Phonography by Britney Jean Spears. Why? Because it's incredible.
Ugh. Manager didn't show to open the store so I had to stand outside for an hour in the cold rain. I'm already sick and now it's worse. Another manager had to rush in and we opened late.
Give me something to listen to while Idon'twrite this paper
"Apples: the missionary position of the fruit world."
You're bringing a tear to my eye. I'm so proud ;_;
The fumes.
Srs tho, try Bioshpere. He's ambient electronic and really, really good.
"Screw it. I'll see all you Sarahs, Plain and Tall in hell."
I counted four mosquito bites over the past few days so far. And I can't find the little prick.
These are the true miracle workers. Some day I might even pay them.
I can't even post negatman at the momet. :negativeman:Sounds like you've had a great Sunday. There are not enough negativemen in the world.
He's been pretty bad for the past 2 months. He's always showing up late and he treats associates like crap. I'm hoping he'll be let go because of this since the other managers just sent an email to our GM about him.that sounds like some bullshit, wazzerz. Are your managers usually that "responsible"?
That really sucks...
Wasn't very cool of the Manager...
He should have let the other Manager know sooner. :\
Unless of course it was a family emergency...
I'm guessing it wasn't though... :/
I will sell my left kidney for them to do Catching Fire.
I had this happen one day. I wasn't sick and it was only about 20 minutes in the rain in the morning, but I know that feel.Ugh. Manager didn't show to open the store so I had to stand outside for an hour in the cold rain. I'm already sick and now it's worse. Another manager had to rush in and we opened late.
Decided to write my theoretical paper on the concepts of injustice and how they relate to media v. the real world
Will cite Game of Thrones
Most managers I've encountered are horrible at managing.
I had this happen one day. I wasn't sick and it was only about 20 minutes in the rain in the morning, but I know that feel.
Where are you from? It's been super nice here recently. I've never seen an EA Sports store before that is baffling.I've made it alive, and it's so nice outside. Time to get ready and go explore.
Exactly. It was only 3 of us standing out there for a morning shift where no one would show up. I came up with the angriest thoughts and insults in my head in the meantime hahaIt's the worst, right? All I stood there thinking was "I could be sleeping right now"
I should have specified I meant in retail.
Where are you from? It's been super nice here recently. I've never seen an EA Sports store before that is baffling.
Ah Michigan then yeah this is definitely something! Oh no kidding that's in SFO? I'll have to see if I can find it next month.From Michigan normally, so it was almost, kind of, looking like Spring outside when I left.
And yeah, I don't get it why they'd call it that. They were just selling college and local sports team clothing and nothing else. I didn't inspect it to closely, but I didn't see any games back there. It was in the airport mind.
Wazzy's going to be pissed.
Waitttttttttttttttt why would I be pissed?
Ah Michigan then yeah this is definitely something! Oh no kidding that's in SFO? I'll have to see if I can find it next month.
I'm off for a walk to the pizza zone. Professor I'm sure more will be in the area this week we could try to get a proper GAF meet together if you're inclined.
Trimmed beard because beards >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
I think it's because Pikachu over Charmander?
IDK I'm just guessing.
Because Pikachu beat Charmander yo.
Random internet thought of the day:
People who tag themselves as #cute and #hot in their own photos.
I... Think I've done that before on my Instagram..but I always follow it with #notactually if that helps ;________;
I'M ALIVE! And making bad hashtags :'(
That doesn't really bother me. It's more the ones who tag themselves as that and are completely serious. The arrogance is tew much.
LOLL I promise I'm not serious about it!! ;_; Y'all know how shot my self-confidence is![]()
Basically what happened is yesterday he didn't show up for his shift(thankfully it wasn't an opening shift) because his grandmother passed away. That's fine and I felt bad for him. The problem is, he knew this and yet told no one he wouldn't be coming in today and he agreed to show up. So he then decides that 50 minutes into his shift that he'll finally call someone else to come and open the store up because he's not coming.
Choke me with your thighs. <3
Dragonz and Tiddums were doing the most in heterosexual thirst last night on Skype and you were nowhere to help me counterbalance it. ;_;