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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Aren't they? I was always told tomatoes were veggies. Have I been duped?!

The problem is botanical vs kitchen. We tend to call 'fruits' that you don't use for desert but rather for cooking main meals vegetables. While in a strict botanical sense they are indeed fruits.

Botanically speaking, a fruit is a seed-bearing structure that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant, whereas vegetables are all other plant parts, such as roots, leaves and stems.
I'm starting to work out my legs to have them ready for Ass Pic April

Because there is no januery.

Are we talking about best fruit? Because that's plainly red raspberries. I mean, it's obvious. I love raspberry season, go and pick your own...get like, five pounds and devour. Nom.
The best fruit has to be the mango. And I'm talking about ripe ones off the tree and whatever nonsense you usually find here. Pretty much the best fruit, so sweet.

Also the best veggie is the carrot. It's just awesome.


one of the coolest-looking fruits that happens to also taste pretty good is the majestic dragon fruit


it grows on a freakin' cactus


and has one of the prettiest flowers around (that only bloom at night)

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