Who's windam?
the reason why fakegaf still a thing.
without my triple hell even sometimes quadruple posting in the threads of olde we'd never have made it this far
He should have become best friends with Ian McKellan too.
And post more.
i miss Halo's windam gifs
You fucking guys. I wanted to find out about gay marriage on The Daily Show. The least you could do is spoiler your posts, geez.
I sure hope someone doesn't spoil The Passion for me.Has spoiler culture gone too far?
Aerith dies.
I roll with Aerith but #TeamTifa anyway.
You just prefer Tifa because of her boobs. Filthy breeder scum!
Nah, fuck this spelling.
Aerith 4 lyf. Much more aesthetically pleasing. Pronounced the same anyway.
I prefer Tifa because she kicks ass. And I hope they give her even more of a boob reduction just to see people cry about it.
Aerith, Aeris. Doesn't sound the same to me.
Hmm, I really hope they do. Her extreme bustiness will just look even more awkward with new HD graphics.
And I hope they give her some pants. Seriously.
Her wardrobe does not need to be faithfully adapted.
Her Advent Children garb is perfect. A good blend of practical and pretty.
man some of these women in the womens world cup right now are mad cute
I like how it's like double or triple the pace of men's football.
It's almost like watching a basketball game.
I'm afraid I'm not quite there yet.You fucking guys.
I want to save the image for archival reasons, but it won't let me.Once you look at NeoGAF's new beach ball, you don't stop looking at it. o.o
I'm afraid I'm not quite there yet.
I'm afraid I'm not quite there yet.
I want to save the image for archival reasons, but it won't let me.
I mean the whole goddamn thing. Including the "Love" part.
I mean the whole goddamn thing. Including the "Love" part.
That mobile GayGaf logo is fucking with my mind.
God is not real. Let me die already.
Can someone shop a Confederate flag behind me? As a Christian dragon, I feel it is important that my views be expressed as well. I don't have anything against gays, but I would like to express the pride I feel for my heritage and religion, and what they stand for.
Can someone shop a Confederate flag behind me? As a Christian dragon, I feel it is important that my views be expressed as well. I don't have anything against gays, but I would like to express the pride I feel for my heritage and religion, and what they stand for.
You're Canadian...
who are you to tell me what i am and what i'm not i was told i can be anything; i am a fucking southern Christian Time Dragon, Dark Lord and Master of Fate you dont like it get out of my thread and go back to realgaf you commie
Like old times.
Where's that gif from? Name of series?