I feel ignored in this thread.
Gonna need a receipt.
I'd screenshot mine but I don't think there's a way to do it on PS3.
Do you still feel ignored?
DA:I is in the PS3 too? Holy Molly, performance must be... something.
I still feel ignored.
Air Force
I swore in yesterday so you may now refer to me as Airman First Class [my last name]
Whatever this is, I need it.
Meerkats baby, meerkats
Best hairstyle.
But PewDiePie is involved in this.
Now I'm conflicted.
Actually did get my hair cut like that this afternoon lol
What a pretty boy.
He's really attractive. And he's doing great work with showing people some smaller titles. Brings the indies a lot of sales. I am glad he's doing what he's doing even though I don't personally like his style of LPing.PewDiePie is a QewTiePie. He needs to stop talking and just sit and look pretty.
Just order it online god.
I've been busy with work (stupid holidays) and with military processing (which is pretty much torture btw) so...yeah.
P.S. Dragons do sleep through winter. They don't want to do much else because it's cold and awful.
I'm scared to look through mine. I know teenage me liked some fucking stupid shit.
Mine doesn't go that far back, phew. I added some reaaaally bad videos in just the last year, don't want to think about what I might have added 6-7 years ago. Probably some SUPER FUNNY gamer stuff. Blehh.
I'm so glad I wasn't active on any forums as a teenager. Oh god, the cringe would be too much. I cringe at some shit I posted just three or four years ago tbh. My maturation is now complete thankfully. Except when I drink.
I feel so bad for the kids growing up with Facebook.
I'm so glad I wasn't active on any forums as a teenager. Oh god, the cringe would be too much. I cringe at some shit I posted just three or four years ago tbh. My maturation is now complete thankfully. Except when I drink.
They'll delete and remake once they hit 24 or so.
XIII.net forums helped unjackass me.
Looking back just once is still enough for a lifetime of cringe :S
Trauma that could only be matched by a Linkin Park signature.
I never really got into Linkin Park, but I had something even worse...
Myphase, when I was around 14-15. UGGGGGHH. I was an angsty little shit. :negman:Korn/Slipknot
That's what I thought until I went back and listened to them a few years agoNothing wrong with Korn, man!
I was in love with "bad boys" like Fred Durst and the like back then. Not ashamed of that, he was quite cute.
I just remember seeing the video for Freak on a Leash on TRL.
I was watching for Britney and NSYNC not that TRASH.
Ewww NSYNC. Backstreet Boys 4 lyfe.
There's a skype group?
Am I still in it though or did I get removed for being inactive for too long?
I removed like 8 or 9 people who hadn't visited in ages. Don't specifically remember who.
Nothing wrong with Korn, man!
I scream for ice cream and it's tasty
awww yissss