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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Wrestling is great and there are WAY worse ways of making money

Like private rent >_>

Renting your privates? Sounds like prostitution to me!

No, but seriously, there's plenty of wilderness to go out and live in if you don't want to rent from somebody who spent the time and money to develop the land for you! ;)

the tradeoff is spoon parity... sorry this is the one thing I have on you so I feel the need to highlight it...

also unsurprised to see that over the shoulder programming lessons weren't very fruitful.. that said.. if she has a genuine interest, I think once the initial hump is gotten over and the basic concepts are grasped, progress will become much faster.

to be clear and reiterate, that wasn't my idea to begin with. I just went along with it because I figured it couldn't hurt, and it didn't. And I doubt the fascination lasts longer than a week, all things considered. She has the right brain for it (strong in math and language skills) but not necessarily the right motivation (afaik just doing it to understand me better).

I also feel compelled to point out that this is spooning.


What you're doing is panning.



Smells like fresh rosebuds
Ohan, I hate armchair politicians. A friend of mine is complaining about government in the business of businesses and that is why we need socialism when the very point of socialism is government involvement in businesses. But oh well, I'm beyond the point of arguing with people.

On a different note, holy god I forgot how perfect the GBA SP was.
Ohan, I hate armchair politicians. A friend of mine is complaining about government in the business of businesses and that is why we need socialism when the very point of socialism is government involvement in businesses. But oh well, I'm beyond the point of arguing with people.

On a different note, holy god I forgot how perfect the GBA SP was.

not to open this can of worms but that is not the point of socialism.


I also feel compelled to point out that this is spooning.

I'm the big spoon, you have to be dumb equal spoons!

I can't figure out panning

and it's cool that she wants to understand you better, but as you say I don't think that's sufficient motivation to really progress in it.. I only got anywhere because I was working towrads a result *I* wanted to achieve

Oh I forgot that Erica is rather petit. Her smaller size would be very tight around your hard abs and pecs and ������������


I've never tried to wear her clothes actually, it would be really futile, and I joking aside I have no interest in cross dressing
Wrestling is dumb, but they are very talented at being very stupid.


Never thought we'd agree on something about wrestling

Renting your privates? Sounds like prostitution to me!

No, but seriously, there's plenty of wilderness to go out and live in if you don't want to rent from somebody who spent the time and money to develop the land for you! ;)
Pretty sure the people who own flats and houses around here and rent them out at ridiculous prices had no part in actually devloping the buildings. You know, since buy-to-let is a thing with it's own specific mortgages.

Xiao Hu

On a different note, holy god I forgot how perfect the GBA SP was.

Fuck yeah! Along side the VITA my favourite handheld of all time.

I do it sparingly, It's more of a spiritual thing for me, when my depression is getting bad I go out into nature and the weed helps me appreciate how good life is.

I usually wank/used to fuck when the mood went down. Nowadays not even that helps anymore.


Fuck yeah! Along side the VITA my favourite handheld of all time.

I usually wank/used to fuck when the mood went down. Nowadays not even that helps anymore.

Wanking only makes me feel worse when I'm depressed, sex can help if it's with someone you care about. To lift my mood I do all sorts of weird shit, i listen to old U2 records in the dark, I have to have a super pleasant social interaction with a stranger and the thing that brings my mood up the best is a piece of media I can really dig my teeth into and be absorbed by.

Xiao Hu

Playing zero mission rn on the toilet. Godly

I just love how compact the design is. Plus the integrated lamp was very useful for nightly gaming sessions. And of course don't forget the games library that in my opinion is still unmatched by both the DS and the 3DS.


3DS and DS had some good games (like the three Castlevania games on DS) but both libraries are/were very polluted by ugly low poly crap. GBA is the best handheld.

Xiao Hu

3DS and DS had some good games (like the three Castlevania games on DS) but both libraries are/were very polluted by ugly low poly crap. GBA SP is the best handheld.


