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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Meet Emmanuel Macron, France's new presidential hopeful.

Je veux coucher avec lui.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Or if you have PKU which usually is tested at birth, since phenylalanine is an amino acid, tge autoimmune disease causes a lot of development problems.


doesn't diet soda have fake sweeteners that are really bad for you?

or is that a myth?

as an aside I've been into La Croix lately and a variety of tea. Get into yerba mate fam.

The science against artificial sugars is pretty minimal. It's more about people freaking out about something being artificial and not natural. But, diet soda is highly acidic which is not good for you, especially your teeth.


Root beer is the besssss.

I like the brand with the roided up bulldog. That one is tasty.

Poor FloatOn missing the good stuff.

C'est la vie

once I get my transplant I'm going to go ham on all the stuff I've been missing these past couple of years


I'm not even kidding

nah root beer is good. and root beer floats..... lordt

Unzip your pants and you can get a good mouth feel.

I know its a no but cant blame me for trying

grow a pussy and you might get your wish


Coke is one thing I'm having trouble giving up. :/ I only drink a can at most now days but still. Otherwise it's pretty easy for me to stay away from sweets and junk food. And I actually like kale! Typical day for me:

Breakfast: A waffle (no syrup), two slices of ham and about half a cup of orange juice.
Lunch: Chicken/Pork/Beef with kale.
Snack: Can of coke. :(
Dinner: Chicken/Pork/Beef/Seafood with broccoli/kale/pasta/arepa. Don't tend to put anything on my pasta. Use olive oil and sometimes teriyaki sauce.

I'm a very plain (lazy) cook. :p


Coke is one thing I'm having trouble giving up. :/ I only drink a can at most now days but still. Otherwise it's pretty easy for me to stay away from sweets and junk food. And I actually like kale! Typical day for me:

Breakfast: A waffle (no syrup), two slices of ham and about half a cup of orange juice.
Lunch: Chicken/Pork/Beef with kale.
Snack: Can of coke. :(
Dinner: Chicken/Pork/Beef/Seafood with broccoli/kale/pasta/arepa. Don't tend to put anything on my pasta. Use olive oil and sometimes teriyaki sauce.

I'm a very plain (lazy) cook. :p
Typically our dinner is:
1 meat (usually grilled or sautéed)
1 starch (rice, potatoes, corn, tortilla etc)
2 vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, onions and peppers, salad, zucchini, artichokes etc)

It's a pretty good formula that works with everything.


being single I rarely cook these days as it produces waaaaaaay too many left overs that go bad.

coupled with the fact that Orlando has really great local restaurants and that so many are in such close proximity to me I just let other people cook for me :D


irresponsible vagina leak
Never had trouble with left overs. I almost always cook the right portions for the day so nothing goes bad.


Never had trouble with left overs. I almost always cook the right portions for the day so nothing goes bad.

well I also find that I don't have time/energy it takes to prepare meals so for me getting a quick bite to eat at a cafe or restaurant works best.

I sometimes skip meals and just snack on random things (usually hummus)
One of my roommates cooks a whole bag of pasta almost every other day and then saves the left overs but nobody ever eats them. So at any given point we usually have several pounds of pre cooked pasta in the fridge.

The rest of us are better with portions and left overs though, so it's all good.
You must have some good tasting medicine in Brit land. Ours is usually crappy "cherry flavored" stuff

Admittedly I do quite like medicine, haha :3

Coke is one thing I'm having trouble giving up. :/ I only drink a can at most now days but still. Otherwise it's pretty easy for me to stay away from sweets and junk food. And I actually like kale! Typical day for me:

Breakfast: A waffle (no syrup), two slices of ham and about half a cup of orange juice.
Lunch: Chicken/Pork/Beef with kale.
Snack: Can of coke. :(
Dinner: Chicken/Pork/Beef/Seafood with broccoli/kale/pasta/arepa. Don't tend to put anything on my pasta. Use olive oil and sometimes teriyaki sauce.

I'm a very plain (lazy) cook. :p
The first few days are difficult, but after like a week you stop thinking about it as much

I've fallen back on diet coke a bit lately, but I've decided I'm going back to water in December


Never had trouble with left overs. I almost always cook the right portions for the day so nothing goes bad.
Usually I want to have left overs but don't make enough.
well I also find that I don't have time/energy it takes to prepare meals so for me getting a quick bite to eat at a cafe or restaurant works best.

I sometimes skip meals and just snack on random things (usually hummus)
That's a better excuse :p


Cooking is the only way I can afford my meals. After a while, you get used to working around all the leftovers.

I recognize that cooking your own meals is the most cost efficient option.

but I guess I'm just lazy!

also back when I was married I did most of the cooking so I guess it reminds me of those days and I'm still trying to get over that.
I recognize that cooking your own meals is the most cost efficient option.

but I guess I'm just lazy!

also back when I was married I did most of the cooking so I guess it reminds me of those days and I'm still trying to get over that.
Is there any way you could reclaim that event for yourself? I don't think it's good to let her ghost hold that over you forever.
I'd have such a hard time coming up with a typical meal every day. I skip breakfast and try to eat something different all the time.

this is basically me. i get up just in time to get to work on time-ish and then find quick trash to throw in my stomach for lunch and dinner

i can usually go a few weeks making my own dinner, but i'm too lazy to gather a bunch of different things to try so i tend to eat out more than i should. if i do cook for myself it's normally lemon pepper chicken, brown rice and some broccoli. i just need willpower :x


Is there any way you could reclaim that event for yourself? I don't think it's good to let her ghost hold that over you forever.

