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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Yeah I'll be heading to bed soon. Plus, I'm beating Dragonz in the post count and that is just not okay.

Tags are overrated
No u.


The RPJ and this one are gluing me to the screen. I should clean today and do other things, but I can't stop hitting f5.


Morning doods,

Thanks for the birthday msgs everyone, much appreciated! The weather is pretty nice up here, it's derby day for Sunderland (FTM!) and the boys are round soon to get all messed up and stuff.

Bill Withers - Lovely Day

Aww yeah Boyee!



Junior Member
The "official list" is:


But it hasn't been updated in a while and I don't think it was completely exhaustive to begin with. Off the top of my head, PC Master Race is supposed to be banned but it's not 100% enforced because sometimes we forget.

It's a bit confusing though. I've read through that but it still doesn't explain something.
Let me give an example, me and a user are having a fun argument here, it's pretty obvious that we're joking, and he posts ''u mad bro? :p'' then I say ''PS Vita Master Race brah. U jelly?'', that shouldn't be ban-able right? It's the intent and attitude that gets someone banned correct?
It's a bit confusing though. I've read through that but it still doesn't explain something.
Let me give an example, me and a user are having a fun argument here, it's pretty obvious that we're joking, and he posts ''u mad bro? :p'' then I say ''PS Vita Master Race brah. U jelly?'', that shouldn't be ban-able right? It's the intent and attitude that gets someone banned correct?

It depends, basically. We're interpreting rules on the fly as we go, and there is some pretty wildly varying precedents to follow. "Shoop da woop" meme will get you banned regardless of whether you're obviously joking or not. Sarcastically talking about the PC master race likely won't. Sorry I can't really be more helpful here, but you're not a Junior, so you're not going to risk a perm for a relatively minor slip-up.
Some fucking asshole, asinine, n00b freaking ************ deep scratched the rear left side of my new car. It's not even completely 2 days old!

I had the car parked in the parking zone near my home, completely safe from all the angles as once I parked I moved away from the car to check all the angles and everything was safe but some mother-freaking asshole who doesn't know how to drive badly scratched it!




Will be going to Toyota's service center tomorrow to check how this issue will be pursued. I obviously want a repaint in those areas done. My dad knows the GM of Toyota in my city, hoping everything goes smooth.


Somehow that video got funnier with the music :D

Sauna is warming up, couple of Foster's lagers chilled in the fridge. Soon it's time to go warm my old bones and dream of far away warm places.
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