I have no patience left. I want to know what the NX is for fucks sake! 😠😠😠



I have no patience left. I want to know what the NX is for fucks sake! 😠😠😠

wouldn't it be weird to know what it is for a long time and not be able to say

and of course. the original non-backlit GBA was fucking stupid. I can't believe something with such an impossibly hard to see screen was ever deemed fit for sale.
Go away. I was being hyperbolic and you know it.
I mean

The underlying point is still one that is a general misconception. The point of socialism is the abolition of private property* which doesn't necessarily need a government. Libertarian socialism exists as a thing, ans even in the Marxist communist theory he said that once we'd reached communism the state would wither away and so be a classless, stateless society

*private property =/= personal property. Private property is property that can currently be exploited for financial gain

Having said that

I have no idea what your friend is talking about

Xiao Hu

wouldn't it be weird to know what it is for a long time and not be able to say

Kind of, I guess. But at least you know where the ship is sailing and can focus on other more important stuff than the countless speculation threads in Gaming. It better be fucking worth it for all the stress it causes >.<
Pretty sure the people who own flats and houses around here and rent them out at ridiculous prices had no part in actually devloping the buildings. You know, since buy-to-let is a thing with it's own specific mortgages.

Well they do something. Management is still a thing, and the people who did develop the housing had to be paid.

What makes a rent price ridiculous in your mind? To me, if people are willing to pay a price for a house to be able to live there then that's not a ridiculous price. If people aren't willing to pay the price, then the renter will have to choose between lowering the price or losing out on rent money altogether. It works itself out in the end.

A rental price may not be to your specific liking, but the economy doesn't work like that. You can't just say "this is how much I think is fair" and have everybody bend over backwards to bow to your specific whim. Otherwise you would have to have a completely separate system for micromanaging who deserves to have what thing based upon what merit or credit they have, and it would end up looking an awful lot like money anyway.

Capitalism is the natural way of things. The only other way is to limit human expression and freedom. Suppose we live in some world where everybody has the same exact amount of property, but different skill sets. And suppose my skill set is building nice houses. Well everybody has the same house, but I start building my house to be way nicer than everyone else'. Some of my friends look on in wonder and jealousy, because they want the nicer thing. Because humans always want the nicer thing. There's never a point where you just say "this is enough." So I tell them I'd love to help, but if I start helping then I'd have to sacrifice time I was going to use for other things. They say that's okay, we'll barter for your time! You give us house building and we'll give you something in return. Ta-da! Commerce and capitalism is born. The only way to stop that is to say no, Lili, you can't build nice houses for yourself or anyone else. It's not "fair".

Society has only gotten to where it is today because of ambition. If you can't be better than you used to be, then there's no ambition. We see this even today in communist countries where their artists are floundering. Everything is owned by the government so the people say why bother? I'm not just making this up! I've talked to a couple artists from North Korea about this and that was their exact sentiment.

I'm the big spoon, you have to be dumb equal spoons!

I can't figure out panning

and it's cool that she wants to understand you better, but as you say I don't think that's sufficient motivation to really progress in it.. I only got anywhere because I was working towrads a result *I* wanted to achieve

I guess there are lots of things besides pans that you nest in each other. Measuring spoons and cups, matryoshka dolls, baking tins. But the point I was making is that there doesn't necessarily have to be a bigger spoon.


A happy medium would be nice. Unchecked capitalism is destructive

These insane wealth disparities we have (99% of the wealth concentrated in 1% of the people or whatever the figure is) just because someone had nicer house building skills. It's because of all kinds of bullshit.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I'm fine with hating all forms of inherently flawed government and never being satisfied with any form of government really because a utopia is the only thing that can satisfy us and it's impossible

It's good to come up with "the next best" solution, but I'm just gonna go ahead and hate it for not being the best
Those games are shit. It doesn't make any sense for Gundam to be a 2D fighter, that would be like a Star Trek 2D fighter. Aside from side series like G and Build Fighters, the entire message of Gundam is: War is bad, it fucks everyone up there are no good or bad guys, just misery. You shoulda been playing Rise from the Ashes 0079 or Gihren's Greed.
Oh I know. I used to be really big into Gundam back in the day (anime, manga, models, etc). My brother's a huge fan and put me onto it.

As for games, I really liked the 2D fighters, but my favorites were the 3D games. On PS1, aside from the Battle Assault series, I played Char's Counterattack. On PS2, the ones I remember playing are Zeonic Front, Federation vs Zeon, and Encounters in Space. I don't think I've ever played Gihren's Greed. If it wasn't released in the west, then I definitely didn't.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
A happy medium would be nice. Unchecked capitalism is destructive

These insane wealth disparities we have (99% of the wealth concentrated in 1% of the people or whatever the figure is) just because someone had nicer house building skills. It's because of all kinds of bullshit.
Social democracy. Though, you don't have to go that far left. Nordic model.

