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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Classical Art Memes is the best page


Well they do something. Management is still a thing, and the people who did develop the housing had to be paid.

Sure there's management, but that's not what people are paying rent for. They're paying rent purely for the privilege of being allowed to live in a house that's owned by someone else. Never mind that people need somewhere to live, you have to pay for the privilege because this other person with money already owns it sorry.

And the people who developed the housing would've been paid by the people who bought the housing in the first place.

What makes a rent price ridiculous in your mind? To me, if people are willing to pay a price for a house to be able to live there then that's not a ridiculous price. If people aren't willing to pay the price, then the renter will have to choose between lowering the price or losing out on rent money altogether. It works itself out in the end.

A rental price may not be to your specific liking, but the economy doesn't work like that. You can't just say "this is how much I think is fair" and have everybody bend over backwards to bow to your specific whim. Otherwise you would have to have a completely separate system for micromanaging who deserves to have what thing based upon what merit or credit they have, and it would end up looking an awful lot like money anyway.

People are willing to pay these prices because they're fucked otherwise. And maybe rent is cheaper outside the cities but all the jobs are in the cities so they'd end up just losing any money they'd save on rent on their commute.

And this might sound a bit out there but I think everyone should have the right to have somewhere to live. I put housing in with healthcare - it should be free for everyone. We manage with the NHS (well, inasmuch as the NHS can manage with it being sucked dry by the Tories), housing should be the same.

Capitalism is the natural way of things. The only other way is to limit human expression and freedom. Suppose we live in some world where everybody has the same exact amount of property, but different skill sets. And suppose my skill set is building nice houses. Well everybody has the same house, but I start building my house to be way nicer than everyone else'. Some of my friends look on in wonder and jealousy, because they want the nicer thing. Because humans always want the nicer thing. There's never a point where you just say "this is enough." So I tell them I'd love to help, but if I start helping then I'd have to sacrifice time I was going to use for other things. They say that's okay, we'll barter for your time! You give us house building and we'll give you something in return. Ta-da! Commerce and capitalism is born. The only way to stop that is to say no, Lili, you can't build nice houses for yourself or anyone else. It's not "fair".

What you described was a market, not capitalism. Market socialism exists. What defines capitalism is capital, i.e. the private ownership of property.

To come up with some analogies:
Capitalism - person owns computer, pays other person to do work for him and gains the profit
Socialism - computer is owned publicly, anyone can use it to do work, they get paid according to their contribution to society

Society has only gotten to where it is today because of ambition. If you can't be better than you used to be, then there's no ambition. We see this even today in communist countries where their artists are floundering. Everything is owned by the government so the people say why bother? I'm not just making this up! I've talked to a couple artists from North Korea about this and that was their exact sentiment.

North Korea isn't a communist country. There hasn't been a communist country. Hell I'd even say there hasn't been a socialist country. I mean Lenin even described the USSR as a state capitalist society.

A happy medium would be nice. Unchecked capitalism is destructive

These insane wealth disparities we have (99% of the wealth concentrated in 1% of the people or whatever the figure is) just because someone had nicer house building skills. It's because of all kinds of bullshit.

Capitalism itself is destructive. It will always end up in a sort of proto-feudalist state - the people who control capital will want to hold onto it, even to the detriment of others. Fortunately for them, the people who control capital have the most power. The people who control capital control the media, they can lobby governments, they can do stuff that normal people just cannot do, because they own the capital to do it.

Social democracy. Though, you don't have to go that far left. Nordic model.

Wait, social democracy is considered far left? To be honest, social democracy isn't good enough. I mean, look at what's happening across Europe - all the social democratic parties are failing


And this might sound a bit out there but I think everyone should have the right to have somewhere to live. I put housing in with healthcare - it should be free for everyone. We manage with the NHS (well, inasmuch as the NHS can manage with it being sucked dry by the Tories), housing should be the same.

Healthcare (physical, mental, hygiene)
Housing (+stuff like sewage, electricity etc that goes with it)
Education (schooling, news)
Communication (internet, mail, phone)
Transportation (inter city, intra city)
Armchair politicians on the internet are the worst. I hate all of you right now

Great, we've reached the 'shut the fuck up' fallacy at which it's time to get democracy by the gun, sword, stone, or nail.

Politics are discussions, not actions (until lack thereof is unavoidable). Are internet discussions deep enough to get anywhere? No, not really, but it is essential that people remain engaged to the idea of there being politics worth discussing. Otherwise it's All Hail The Great Leader, and that's the end of that then.

Also, capitalism is actually a chosen economic strategy to acquire a certain ideological goal (which is the maximised individual liberty within systemic constraints), but I'm trying to be nice about it.

That all said, if you want an in-depth discussion of politics, reading is probably the better option than the internet.
Like the actual Karl Marx and not tertiary sources. And Adam Smith, who is actually not a neoliberal asshole as he has been rebranded by those.
Healthcare (physical, mental, hygiene)
Housing (+stuff like sewage, electricity etc that goes with it)
Education (schooling, news)
Communication (internet, mail, phone)
Transportation (inter city, intra city)

Sounds good to me

who started it ;)

...it was me oops sorry

What did I do :C I have a strict no politics rule on gaf, I barely even mock Trump.

I think people should talk more openly about politics, the tribalism and vitriol surrounding it now is bad and leads to people just becoming more entrenched in their views. I always try to keep things respectful because if I don't it's counterproductive


...it was me oops sorry

I think people should talk more openly about politics, the tribalism and vitriol surrounding it now is bad and leads to people just becoming more entrenched in their views. I always try to keep things respectful because if I don't it's counterproductive

Yeah maybe for you guys, I got a 6 month ban for getting political (well I was also drunk and insulting other users) so I had six months to think about my political views and in that time I came to the conclusion that I'd rather keep them private, plus politics bores me to top that off.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Why are carbs so hard to cut down on


Yeah maybe for you guys, I got a 6 month ban for getting political (well I was also drunk and insulting other users) so I had six months to think about my political views and in that time I came to the conclusion that I'd rather keep them private, plus politics bores me to top that off.

I'm staying at the house of a person who just told me that Hillary winning will cause a civil war. I didn't even get mad because I don't give a shit.


I'm staying at the house of a person who just told me that Hillary winning will cause a civil war. I didn't even get mad because I don't give a shit.

that's good.....God I was so tempted then to say something about Hilary....HhhhhhhmmmmmmI WONT GET POLITICAL!!


There are lots of reasons why, both psychological and biological..but once you cut them out of your diet for an extended period of time the cravings for them significantly lessen.

one week completely carb free and you'll be looking back going "why the fuck does anybody eat carbs"


Smells like fresh rosebuds
That Unlimited servings per container is a blatant lie. You can get 3, maybe 4 servings out before they start complaininh,


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Double post just to say I fucking hate anytime a thread about copyright comes up on GAF, so many ignorant people and armchair lawyers come out the woodwork.

A company has the right to protect its work

If you are uploading shit online you don't own, eg, game OSTs, video, etc and not something like a LP you are wrong, no matter how much we might like it.
Double post just to say I fucking hate anytime a thread about copyright comes up on GAF, so many ignorant people and armchair lawyers come out the woodwork.

A company has the right to protect its work

If you are uploading shit online you don't own, eg, game OSTs, video, etc and not something like a LP you are wrong, no matter how much we might like it.

Imagine how I feel reading that shit as an employee.
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