Unconfirmed Member
I'm going to stay untagged forever.

Hey FakeGAF, what's fappening?
> Hates X2
> Big fan of marvel stuff
Scumbag RNH. I bet you don't like TDK or Watchmen!
I see smelly made an alt to beg gaf to not kill spiders
not much with me. got titanfall because lolvita's2014lineup and I'm loving it (360 version). Haven't had this much fun with an FPS ever.
I like FPS but I almost never play multiplayer. So Titanfall was a non-starter for me. Gotta have dat campaign.
Might double dip with TF to play with my 360 buds who haven't jumped ship yet.
I like FPS but I almost never play multiplayer. So Titanfall was a non-starter for me. Gotta have dat campaign.
what does D = D mean
There is a campaign. With two sides and two outcomes for each mission for each side.
Even my buddy who hates CoD and most FPS games is loving it.
What do you do again?
Dick is dick, bro
Titanfall doesn't have a single player campaign.
Part tech support, part web design.
why are you so against playing with other human beings
Watchmen is insanely boring.They aren't insanely boring. So yeah I do.
Fuckin' Wolverine.
Words to live by, truly.
Watchmen is insanely boring.
Watchmen is insanely boring.
why are you so against playing with other human beings
Watchmen is insanely boring.
I do play with other human beings.
On bed.
Yeah, not offensively bad or anything. Just felt completely unnecessary throughout.It was okay.
Fixed it for you.
Watching it during the opening midnight showing with other diehards was great. "Apathetic" is the most descriptive word I can give for the feel in the theater after it was over. Not even a clap when it ended...and there dudes in costume there.
Reaction was very positive in my screening. There were no nerds in costumes present.
Also, nobody civilized claps during or after a movie (Sole exception: screenings where the creators are actually there). The Queen needs to seriously restore order to your country.
She already has you and Canada as lapdog countries, why would she want a third?
lol i just noticed this thread, what is this a community for? i don't get the first post?
And how are you and your Oscar doing this fine evening?
Part tech support, part web design.
More Popgaf?
It's for your own good.
Woah woah.
Hands off, buddy.
am i doing it right ?