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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Today I shall complete Broken Age. And maybe get a little further in Pikmin and Harvest Moon. I should be hanging with some friends later on for us to go through Four Swords. Another relaxing nerdy ass day.


Sub out he/she as required for situation.

When I ran a video game club at my university, I swear some of my members were like this.

I don't accept anything past Cell saga as canon. Therefore there is no such thing as fusion.

It's cool, GT isn't canon, so the series ends at Cell.

Some fucking asshole, asinine, n00b freaking ************ deep scratched the rear left side of my new car. It's not even completely 2 days old!

I had the car parked in the parking zone near my home, completely safe from all the angles as once I parked I moved away from the car to check all the angles and everything was safe but some mother-freaking asshole who doesn't know how to drive badly scratched it!




Will be going to Toyota's service center tomorrow to check how this issue will be pursued. I obviously want a repaint in those areas done. My dad knows the GM of Toyota in my city, hoping everything goes smooth.

This is the worst time for me to be listening to MGR's OST. Must. Resist. Saying. Awful. Meme.

Sorry to see that, dude.


Just finished the latest Hardcore History episode and am feeling like I need to, at the very least, do a bit of cleaning around the house.

I mean, it's the LEAST I can do in the face of World War I.


Damnit! Last thread you spread the gospel of GATTACA but now we can't convince people to listen to a podcast?!

Well, okay, that makes sense.

One of them has Ethan Hawke and the other is a... History podcast.

Seriously though, Prophets of Doom is an amazing retelling of an amazing bit of mostly forgotten history.


I think I'm going to visit the comic book store today. Didn't the new run of Unwritten start?

Hey now, I am taking two history courses this semester. I've had my fill of it thank you very much.

Besides it's two hours long, two hours. And history is too depressing. :*(

Dar Carlin is very good at portraying the grandeur and gravity of historical events without letting it get too depressing.


Ohhhh man I had this picked out hang on let me remember

Suzuki TU250X

Then as a dream I want this

Ducati Classic Sport 1000

Sweet bikes, that Ducati looks better,
but I'm guessing the price is way more than the suzuki.
guessing A 250cc and a 1000cc?


That is a nice bike, lean towards that....this is coming from a truck girl.

Hehe, It's a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic
Yeah, will probably get it early summer if things go to plan.

I want a truck too,
but my car is still in great shape to get rid of it...
Though for a truck I'm looking at either a Tacoma or Frontier.


Late reply due to passing out dudes, LOL ;P

Link Man

Good morning, GAF.

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm invisible here on GAF, or rather if my posts are so insignificant (outside of specialty threads such as the "Awesome" fanart and the MLP threads) that most people just pass over them. Then again, I don't often put a lot of effort into my posts (creating this avatar is the most effort I've put into GAF in a while).


Good morning, GAF.

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm invisible here on GAF, or rather if my posts are so insignificant (outside of specialty threads such as the "Awesome" fanart and the MLP threads) that most people just pass over them. Then again, I don't often put a lot of effort into my posts (creating this avatar is the most effort I've put into GAF in a while).

Well, to be honest Link Man, this is the first time I can remember reading your name. I clicked on your profile and see that you've been posting on GAF since 2007! :lol

Most of my posts are invisible too, I just post so many that pure chance works out in my favor. No worries.

What is this history podcast about? Is it a specific period? I like history but I'd prefer to read it

Hardcore History is series of Podcasts focused on many historical periods. He usually focuses 3-5 episodes on a specific event like the Punic Wars or World War II but he also has a few one off episodes focusing on smaller events.
Discovered this series of vids in the Gambit thread. Can't stop laughin'


My face has been rubbed


Damnit! Last thread you spread the gospel of GATTACA but now we can't convince people to listen to a podcast?!

Well, okay, that makes sense.

One of them has Ethan Hawke and the other is a... History podcast.

I don't understand it. Maybe I have to start offering tags or candle light dinners to get people to listen.
Good morning, GAF.

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm invisible here on GAF, or rather if my posts are so insignificant (outside of specialty threads such as the "Awesome" fanart and the MLP threads) that most people just pass over them. Then again, I don't often put a lot of effort into my posts (creating this avatar is the most effort I've put into GAF in a while).

I've seen you around! Hello and welcome :). I like you avatar!

Discovered this series of vids in the Gambit thread. Can't stop laughin'



I don't understand it. Maybe I have to start offering tags or candle light dinners to get people to listen.

I rub my face when I wake up

I will listen to them all if that's what it takes to get tagged
As Marec explained it's a history podcast series focusing on no particular periods or events. Although it leans towards the grittier parts of history and focuses more on giving impressions than listing every single name and date. It's pretty easy to listen to and you don't need a solid history foundation to enjoy. Sometimes I almost think of it as a more serious or advanced version of the old "Horrible History" books I had as a kid. But that might be selling the series a bit short.

I linked to "Logical Insanity", an episode focusing on the decision to use the atomic bombs during World War II. The author tries to get inside the minds of the people making these kinds of decisions at the time, not only the atomic bombs but strategic bombing of cities in general. I chose this episode because it's a single part (doesn't end on a cliffhanger), it's freely available, and I think it's one of the more accessible ones.
As Marec explained it's a history podcast series focusing on no particular periods or events. Although it leans towards the grittier parts of history and focuses more on giving impressions than listing every single name and date. It's pretty easy to listen to and you don't need a solid history foundation to enjoy. Sometimes I almost think of it as a more serious or advanced version of the old "Horrible History" books I had as a kid. But that might be selling the series a bit short.

