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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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This is also glorious.


Also, I hope that they don't shove him into Civil War just for the sake of it. If they, for whatever reason, play that story straight and have him take off his mask, what would be the point of it? We would have only just met this guy. Post credits cameo would be the best for him.
That was goddamn amazing.

Yeah, I think a cameo is best for him too. Establish he exists, but he doesn't need a big role in the story.
Garfield was leagues ahead of whiny Toby Maguire, regardless what you think of their respective films

Toby Magwhine
You take that back, bro.


That was goddamn amazing.

Yeah, I think a cameo is best for him too. Establish he exists, but he doesn't need a big role in the story.

You take that back, bro.
Oh, you're gonna love what I'm about to say here, Droidy.

Garfield was leagues ahead of whiny Toby Maguire, regardless what you think of their respective films

Toby Magwhine
Nope. Garfield's Parker was awful, hateful person and only dragged down his Spidey along with it (not that it was all that good in the first place with that "TRUE TO THE COMICS!" quipping). I mean, he's probably a better actor than Maguire, but when it comes to selling a scene in a Spiderman movie, Tobey comes out on top. It's a pity though that I can't find the scene in Spidey 2 online where he tells Aunt May that he was responsible for Ben's death, because if there's any one scene in the entire set of movies made thus far that showcase Peter's development as a character, hell, when it comes to owning up to past actions, it's this one. You cannot tell me that Garfield was better in the role than Tobey was and have almost nothing to back that statement up. Is it because:

Garfield's Spidey isn't burdened by the weight of guilt, as all those close to him suffered their own demise by their own actions?

The fact that they don't show how difficult it is to be the morally right one in the situation where reality gets in the way of that (one of the reasons Spiderman 2 is the best superhero movie was because of this)?

The moments where we see Peter swinging about like a cool cat by having him start his relationship with Gwen simply by thwiping your web on her and pulling her into your arms, while later sweeping her off her feet by giving her a kiss in front of a cheering crowd at your graduation (yes, because his Peter isn't a total Gary Stu already)?

Is this what you like about Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker over Maguire's rendition? Because Garfield's Pete was the "AWESOOOOME, I so wish that was me", too cool for school slickster and not the "down on his luck, burdened because of guilt and reality" alleged "whinebag" that Maguire was selling? Because I feel that it's time we took a look back and peel away the surface level illusion of what it means to be the main character in a Spiderman movie.


Scaley member
Oh, you're gonna love what I'm about to say here, Droidy.

Nope. Garfield's Parker was awful, hateful person and only dragged down his Spidey along with it (not that it was all that good in the first place with that "TRUE TO THE COMICS!" quipping). I mean, he's probably a better actor than Maguire, but when it comes to selling a scene in a Spiderman movie, Tobey comes out on top. It's a pity though that I can't find the scene in Spidey 2 online where he tells Aunt May that he was responsible for Ben's death, because if there's any one scene in the entire set of movies made thus far that showcase Peter's development as a character, hell, when it comes to owning up to past actions, it's this one. You cannot tell me that Garfield was better in the role than Tobey was and have almost nothing to back that statement up. Is it because:

Garfield's Spidey isn't burdened by the weight of guilt, as all those close to him suffered their own demise by their own actions?

The fact that they don't show how difficult it is to be the morally right one in the situation where reality gets in the way of that (one of the reasons Spiderman 2 is the best superhero movie was because of this)?

The moments where we see Peter swinging about like a cool cat by having him start his relationship with Gwen simply by thwiping your web on her and pulling her into your arms, while later sweeping her off her feet by giving her a kiss in front of a cheering crowd at your graduation (yes, because his Peter isn't a total Gary Stu already)?

Is this what you like about Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker over Maguire's rendition? Because Garfield's Pete was the "AWESOOOOME, I so wish that was me", too cool for school slickster and not the "down on his luck, burdened because of guilt and reality" alleged "whinebag" that Maguire was selling? Because I feel that it's time we took a look back and peel away the surface level illusion of what it means to be the main character in a Spiderman movie.

yeah but tobey's peter was all gross with organic webs and shit i mean spiders don't naturally produce webs and shit they just stick to shit and can punch through walls and lift cars

checkmate, atheists
Australia is participating in this year's Eurovision. Congratulations to Adam, Lisa, and all other Australians.



is anyone NOT watching Better Call Saul?

this is going to be so different for me since I basically binged the entire Breaking Bad series over a month or two
Austraila? But...they're not anywhere near Europe. What's next, French Guiana? *snort snort*

The US needs to be allowed to join. Everyone else is just scared because American exceptionalism would mean we'd win every year.

is anyone NOT watching Better Call Saul?

this is going to be so different for me since I basically binged the entire Breaking Bad series over a month or two

Bad people who probably smell.

