A lot of gas giants.
Chocolate poptarts are so damn gdlike, I swear.
I was such a fucking asshole in Bad Company 2. I loved that game so much.Sometimes. I used to snipe from two bases away in bfbc2 and would pick the gunners out of helicopters. Once got a double headshot when both enemies were in the woods and just popped beyond render distance.
The daylight burns
Is Downwell supposed to have no sound?
Why can't I stop playing Splinter Cell: Blacklist.
Why can't I stop trying to perfect the Grim stealth missions?!
I just listed Splatoon on Amazon for cheaper than any other seller *wink wink nudge nudge*
I could buy this from the Humble Bundle and kind of really want to. But boy, do I hate downloading games through Uplay.
Sorry, I don't pay money for TRASH.
Chuck Tingle won a Hugo Award as part of all the sad puppies fuckery
I'm dying
...I'm pretty sure rugby is British. Specifically, from the town RugbyCricket is very confusing to me
I'am less confused about Rugby though. An anonymous Australian dude looked at American football, flip it off and called all those padded players 'pussies' and decided to create Rugby as a response to it.
Rugby is Australian af
e: TBH about Cricket bats though, shit would look hella handy in a street fighter. Not sure about hockey sticks.
...I'm pretty sure rugby is British
And what's not to understand about cricket?
Everything :0
Everything :0
Man throws ball at sticks balanced on other sticks
Other man hits ball with bat
Batboy then runs back and forth between two sets of sticks
If balanced stick falls off, batboy is out
What's not to get?
do i buy overwatch
do i buy overwatch
Imagine Team Fortress Classic but with more personality and a ton of characters to choose from and unlock skins for and shit
That's basically what it is
I'm having fun with it.
I'am less confused about Rugby though. An anonymous Australian dude looked at American football, flip it off and called all those padded players 'pussies' and decided to create Rugby as a response to it.
Rugby is Australian af
He should be reasonably punished, but Rot in a cell for merely VIEWING such vile materials? C'mon now, that's way too harsh. Unless of course he taped the videos he had on his laptop. ..
Tracer is bae
An entire freakin' team of Junkrats...why?!
Oh my god awesome. Thes One used a sample from this song in Where The Piecelock Ends (at 4:00) and it's my favorite part of the mix. Never knew what the source material was, thank you Em.