Dawg I'll fight you for top spot m8
I'm the guy on the far left of that gif. I love this cat gif so much I forgot what the source of it is though.
Placing my bets on Doge tbh.
Doge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dragons
Edit: watch the vid I sent you and scream with me
Like she has the tattoos ;_;
Thanks doge
Dragons tho
Slick moves brah. I have no idea what the cat gif is from, but you can't go wrong with cat gifs let's be honest.I'm the guy on the far left of that gif. I love this cat gif so much I forgot what the source of it is though.
NinjX listen to some house why don't you it's good for the late night over there.Slick moves brah. I have no idea what the cat gif is from, but you can't go wrong with cat gifs let's be honest.
TDM, I had a dream you were demodded for changing so many tags last night.
It was weird.
Hit that pizza instead.Last night I had a dream I was walking around naked in public and I felt really embaressed.
Gotta hit dat gym.
Noice, sexy vocals, just how I like it!
A buff tiddums. Is the world ready?
Let me put it to you this way. Do dogs eat dragons? No.
Do dragons eat dogs? Yes.
Listening to Party Maker by Perfume and watching this gif is a hilarious experience.
Aaah it's perfect
Cosigned. On both accounts.Yeah it really does.
I'm sure NBX is with me on this one, but there's something adorable about girls in winter gear.
Yeah it really does.
I'm sure NBX is with me on this one, but there's something adorable about girls in winter gear.
Should I go put on my winter beanie
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cool it down there hot pants.
That's way too provocative.
I couldn't give less of a shit if I tried.
Should I go put on my winter beanie
I'm not supposed to take my pants off at work.
Because you are a piece of shit?
But...but Troy Baker...
There are approximately 700 other games I can play to hear his voice.