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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Old man


I'm sorry I can't read this post. Being an old man and all I'm nearly blind.

I find this gif very inspiring.


Crazy seeing it time lapsed like that.

I thankfully never needed braces.


What's the source of that gif? Looks hilarious... lol
Peter Pan live, where hook was Christopher Walken, Pan was a woman, and the age difference made any romance between her and Wendy creepy.

I have a friend who might benefit from looking at depression GAF OT l, but GAF is my last great safe haven. No one irl knows of it. It's like my Fern Gully.



Considering that Pan was played by a woman, I don't know how to process that...

I have a friend who might benefit from looking at depression GAF OT l, but GAF is my last great safe haven. No one irl knows of it. It's like my Fern Gully.

We're not that creepy, GAF is not that creepy... right... right? :d
They are the greatest! How can you not love them lol

Not to mention yelling MEEEEEEEERKATS while making a meerkat pose makes me laugh every time

This floor I'm laying on is also the tits


soundgarden has a new album!?!?

It's just a rarities album they just released, Echo of Miles. Some of it is cool. As for some others, I can see why they weren't released before.

King Animal was their last official album in 2012. I for one think it's damn good.
Dorian: I hope it doesn't bother you to travel alongside a "Vint," Iron Bull.
Iron Bull: That what you are? You people all kind of look the same to me.
Dorian: I'm also a mage. Would you prefer me bound and leashed?
Iron Bull: I'd buy you dinner first.
Dorian: Hopefully before you sewed my mouth shut.
Iron Bull: Depends how much you keep yapping.

The party banter in this game is GOAT.

I do totally read every snarky comment I make in Dorian's voice now.
Dorian: Where did you get all those arrows, Sera? You've got hundreds.
Sera: From your arse!
Dorian: Well my arse should open up a shop! Apparently it's quite prolific.

-avatar quote-


What's way more important than the early gameplay footage of LoZ being not that impressive is that Yuropian peasants get Codename S.T.E.A.M. two months after NA. Like, what the frig. 😱


If you told me Uncharted 4 was running on a PS2 I'd almost believe you

Looks much better than when I run Tomb Raider PC version on my 290x. Heck, it looks better than anything I'm playing right now. Now let's imagine Uncharted on PC... it would blow anything out of the water, except for maybe the Witcher 3.

I lol'd when Drake whe to opblivion under the map or what the hell hapeened there :loool

Say what??
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