Boy, Gattaca sure is good.
Boy, Gattaca sure is good.
I didn't really enjoy kill bill. My least enjoyed Tarantino flick.
Man what? Enough Japanese craziness from a Tarantino movie? I mean he loves that culture but...I don't know that's weird to me. There's a lot of great movies to get an idea of what that cinema is actually like.Kill Bill Volume 1 had enough crazy killer Japanese girls for my lifetime. I probably couldn't handle watching Battle Royale.
Kill Bill Volume 1 had enough crazy killer Japanese girls for my lifetime. I probably couldn't handle watching Battle Royale.
Kinda wish I had never read that now.
And yet you keep reading every single one of them...
i'm starting the third trial.
How's the game
Damnit, smelly, I was afraid of what I'd find in here after the PM you sent. Sure enough...
...yet again, Dragonz. I don't think that was meant as a personal attack on you or anyone else, just as my accent thing wasn't meant to be offensive.
He didn't like the series. I didn't like the accent. There wasn't any malice meant behind either.
I dunno if she sent it to everyone else. I was curious and asked. She said it was just for you. I got busy and didn't reply and had it in my inbox when I came back.
Dunno if anyone else has it. :lol
If you don't like something, that's fine. That's your business, and you are entitled to feel that way and I can respect that and live with it. But when it becomes personal (i.e. calling a crucial component of my community disgusting or insinuating that I need amnesia as a kindness) it is not funny and doesn't need to be posted.
The best god damn game in the world.
Sorry frug I was getting ready for bed. I'll hop on fun music times next time.
Nice! Glad to hear it.Also acrid, party was a success!
Finished it last night. I'll just say this, you're really, really going to want to keep playing after the trial is over.ACID
i'm starting the third trial.
Great weird.Good Weird or Bad Weird.
Finished it last night. I'll just say this, you're really, really going to want to keep playing after the trial is over.
Great weird.
Well the slinks aren't really a huge part of the game like they are in Persona. *DR spoilerz*I'm starting chapter four now. I'm hoping no one I legitimately like as a character is next.
That's the only weak point here for me. The slinks aren't well-defined and not many of the characters are likable to where you really care much. Like... The swimmer, pop star, programmer, and the purple haired one are okay. All of the male characters are like... Okay.
Well the slinks aren't really a huge part of the game like they are in Persona. *DR spoilerz*But yeah, that was my problem with the third case. Didn't really care about any of the characters who died. But it was still an interesting case, liked how it played out.
Yeah I'm hoping thatAgreed. I'm hoping the next one is one of the two who ignore everyone else this time.
Not that it will be. That wouldn't bother the player at all. Still hoping though.
Yeah I'm hoping thatis the next. Fuck that guy.ByakuyaBut the titlecard has Hina in it so I'm kind of guessing this next case will have to do with her. Which I'm pretty anxious about, she's awesome. She's basically Chie without the crippling self doubt.
Just bought Stick of Truth.
Let's see how this is...
Well the dude at Game Stop was praising it to high heavens so I decided to give it a whirlI watched the Totalbiscuit review... seems alright. Don't think I'll get it anytime soon.
Just bought Stick of Truth.
Let's see how this is...
Are you running through the previous dungeons to fight the optional bosses? That's usually a big help. But idk how hard Hard actually is. Normal was stupid easy.Why is hard actually hard in P4G? I mean really, pretty much in all other games hard was never this bad (for me at least). Or I am bad at this game and I don't know what I am doing.
Well the dude at Game Stop was praising it to high heavens so I decided to give it a whirl
Are you running through the previous dungeons to fight the optional bosses? That's usually a big help. But idk how hard Hard actually is. Normal was stupid easy.
Did not know that you could go to previous dungeons. Not that there are many of them for me, I just finishedYukiko's dungeon right now and used way too many revival beads to beat her shadow. Though I did it a few days early so I might go and try to see if any previous dungeons are open.
Yukiko's dungeon is definitely the hardest one because you're way less equipped than later dungeons. Having her in your party makes you way more able to deal with everything.
But yeah you can go through past dungeon to fight optional bosses and golden hands for super easy levels. Just talk to the person in the TV lobby. So if you talk to Yukiko you'll get a "go to castle" option. But the optional boss in there is pretty tough too so I'd recommend leveling up in the next dungeon first, then attempting her dungeon.
You also get special weapons after beating the optional bosses which are usually better than anything you can get at that specific point in the game. Yosuke has one at the liquor store you can go grab without having to fight anything. Same deal, just talk to him in the TV lobby and choose "go to shopping district"
Did not know that you could go to previous dungeons. Not that there are many of them for me, I just finishedYukiko's dungeon right now and used way too many revival beads to beat her shadow. Though I did it a few days early so I might go and try to see if any previous dungeons are open.
I'm just playing P4G now.
In terms of story, characters, and themes it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different. You should recognize a lot of the spell names and Personas though.Feels... very much like SMT4. I think I might like it a bit better so far though. But seriously, it feels like it's just another game in the series. Which.... I guess it kind of is. Spin-off and whatnot.
In terms of story, characters, and themes it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay different. You should recognize a lot of the spell names and Personas though.
Yeah definitely. All the SMT mainline games and spinoffs work around the same core concepts. Which I like, lends some consistency to the SMT-verse.oh yeah story/characters/theme is WAY different, that's the part where I think I like persona a bit better. But in terms of personas vs demons, with Igor/whatever it's called in SMT mediating persona/demon fusion, the very same ability names.... that part is very much like SMT.![]()