Where is this thread going lol
way ahead of you
Shouldn't be too hard I slowed down. Watching Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels now.I'm trying to catch up bro!
Shouldn't be too hard I slowed down. Watching Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels now.
What was it?While cleaning my HDD, I found this lovely document named "please do not read this.docx" and not remember what it was. I then proceeded to read it and...
why ;_;
What was it?
Part 1, 2, or 3?dragonz's fanfic ;_;
Part 1, 2, or 3?
Sherlock is so great.
I warned you
It was right there in the title and everything.
goodnight cruel world
(Winter soldier was ok)
I will name the last one after you
It's morning here. And I was up all night.
To get lucky.
Last night's dream was way worse. This time I was poking around my old community college campus, apparently I had signed up for a full course load and didn't attend a single class, until that day.
It was some sort of psychology class, but taught outdoors in the parking lot, and for some reason there were these tiny little fox looking creatures. I guess they were normal to be roaming around during class because it kept giving me attention, since I was "new".
Then it was pouring torrential rain by the time I had to leave and walking to my car. Boy howdy.
I'm telling your wife!
This is amazing.Oh my god. You just reminded me of this during the Olympics.
True true.Sounds like your classic fox spirit. They love books.
She'd probably agree with Tence. Who wouldn't?
Yeah she would.
She's the kinda girl who, when she sees a ScarJo, Grace Park or Emma Stone on the telly, yells: "Tijn...your girlfriend is on tv!"
Well, too bad! I claimed Anna as my internet waifu already.
Well, too bad! I claimed Anna as my internet waifu already.
Also, my mouth has that super disgusting dried out feeling. The worst.
This isn't the walking dead, you can't just claim shit.
Guys, there's enough Anna to go around.
You've been drinking?
Last night's dream was way worse. This time I was poking around my old community college campus, apparently I had signed up for a full course load and didn't attend a single class, until that day.
It was some sort of psychology class, but taught outdoors in the parking lot, and for some reason there were these tiny little fox looking creatures. I guess they were normal to be roaming around during class because it kept giving me attention, since I was "new".
Then it was pouring torrential rain by the time I had to leave and walking to my car. Boy howdy.
Haha yeah thinking about it made me wish it was more like fox from persona. Sadly not, it was more like a mix between a tasmanian devil and fannec fox.
My mother just watched the Red Wedding even though she's never seen the show before. She just watched that episode.
"Oh my god SHE DIES TOO?"
Thread needs some D
Dude kinda looks like Haley Joel Osment if things had gone better for him.Thread needs some D