I linked to "Logical Insanity", an episode focusing on the decision to use the atomic bombs during World War II. The author tries to get inside the minds of the people making these kinds of decisions at the time, not only the atomic bombs but strategic bombing of cities in general. I chose this episode because it's a single part (doesn't end on a cliffhanger), it's freely available, and I think it's one of the more accessible ones.

Okay, I'll listen to it tonight


As Marec explained it's a history podcast series focusing on no particular periods or events. Although it leans towards the grittier parts of history and focuses more on giving impressions than listing every single name and date. It's pretty easy to listen to and you don't need a solid history foundation to enjoy. Sometimes I almost think of it as a more serious or advanced version of the old "Horrible History" books I had as a kid. But that might be selling the series a bit short.

I linked to "Logical Insanity", an episode focusing on the decision to use the atomic bombs during World War II. The author tries to get inside the minds of the people making these kinds of decisions at the time, not only the atomic bombs but strategic bombing of cities in general. I chose this episode because it's a single part (doesn't end on a cliffhanger), it's freely available, and I think it's one of the more accessible ones.
This actually sounds right up my alley. Going to give this a listen.
Okay, I'd be lying if I said some of the older ones e.g. Suffer the Children, Addicted to Bondage, and History Under The Influence didn't sound interesting.


What is this history podcast about? Is it a specific period? I like history but I'd prefer to read it

It's about whatever part of history you like.

Good morning, GAF.

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm invisible here on GAF, or rather if my posts are so insignificant (outside of specialty threads such as the "Awesome" fanart and the MLP threads) that most people just pass over them. Then again, I don't often put a lot of effort into my posts (creating this avatar is the most effort I've put into GAF in a while).

I feel that way too sometimes, outside of the pony thread (and maybe here and SteamGAF).


Sweet bikes, that Ducati looks better,
but I'm guessing the price is way more than the suzuki.
guessing A 250cc and a 1000cc?

Hehe, It's a Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic
Yeah, will probably get it early summer if things go to plan.

I want a truck too,
but my car is still in great shape to get rid of it...
Though for a truck I'm looking at either a Tacoma or Frontier.


Late reply due to passing out dudes, LOL ;P

Summertime is best time for motorcycle rides.

I have to buy a truck, they are the only vehicles I can see past the dash on.

And hell yeah Tacoma!


Three hours of sauna, couple of beers and I'm buzzed.
That what you get when you only drink few times a year :D


Seeing that BlueBadger costume and Jehova's Witness video first thing in the morning is too good. Hahaha
Sweet bikes, that Ducati looks better,
but I'm guessing the price is way more than the suzuki.
guessing A 250cc and a 1000cc?
Yep the 250cc would be the starter to learn and ride primarily. The Ducati is just a sexy machine I'd love to own one day but probably won't ever.

Fuuuck the heater is on and the sun is blaring in my room it's approximately 90,000c in here right now.


Summertime is best time for motorcycle rides.

I have to buy a truck, they are the only vehicles I can see past the dash on.

And hell yeah Tacoma!

Yeah, I'd probably only be using it late spring, summer and early fall,
use the car when the weather isn't great... ;P

Hopefully when I go into Kawasaki I can get a bit of a deal...
Both my bro and I will be buying bikes from there at the same time.
He's goin for a Ninja 300.

I REALLY want a truck, as I want to get into dirt bikes,
and it would be great for hauling them around.
Plus it's great for anything outdoors.
Recently test drove a Tacoma, drives great. :D
I have to stay in bed and am running out of stuff to watch :S
so boooorrreeddd
is there by any chance another show nearly as captivating as breaking bad?


Yep the 250cc would be the starter to learn and ride primarily. The Ducati is just a sexy machine I'd love to own one day but probably won't ever.

Ahhh, yeah that one I posted would also be a starter bike,
well sorta, done dirt bikes before...

Goin to a riding school in April after my bro finishes school at SFU... :p


I do things my own way in everything.
I partied enough for a lifetime when younger, so I have contributed to the stereotype.

Alright then :D
Did you at least slap your back with those branch thingies? Or eat some lakupiippu?

I don't know anything about Finland


Yeah, I'd probably only be using it late spring, summer and early fall,
use the car when the weather isn't great... ;P

Hopefully when I go into Kawasaki I can get a bit of a deal...
Both my bro and I will be buying bikes from there at the same time.
He's goin for a Ninja 300.

I REALLY want a truck, as I want to get into dirt bikes,
and it would be great for hauling them around.
Plus it's great for anything outdoors.
Recently test drove a Tacoma, drives great. :D

Yeah sometimes I see people driving their cycles around in pouring rain and I get really nervous for them haha.

Ninja is a really nice bike.

Tacoma's are great for toy hauling 100% my rich uncle owns one and he hauls his huge boat with it and I knew a guy that went mudding with one and it never gave any problems, other than the shotty lift he had installed.


Alright then :D
Did you at least slap your back with those branch thingies? Or eat some lakupiippu?

I don't know anything about Finland

It's winter and I'm not a fan of vihta/vasta (the name for that) out of the freezer. I could eat some lakupiippu right now if I had any.

I saw that there is a birthdayparty near me on FB, so my tipsy mind is thinking should I call and go :)
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