First of all: awesome, good for you :3
Second: as someone who is also trying to lose wait (I think I've dropped ~20lbs since the start of the year), I've found that the small changes like that are the easiest ways to lose weight. Like, all I've done is stopped drinking sugary drinks and replaced sugar in coffee for sweeteners, but it's something that's been really easy to maintain. Like it's all well and good going on a super healthy diet, but if you get sick of it and swing back that's not gonna help and you'll probably end up worse than when you started, and this is something I've seen with my parents. And the thing is, once you've got used to that one thing, you can reexamine your diet and make another slight change. Incremental, maintainable steps to eating well c:
I dunno, I might be talking total garbage, haha. Either way, it seems to be working, and I'm pleased for you! Keep it up!