I binged most of Breaking Bad then watched season 5B while it was airing.

Funky Papa

Austraila? But...they're not anywhere near Europe. What's next, French Guiana? *snort snort*

here, let me edumacate the dumbdumbs in this forum with pearls of sapience

Eligible participants include Active Members (as opposed to Associate Members) of the EBU. Active members are those who are located in states that fall within the European Broadcasting Area, or are member states of the Council of Europe.[24]

The European Broadcasting Area is defined by the International Telecommunication Union:[25]

The "European Broadcasting Area" is bounded on the west by the western boundary of Region 1, on the east by the meridian 40° East of Greenwich and on the south by the parallel 30° North so as to include the northern part of Saudi Arabia and that part of those countries bordering the Mediterranean within these limits. In addition, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and those parts of the territories of Iraq, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey and Ukraine lying outside the above limits are included in the European Broadcasting Area.[a]

The western boundary of Region 1 is defined by a line running from the North Pole along meridian 10° West of Greenwich to its intersection with parallel 72° North; thence by great circle arc to the intersection of meridian 50° West and parallel 40° North; thence by great circle arc to the intersection of meridian 20° West and parallel 10° South; thence along meridian 20° West to the South Pole.[27]

Active members include broadcasting organisations whose transmissions are made available to at least 98% of households in their own country which are equipped to receive such transmissions.[24]

If an EBU Active Member wishes to participate, they must fulfil conditions as laid down by the rules of the contest (of which a separate copy is drafted annually). As of 2014, this includes the necessity to have broadcast the previous year's programme within their country, and paid the EBU a participation fee in advance of the deadline specified in the rules of the contest for the year in which they wish to participate.[citation needed]

Eligibility to participate is not determined by geographic inclusion within the continent of Europe, despite the "Euro" in "Eurovision" – nor does it have any relation to the European Union. Several countries geographically outside the boundaries of Europe have competed: Israel and Cyprus in Western Asia (Cyprus is a member of the Council of Europe and a member state of the European Union), since 1973 and 1981 respectively; Australia in the Australian continent, in 2015[28] and Morocco, in North Africa, in the 1980 competition alone. In addition, several transcontinental countries with only part of their territory in Europe have competed: Turkey, since 1975; Russia, since 1994; Armenia, since 2006; Georgia, since 2007; and Azerbaijan, which made its first appearance in the 2008 edition.[29]

is anyone NOT watching Better Call Saul?

this is going to be so different for me since I basically binged the entire Breaking Bad series over a month or two

I love how it's deeply rooted in Breaking Bad yet totally doing its own thing. We are only one episode in, but it feels like the perfect spin-off.
Oh, you're gonna love what I'm about to say here, Droidy.

Nope. Garfield's Parker was awful, hateful person and only dragged down his Spidey along with it (not that it was all that good in the first place with that "TRUE TO THE COMICS!" quipping). I mean, he's probably a better actor than Maguire, but when it comes to selling a scene in a Spiderman movie, Tobey comes out on top. It's a pity though that I can't find the scene in Spidey 2 online where he tells Aunt May that he was responsible for Ben's death, because if there's any one scene in the entire set of movies made thus far that showcase Peter's development as a character, hell, when it comes to owning up to past actions, it's this one. You cannot tell me that Garfield was better in the role than Tobey was and have almost nothing to back that statement up. Is it because:

Garfield's Spidey isn't burdened by the weight of guilt, as all those close to him suffered their own demise by their own actions?

The fact that they don't show how difficult it is to be the morally right one in the situation where reality gets in the way of that (one of the reasons Spiderman 2 is the best superhero movie was because of this)?

The moments where we see Peter swinging about like a cool cat by having him start his relationship with Gwen simply by thwiping your web on her and pulling her into your arms, while later sweeping her off her feet by giving her a kiss in front of a cheering crowd at your graduation (yes, because his Peter isn't a total Gary Stu already)?

