Lmao, how asinine. Banning yoga pants and nudity. And giving cops carte blanche to arrest whoever they feel is dressed too provocatively. What could possibly go wrong?
"Party of small government" my ass.
You sure do listen to some drivel Jake.
Eurovision 2015 can't come soon enough, you really need to get that eurotrash out of your system.
Where's that from?
Y'all sound mad about it tbh.
Someone has to fight your CONSTANT Alexandra Stan stanning
Talking about Romanian queens, there's this huge, turbogay Romanian bodybuilder that trains with her SMOLDERING, tiny sister at my local gym.
She has an ass like a flan, I swear.
Talking about Romanian queens, there's this huge, turbogay Romanian bodybuilder that trains with her SMOLDERING, tiny sister at my local gym.
She has an ass like a flan, I swear.
Turbogay? lol
Is he flamboyant or something?
I feel terrible for asking that question.
Dude is a massive manmountain with bleached hair and the queerest demanour. She's a (fit as all hell) tiny sexpot with jet black hair and a mousy nose. They train together. It's like they amplify each other's presence.
I cannot believe I'll be watching her live in a few months.
Tie me up and dominate me.
But holy fuck at 6'9". Also, teehee double entendres.
Pope says people who don't have children are selfish. Didn't he just say the other week that people shouldn't breed like rabbits?
Make up your mind, breh. God must be suffering a major identity crisis right now. Sending him all these mixed messages and shit.
I found a stand generator.
windam's stand is Echoing Light, capable of negating lasers! Rank: EX
you know nothing's stand is Hanged Light, capable of killing cars! Rank: E+
Turin's stand is Balls of Supervisor, capable of storing/releasing victories! Rank: C-
Funky Papa's stand is Moon Dry, capable of creating repulsion! Rank: F
Tiddums's stand is Wheel of Pink, capable of eating sound! Rank: C+
It won the PK. Dick award so it must be good.
Edit: and a Hugo award finalist... O:
I found a stand generator.
windam's stand is Echoing Light, capable of negating lasers! Rank: EX
you know nothing's stand is Hanged Light, capable of killing cars! Rank: E+
Turin's stand is Balls of Supervisor, capable of storing/releasing victories! Rank: C-
Funky Papa's stand is Moon Dry, capable of creating repulsion! Rank: F
Tiddums's stand is Wheel of Pink, capable of eating sound! Rank: C+
Made for Grindr users.
Getting a free copy of Alien: Isolation and two other games. Thank you based Radeon voucher.
What Radeon card did you get?
Welcome to team Red!! Aww yeah.
my old beard trimmer died and i do not have the cable to charge it. My beard isn't the neatest thing right now. should I spend 15 more bucks to get a replacement today or save 15 and get it tuesday via amazon. :\
Bought a new PC for $570. 260x. Fairly low end. But it will be good enough for now. And I plan on upgrading it eventually.
Saving money always takes precedence.
I'll sell you my gtx 970 if ye want. R7 260x, you pretty much have an Xbox One right there.
Good Enough For Now