What you guys need is some bad pussy
mmm long legged tall women. Taller than I am, so hnnnnnggg!
The Barbie bod though.
Make sure you're working on your dad bod.
What you guys need is some bad pussy
mmm long legged tall women. Taller than I am, so hnnnnnggg!
If next season's thread isn't subtitled Oysters Clams and Cockles I don't know what I'll do.
Actually Oysters Clams and Bad Pussy.
Unlocked the part of my brain that allows me to make responses that are more than a sentence long. Today hasn't gone exactly as planned. I was supposed to go to Universal Studios because hey, it's my last day off before regular work schedule and summer quarter starts up so I may as well end it on something fun. My car battery ended up dying on me at the gas station and I had to call AAA to get a jump so I could drive home and set up a service appointment for my car on Monday. So I had to construct this whole plan around borrowing someone else's car while they borrow a third car that we conveniently have access to until Monday and then using the borrowed car to jump my car's battery to get it to the appointment. I also ordered pizza because there's nothing to cook and I can't leave and found out that Advanced Warfare is buggy as hell. I got two infinite death loop glitches and at one point the game straight up froze.
Advanced warfare, console version or pc?
If next season's thread isn't subtitled Oysters Clams and Cockles I don't know what I'll do.
Actually Oysters Clams and Bad Pussy.
Get into The Long Dark.
It has a quote from The Road at the beginning. You actually feel like you're struggling for survival. It's p amazing even in its current alpha form. I lasted one day and five hours. It's brutal. Get into it.
I didn't knowLogLantern Lady was in Alan Wake. She even holds her lantern in the same way that Log Lady holds her log. Also, lots of talk about how great the diner's coffee is.
The Twin Peaks homage is strong.
Games I bought
Batman Origins is good too
Batman Origins is good too
Man, Devil May Cry 3 hasn't aged well at all.
For all of you who play pc games, do any of you use a controller outside of the xbox one/360 controllers?
Damn it. Forgot to get LA noire.
This gamestop controller sucks... it feels so cheap and poorly made. It's day and night in comparison to the original xbox one controller.
It'll have to do for now.
For all of you who play pc games, do any of you use a controller outside of the xbox one/360 controllers?
I think it's still on sale if you want it.
Okay, as far as Pizza rankings go for me: Costco Pizza > Pizza Hut > Dominos > My local pizza shop.
I really like Costco pizza, the combo one because it's cheap, tastes good, and decent size.
Papa Johns is out reach for me, but their Pizza is alright.
Welp, too late now.
wow, your local pizza shop must really blow goats. Link?
Dayum. I want kebab now.Their Pizza is actually really good. The only reason why I don't really have it up in that list is because I think it's very thin small and more expensive.
$18 for a 16" Pizza >.>
Dayum. I want kebab now.
So many creeps in L.A. Noire, bahahahah
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