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Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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CNN Turk reporting live military takeover of their building in Istanbul.



Complete speculation here, but I'd assume its Pro Government troops being sent to silence news about any leftover coup forces holding out in places.

Edit: nevermind, this thread moves too fast and this is wrong speculation now!
Ankara is the capital.
So, if we consider the chance that the coup forces might completely hold Ankara tomorrow, with Erdogan safe in Istanbul with civilian and armed forces on his side and, optimistically speaking, the rest of the military elsewhere in the country not intervening, what are the chances that the coup will still succeed?


Secular people don't yell Allahu Akbar constantly.

Make no mistake buddy these are muslims, infact 97% of the country population is muslim and they just stopped a coup from happening and are happy in celebrations. I know this chant frightens you since it is associated with terrorists unfortunately but it is said everywhere by most muslims tens if not hundreds of times daily. ( during prayer or as a just general saying )
Also just to add, and I know you wrote it for the sake of simplification and brevity, but (obviously) not all Shiites hate Sunnis and vice versa.

I get the gist of your point and example though was just saying.
This. There are no absolute sentiments such those. Far from it. Most people do get along
It's so weird seeing these images of cops arresting soldiers, lol.

"We're in charge now, taking over control from Edrogan"

"You're under arrest, give me your gun"

I wonder if this is a two stage operation. Where they take after Istanbul, get the current government to flood there, and then take over the capital?
Typical Western liberalism in this thread

Country elects democratic leader. Democratically elected leader isn't to the liking of some. People suggest leader gets overthrown in an undemocratic fashion.

You can't pick and choose when you want democracy. You have to deal with the fact that not every election result will be to your liking.

I'm not a huge Erdogan fan but military coups are an attack on democracy more than anything Erdogan has done.

Except it isn't.

Turkey has a long history of the military overthrowing their own democratically elected government by coups, and if you go by the historical evidence of the country, this has more than not been for the betterment of the country. Erdogan intentions are quite clear by anyone not blinded by the democratic illusion he has built his empire upon, the coup was much needed shift the country needed, but now it will become the one thing that will guarantee a long and lasting Dictatorship.
Sorry, didn't mean to sound harsh.

The Kurds are an ethnical minority in Turkey, Iraq and Iran striving for an independent Kurdish state. Most of the tensions come from this. Just like the Basques in Spain were striving for independence.

Hmm I see. Thanks for the info! Definitely will research more on it.
Turkish FORCES Website



It's honestly disturbing how people here are ill-informed about Turkish politics, and in politics in general.

Just imagine if Trump gets elected and bans all Muslims and build the wall on the southern borders to keep out all the Mexicans. Will you be okay with it, if not will the American people who elected Trump beg the military to overthrown the government.

The military should be 100% neutral when it comes to politics. Not for or against. Erdogan did the right thing by removing general with coup intentions. But it seems he did not do a good job about it.

The rule of law above all else in the US is to uphold the Constitution. If the president was shredding it, the military here had a duty to ignore his orders and probably remove him, although it's never been tested. Hell, the President is the leader of our armed forces along with other civilian branches that fall under the executive.

Good governments have checks and balances on power and to protect minority rights. Turkey seems to have written one check into their Constitution utilizing their armed forces.


Make no mistake buddy these are muslims, infact 97% of the country population is muslim and they just stopped a coup from happening and are happy in celebrations. I know this chant frightens you since it is associated with terrorists unfortunately but it is said everywhere by every muslims tens if not hundreds of times daily. ( during prayer or as a just general saying )

Haha what dude 97% is ridiculous.

Stop posting bs.

Why are you making stuff like this up?


It goes to show you how polarized the country is. One that has strong islamist roots and the other not so religious.
I don't disagree about the islamist roots.
But Saying "God is great" in you're language doesn't signify that. I'm muslim I use that phrase all the time.
Oh no Muslims in a 95% Muslim country chanting arabic Turkey is fucked!!!!
Secular people don't yell Allahu Akbar constantly.
I wish people didn't think this way. It's like being afraid of a language.
People I know say it all the time. It's just part of our language. It's like if you sneeze and someone says god bless you, it's not some specific crazy chant.

Regardless, It's sad to see how everything turned out..


This would be the worst thing to happen. It would be Syria 2.0 with a prolonged conflict.

Exactly what I was thinking. Previous coups have been led from the top down by the Army Chief's. This time the coup seems to have been organised by mid ranking officers. Had this coup been directed by the Chief of Staff Erdogan would already be in custody by now and full martial law in place nationwide.


Except it isn't.

Turkey has a long history of the military overthrowing their own democratically elected government by coups, and if you go by the historical evidence of the country, this has more than not been for the betterment of the country. Erdogan intentions are quite clear by anyone not blinded by the democratic illusion he has built his empire upon, the coup was much needed shift the country needed, but now it will become the one thing that will guarantee a long and lasting Dictatorship.

Yeah. I put some choice quotes from him up so that people can easily refer to them when the "democratically elected" thing starts rolling in again:

Speaking of Erdogan being "democratically elected"

"In a speech to local politicians in Ankara, he criticised critics raising concern over Turkey’s record on “democracy, freedom and rule of law” as discussions over a landmark deal on the refugee crisis continue.

Turkish riot police use water cannon and tear gas to disperse supporters at Zaman daily newspaper headquarters
“For us, these phrases have absolutely no value any longer,” he said in the televised address, according to a translation by DPA."


"Asked on his return from a visit to Saudi Arabia whether an executive presidential system was possible while maintaining the unitary structure of the state, he said: “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany."
Serious question, what are the pro's?

I legitimately think he's a good leader and so does a large portion of the Turkish population. Just look at how he defended Turkish interests during the refugee crisis. He also did a great job for the economy.

Sadly it seems he's more and more evolving into a fascist autocrat which, on the long-term, will cause massive damage to Turkey.


They took control of state media, and completely ignored private media,which is how Erdogan got his message out. Now the government controls state media, and the coup has moved to private media (CNN and the likes).

Yeah, that army seems to on a mission. Their first objective to lock down the town... I don't why they didn't gone after him directly while in vacation. Army objective isn't that clear. but still seems organized.


I legitimately think he's a good leader and so does a large portion of the Turkish population. Just look at how he defended Turkish interests during the refugee crisis. He also did a great job for the economy.

Sadly it seems he's more and more evolving into a fascist autocrat which, on the long-term, will cause massive damage to Turkey.

Yeah, that sounds like something out of George Luca's plot about how Palpatine gained power in Star Wars..
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