I'm working on it.

I have a phobia with pretty much anything related to the responsibilities I had back when I was married (fixing things around the house, certain chores like maintaining the yard, cooking, grocery shopping, paying bills etc).

I haven't let things completely fall by the wayside but those things are still a reminder of my former life.

I suppose if/when I get romantically entangled again will replace those memories completely.
this is basically me. i get up just in time to get to work on time-ish and then find quick trash to throw in my stomach for lunch and dinner

i can usually go a few weeks making my own dinner, but i'm too lazy to gather a bunch of different things to try so i tend to eat out more than i should. if i do cook for myself it's normally lemon pepper chicken, brown rice and some broccoli. i just need willpower :x

Ooh, that sounds yummy!

I'd probably fall into a habit if I ate by myself, but I share one or two meals with other people every day so it would be pretty weird to always eat the same things with them.

I'm working on it.

I have a phobia with pretty much anything related to the responsibilities I had back when I was married (fixing things around the house, certain chores like maintaining the yard, cooking, grocery shopping, paying bills etc).

I haven't let things completely fall by the wayside but those things are still a reminder of my former life.

I suppose if/when I get romantically entangled again will replace those memories completely.
I've had similar schisms in the past and how I get over it is by strongly focusing on what I like about it, what I get out of it, how it's still relevant to me.

For example, I used to do game development with this guy I was dating. For a while it was something beautiful that we shared but we were working on his project, not mine, something I had adopted after we started dating. Then we had a really ugly breakup and it almost made me not want to develop anything anymore. As far as I know, he completely left the field (he's completely broken off all contact). But then I realized I still get something out of this work. I still find joy in creating things. So I wasn't going to let his ghost haunt me, and I wrote down all the things that make me feel better about doing this and I claim it for my own!

Xiao Hu

For example, I used to do game development with this guy I was dating. For a while it was something beautiful that we shared but we were working on his project, not mine, something I had adopted after we started dating. Then we had a really ugly breakup and it almost made me not want to develop anything anymore. As far as I know, he completely left the field (he's completely broken off all contact). But then I realized I still get something out of this work. I still find joy in creating things. So I wasn't going to let his ghost haunt me, and I wrote down all the things that make me feel better about doing this and I claim it for my own!

That is motivational/inspirational theft, you scum!


but guys look how happy I was!

I've had similar schisms in the past and how I get over it is by strongly focusing on what I like about it, what I get out of it, how it's still relevant to me.

For example, I used to do game development with this guy I was dating. For a while it was something beautiful that we shared but we were working on his project, not mine, something I had adopted after we started dating. Then we had a really ugly breakup and it almost made me not want to develop anything anymore. As far as I know, he completely left the field (he's completely broken off all contact). But then I realized I still get something out of this work. I still find joy in creating things. So I wasn't going to let his ghost haunt me, and I wrote down all the things that make me feel better about doing this and I claim it for my own!

I will try and continue to do something similar as time unfolds.
I'm working on it.

I have a phobia with pretty much anything related to the responsibilities I had back when I was married (fixing things around the house, certain chores like maintaining the yard, cooking, grocery shopping, paying bills etc).

I haven't let things completely fall by the wayside but those things are still a reminder of my former life.

I suppose if/when I get romantically entangled again will replace those memories completely.

i think many of us can have this issue to varying degrees, and it's awful. i do hope something can spark that change for you, so even the little things can become your own again ♥

@lilith i rent at a close friend's house, so i get caught in eating what their mom cooks or wherever they're ordering from, and then i go out and order stuff for us as a kinda payback for the cooking/ordering me food. there's a cycle of trash eating that's hard to break haha. i try to isolate my food time, but his mom is super generous and always makes extra for me like a 2nd son and would feel guilty declining it


Happiness is great when you have it but by its nature, fleeting.

(I just bought that Sierra Humble Bundle. God help me.)

I wish I had the patience for old games I missed out on but most of them seem too antiquated to go back and play.

(half life series, system shock, KOTOR, many point and click adventures and crpgs)


I wish I had the patience for old games I missed out on but most of them seem too antiquated to go back and play.

(half life series, system shock, KOTOR, many point and click adventures and crpgs)

Old graphics don't usually bother me. It's antiquated interfaces that usually kill the experience.

Seth with hair was quite attractive
Seth without hair is still attractive

Yeah, I was going to say. Looking good, Seth!


irresponsible vagina leak
I recognize that cooking your own meals is the most cost efficient option.

but I guess I'm just lazy!

also back when I was married I did most of the cooking so I guess it reminds me of those days and I'm still trying to get over that.

Im a good cook. Just saying...


Old graphics don't usually bother me. It's antiquated interfaces that usually kill the experience.

Yeah, I was going to say. Looking good, Seth!

same for me re: interfaces and mainly just the gameplay hooks were just so cumbersome back then. as much as I like to shit on modern AAA games there have been so many quality of life improvements over the years it's not even funny.

and thanks! pre-bald old man me did pretty okay with getting dates back in the day.

sucks I've turned into an old, ugly bastard :(


Someone just gave me the first volume of the 2015 Archie comic, I reluctantly read it and to my surprise it's fucking great. What did you do to lose Betty Archie!? What does Jugheads S stand for? these are all questions I need to find the answers to.
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