Is this what you like about Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker over Maguire's rendition? Because Garfield's Pete was the "AWESOOOOME, I so wish that was me", too cool for school slickster and not the "down on his luck, burdened because of guilt and reality" alleged "whinebag" that Maguire was selling? Because I feel that it's time we took a look back and peel away the surface level illusion of what it means to be the main character in a Spiderman movie.

Can't be arsed to read the same argument about the film itsself again when I was talking about the acting. Fuck the writing and all that, as Spidey, I think Garfield nailed it.

Also goddamn that's a lot of words for a film that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of anything. People get really worked up about these don't they.


Scaley member
Fuck the writing and all that, as Spidey, I think Garfield nailed it.

Then that would have been due to the script (the way he was written), and the tone they wanted to go for with the ASM films. They feel totally different from Raimi's.

To each their own.

At least we can all agree that if a game doesn't have a 96+ Metacritic score, it's trash.


Tobey Maguire was awful. Like, soul crushingly awful and next level bland, he was a charisma vacuum. Kirsten Dunst too, just emotionless. Every scene with them looked like they just filmed a table read.

Garfield and Stone were fair more attractive, believable, animated and just plain watchable. ASM was much better than the Raimi films, even if it still wasn't great.

I don't care which one was more representative of the source material though, I don't read comics.


Can't be arsed to read the same argument about the film itsself again when I was talking about the acting. Fuck the writing and all that, as Spidey, I think Garfield nailed it.

Also goddamn that's a lot of words for a film that doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of anything. People get really worked up about these don't they.
His Spiderman (as I've stated before) just proves that adding something like overly snarky quips every other second on film just doesn't work. It's not endearing, it's not funny, and with an already dislikeable off mask persona, it only exacerbates what's wrong with ripping an idea straight from the comics and slapping it to a different medium without any regard as to why it worked in the comic. I'm sorry, but the acting did not help matters because of that.

Tobey Maguire was awful. Like, soul crushingly awful and next level bland, he was a charisma vacuum. Kirsten Dunst too, just emotionless. Every scene with them looked like they just filmed a table read.

Garfield and Stone were fair more attractive, believable, animated and just plain watchable. ASM was much better than the Raimi films, even if it still wasn't great.

I don't care which one was more representative of the source material though, I don't read comics.
I find it funny that somehow, attractiveness is some sort of positive in regards to why the leads were better. But it isn't just that. You know that oh so talked about scene where we see
Gwen kick the bucket
. Riddle me this...
what exactly did Peter and Gwen, as a couple, do to earn that moment? Well...they kiss...they talk...they break up...three times in total throughout two whole movies...and what does this all amount to? NOTHING! There was nothing there for us to care about them as a couple other than, "awww, ain't that cute?" Gwen Stacy, as a character in this movie, is just not at all that interesting once you peel away her exterior. You would think something like her father's death would be something that we would see personally affecting her in some level, but nope. We just didn't care enough about them to make it seem like Gwen's death actually mattered. And if you really think performance alone elevates that into something meaningful, well, I'm afraid not, my dear

Funky Papa


Orphan Black's Michael Mando (aka Vic the dick) is playing one of Tuco's luteniants in Better Call Saul.

I've just lost the ability to can.
Not me having an actual sex dream for the first time in recent memory. I love/hate my brain.

Querlfrend intends to take me to the premiere of 50 Shades of Caca.

The prospects both excite me and terrify me.

Don't support abusive relationships being passed off as BDSM.

Don't support terrible writing.

Don't support TRASH in its purest form.


Orphan Black's Michael Mando (aka Vic the dick) is playing one of Tuco's luteniants in Better Call Saul.

I've just lost the ability to can.


Also Vas in Far Cry 3. Ayy lmao.
His Spiderman (as I've stated before) just proves that adding something like overly snarky quips every other second on film just doesn't work. It's not endearing, it's not funny, and with an already dislikeable off mask persona, it only exacerbates what's wrong with ripping an idea straight from the comics and slapping it to a different medium without any regard as to why it worked in the comic. I'm sorry, but the acting did not help matters because of that.

God damnit, this is so on point.

I thought the quips were super weird, and much preferred the Maguire Spiderman movies (except for the 3rd one, but that one was an abomination.)


There's NO WAY some of those weren't intentional. I mean, what Superman had to come from some sex doll manufacturer reusing molds or some shit.

Unrelated: If you haven't heard the latest album from Carpenter Brut, get into it. Dat Paradise Warfare.

We had a little talk about Carpenter Brut in BritGAF couple days ago, good stuff. Love Division Ruine.
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