Xiao Hu

This is not how housing markets work for people of the lower earning spectrum. People at this level of society don't have much of a choice with choosing where to live since there is in fact a lack of affordable housing in parts of the western world (like the UK for example). Landlords 'shamelessly' take advantage of this situation, yes it's their property and hence their right to make profit out of it. But the way privately held housing has developed in the last couple of years is disgusting. Either a big real estate company will buy out the only available cheap houses/flats and enforce higher rents (even on tenants who lived there before the transfer of ownership) or a private person will suck out the money out of you because they simply can.


the capitalism argument sounds a lot better if you imagine a world where everyone starts on equal footing and goes out and offers what they can

but that's not the case at all. most poor people were born into lives of little or no opportunity and most rich people were born into lives of opportunity

a lot of people who would have so much to offer just have their gifts and talents and potential go to waste because they were born into shit lives with nothing

Xiao Hu

the capitalism argument sounds a lot better if you imagine a world where everyone starts on equal footing and goes out and offers what they can

but that's not the case at all. most poor people were born into lives of little or no opportunity and most rich people were born into lives of opportunity

a lot of people who would have so much to offer just have their gifts and talents and potential go to waste because they were born into shit lives with nothing

Exactly. We live in a system that wastes talents and possibilities because of controlled poverty, sexism, racism, etc. As an economist I am appalled how our society 'works'.


Exactly. We live in a system that wastes talents and possibilities because of controlled poverty, sexism, racism, etc. As an economist I am appalled how our society 'works'.

System is designed to keep poor people poor. Hard work isn't rewarded; wealth is rewarded


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
the capitalism argument sounds a lot better if you imagine a world where everyone starts on equal footing and goes out and offers what they can

but that's not the case at all. most poor people were born into lives of little or no opportunity and most rich people were born into lives of opportunity

a lot of people who would have so much to offer just have their gifts and talents and potential go to waste because they were born into shit lives with nothing
The problem with our capitalism is that it needs to become capitalism for everybody.

We're so far entrenched in the society we've created that changing social awareness is now essentially incompatible with the white man's world that built it, and it's struggling to find a new identity that supports the idea of capitalism for everybody without taking away from what people already have. I don't know how to solve it, really, but it is a problem.


I could be someone who would make a better house than everyone else, but this potential is never realized because, for example, I live in a single parent home in abject poverty and my one parent is never around and I go to a shitty school with bad teachers and generally everyone around me is dragging me down and the entire area I live in and everyone i know is a morass and bereft of any hope or any chance to leave

sure, the rare truly exceptional person may rise above all of this, but why can't I just be kind of a good house builder and still be rewarded for my house building talents?

The problem with our capitalism is that it needs to become capitalism for everybody.

We're so far entrenched in the society we've created that changing social awareness is now essentially incompatible with the white man's world that built it, and it's struggling to find a new identity that supports the idea of capitalism for everybody without taking away from what people already have. I don't know how to solve it, really, but it is a problem.

the wealth gap -- the concentration of wealth among so few -- is sickening, it's not due to any merit, it's not moral, and it's increasingly corroding our social fabric and will eventually become dangerous to society as a whole


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I could be someone who would make a better house than everyone else, but this potential is never realized because, for example, I live in a single parent home in abject poverty and my one parent is never around and I go to a shitty school with bad teachers and generally everyone around me is dragging me down and the entire area I live in and everyone i know is a morass and bereft of any hope or any chance to leave

sure, the rare truly exceptional person may rise above all of this, but why can't I just be kind of a good house builder and still be rewarded for my house building talents?
As someone who's been in the classroom, this post hurts. I saw a lot of kids that were probably going nowhere because of their social status or home life that were otherwise above average. And it's like, there's nothing you can really do but try to give them the support that you can.

I did witness some strong seeds that were fighting against the flow with all they had, though. I had a straight A, heavily involved student with a fucking crazy mom and a terrible life. Her older sister was a wreck though, so yeah, not everyone is capable of being that person.
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