muslim out there. Quite the opposite. Turks and Kurds hate each other just like Sunnis and Shiites. Same goes for christians. Ever heard of the 30 years war?

Well if I had a clue I wouldn't be asking lol.

And obviously I know as a Muslim there's a crap tonne of division in communities. I know that first and foremost, just wasn't familiar with the Kurds situation which seems to be based more on nationalist pride than anything from what you and the user told me.

I don't deny I don't know much about the two groups hence why I was asking :p


Theyre muslims in a muslim country. Muslims say that as often as people say hello. They just prevented a coup from removing a government they support. Theyre celebrating. I dont understand what you expected.

Turkish people don't speak arabic. They aren't like your regular muslims. This is not normal Turkish behavior.
plot twist, coup controllers have tricked heads of state thinking they lost control and didn't have proper support, leading them into a trap!



Theyre muslims in a muslim country. Muslims say that as often as people say hello. They just prevented a coup from removing a government they support. Theyre celebrating. I dont understand what you expected.

Secularists don't support the government, so they aren't shouting that. You know what secularism means right? Don't put all Turks in the same basket.
Failed coup. Many military people are fucked now

Lets judge who won tomorrow:

FOX Turkey shows a massive cloud of smoke over the TGNA.
vor einer Minute

The CNN Turk studio is being taken over by soldiers This has just been confirmed on CNN Turk by the current anchorwoman.
vor 2 Minuten

Grand National Assembly of Turkey just got bombed during live broadcast.

Live feed: http://www.fox.com.tr/canli-yayin
Typical Western liberalism in this thread

Country elects democratic leader. Democratically elected leader isn't to the liking of some. People suggest leader gets overthrown in an undemocratic fashion.

You can't pick and choose when you want democracy. You have to deal with the fact that not every election result will be to your liking.

I'm not a huge Erdogan fan but military coups are an attack on democracy more than anything Erdogan has done.

I agree that military coups are an attack on democracy. But considering all Erdogan's transgressions against democracy, the question you can ask is whether the coup was justified.


The Birthday Skeleton
This thread reminds me of the thread about the Russian jet shot down. The same one for what Erdogan apologised later. You got to hand it to Erdogan, his propaganda is top notch.


This is exactly what's going to happen, except you have the added bonus of funneling terrorists across the Turkish border as they increasingly become an Islamic theocracy.

Obama needs to make plans to move the nukes out of Turkey tonight and have them gone by next week.

How much of their economy is dependant on tourism? Becoming to much of an Islamic theocracy could seriously hurt that.


Limbaugh Parrot

Rogue soldiers detained at presidential palace in Ankara, presidency claims


Typical Western liberalism in this thread

Country elects democratic leader. Democratically elected leader isn't to the liking of some. People suggest leader gets overthrown in an undemocratic fashion.

You can't pick and choose when you want democracy. You have to deal with the fact that not every election result will be to your liking.

I'm not a huge Erdogan fan but military coups are an attack on democracy more than anything Erdogan has done.

Isnt the problem people have with him is that he's been fixing elections?
"The CNN Turk studio is being taken over by soldiers. This has just been confirmed on CNN Turk by the current anchorwoman. /u/6559"

It's over guys... Right.
It seems to be over in Istanbul... where Erdogan is right now. The coup forces still seem to be fighting/holding out in Ankara, though I seriously doubt that'll matter much now.


I agree that military coups are an attack on democracy. But considering all Erdogan's transgressions against democracy, the question you can ask is whether the coup was justified.

If this coup has actually failed...then no, it wasn't worth it.

Erdogan is gonna be out for blood should he resume power.


Speaking of Erdogan being "democratically elected"

"In a speech to local politicians in Ankara, he criticised critics raising concern over Turkey’s record on “democracy, freedom and rule of law” as discussions over a landmark deal on the refugee crisis continue.

Turkish riot police use water cannon and tear gas to disperse supporters at Zaman daily newspaper headquarters
“For us, these phrases have absolutely no value any longer,” he said in the televised address, according to a translation by DPA."


"Asked on his return from a visit to Saudi Arabia whether an executive presidential system was possible while maintaining the unitary structure of the state, he said: “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany."


...Truly fucked your ignorance is.

Ah so you are also a big fan of a dictator who cheats elections, controls the free press, throws his opposition in jail?

Who is the ignorant one here?

Fuck man my ignore list is gonna be long once I get to a pc with these Erdogan defenders.
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