>click link
>see Avicii
>close tab
Really tho... I'm like a minute in and this is trash.
I accidently left my account on at BB's house and he posted in the LGBT thread. When he text'd me saying he did all I thought was "oh fuck they're going to think i'm a thirsty gay man now"
I'm a thirsty gay man at heart
I accidently left my account on at BB's house and he posted in the LGBT thread. When he text'd me saying he did all I thought was "oh fuck they're going to think i'm a thirsty gay man now"
I'm a thirsty gay man at heart
Might just shave it then. It'll grow back. No plaid though. No sports jacket either. I did see a guy with a plaid sports jacket though. Made my head explode.Trimmed beard but be warned that's what 90% of the GDC male population looks like. If you wear plaid shirts then it's over.
None of Dem
None of these boys can dance
Not a single one of dem stand a chance
All of dem girls a mess
I've seen it all before
I'm not impressed
None of dem get my sex
None of dem move my intellect
None of dem work for me
None of dem make me feel anything
Queen of the forlorn dancefloor tbh.
The thirst for non-existent peen rn.
I happen to like it. Robyn in general, actually. Thx thoThis is a real song?
I don't.
This is so bad.
So bad.
What is happening.
OMG I'm addicted to that app too!I'm addicted to that QuizUp game on Android.
You basically challenge players around the world with certain themes and your xp level resets if you pick a different theme. So each category has a seperated xp level.
But yeah, there's a Game of Thrones category and I'm addicted to playing that one :$ I've dueled someone with a xp level of 66 and a "House Tyrell" title.
I'm addicted to that QuizUp game on Android.
You basically challenge players around the world with certain themes and your xp level resets if you pick a different theme. So each category has a seperated xp level.
But yeah, there's a Game of Thrones category and I'm addicted to playing that one :$ I've dueled someone with a xp level of 66 and a "House Tyrell" title.
Man QuizUp is great.
Hahaha right?Edit: WHY IS THERE SO MUCH PLAID!
Your cat sounds super cool. My cat has been kind of an asshole lately.My cat was laying on my bed with her arms crossed, eyes glued to my monitor as I watched Samurai Champloo. Then jumped on me and got all cuddly. I think she likes anime. D:
Hahaha right?
Considering changing my avatar
the thirst for existing peen is even thirstier, bb <3.
Considering changing my avatar
Does spiderbro count as a pet?
Don't change the avatar. Get back to twerk on your paper. No fun allowed.
I guess he could. Although, I'd equate it to something like calling a housefly a pet.
It's coming....
Where is chapter four? :eyes:
Ignore me!
Holy crap, I remember when I saw this the first time. Sooooo funny.
I still laugh every time I see it.
Man, the first four seasons of Spongebob are seriously GOAT.
I don't know what season this came from but it was awesome. Also F.U.N. was great too.
I still remember the first part of Spongebob that I saw. It was the one where Spongebob gave bubble-blowing lessons to Squidward.
Such classics.
I can't recall the first episode I ever saw. May have been the episode with Spongebob going to Sandy's treedome and nearly dehydrating.
"I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it."
First gaffer added to my ignore list.
3 weeks into job, still not even on the system to log a pay claim. If I can't get in today I have to wait another fortnight before I can do one.
:negativeman x 100,000,000: