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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Wazzy was posted in the chihuahua thread:

PSA: Watch Mr. Robot immediately if you haven't. Don't let it being on USA discourage you. It's like their one good (read incredible) show. It could easily be an HBO show. Seriously.

The Best Show On TV I Wasn't Already Watching™

"Even though he's the head of technology guy at one of the biggest companies in the world, he owns a Blackberry."
my life is going to be 19u7230547408750497540756-3087405=6732-85673-4x better if i can get this job. it's in such a fantastic location and a good stepping stone

ugh. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ gib job plz


WTF we forgot to do the Layne Staley birthday thread!

oh well...

makes sense that more threads are about the anniversary of his death rather than his birth.

You are out shopping for a birthday present for your mum for tomorrow. You get recommended a shop by your sister. You go in and see that the person behind the till is an old friend from school that you had a pretty big crush on and who you haven't seen in at least 6 years. Do you:
A) Say hi and have a nice chat while you buy what you need
B) Buy what you need and hope she doesn't recognise you

I went for c :c
C. Always C.

Unless horny and single. I ran out of fucks a long time ago.
The ridiculous thing is we always got on really well, so my reasoning for doing C is dumb. Really dumb. Especially as they're someone I always thought I should try to get back in touch with.

Basically, social anxiety is a goddamned fucking pain.


WTF we forgot to do the Layne Staley birthday thread!

oh well...

makes sense that more threads are about the anniversary of his death rather than his birth.

Yeah. I was just too damn busy all day and tired by the end. Up at 6 am to go to school and off to work from 1 - 10 pm.

I can't figure out what I'd title it anyway. "Happy Birthday to Layne Staley" doesn't seem very appropriate.

Funky Papa

Last time I ate prawns I spent the night vomiting

There is now a running joke in my family of excitedly pointing out prawns on the menu when we go out

I generally dislike seafood for similar reasons, but I had that at an actual fishing village 30 metres away from the sea. Prawns were so fucking fresh the contents of their heads came out just by trying to peel them off. And the calamari. Oh god, the calamari. So incredibly soft. It had no chewiness at all.

Living inland, the quality of seafood cannot be compared. It's not even the same thing.

It was cheap, too. That pan of noodles (which could feed four people easily) plus some baba ganoush plus some scallop empanada costed me around €20. Not a bad deal at all, specially considering the ridiculous quality of it and the fact that I was eating it right next to the sea. I'd never, never eat anything close to the beach due to countless restaurant owners trying to skim tourists with shit food at terrible prices, but we were hungry AF, so we stepped into the first place we found and lucked out big time. Those were the best fideos tostados I've ever had.

Shit, I even got a tan! (well, as much of a tan as I can get without bursting into a cloud of smoke and sparks)
I generally dislike seafood for similar reasons, but I had that at an actual fishing village 30 metres away from the sea. Prawns were so fucking fresh the contents of their heads came out just by trying to peel them off. And the calamari. Oh god, the calamari. So incredibly soft. It had no chewiness at all.

Living inland, the quality of seafood cannot be compared. It's not even the same thing.

It was cheap, too. That pan of noodles (which could feed four people easily) plus some baba ganoush plus some scallop empanada costed me around €20. Not a bad deal at all, specially considering the ridiculous quality of it and the fact that I was eating it right next to the sea.

Shit, I even got a tan! (well, as much of a tan as I can get without bursting into a cloud of smoke and sparks)

Oh man, having been in southern Spain for the last 2 weeks, I'm now actually human coloured. It's crazy.

Funky Papa

Oh man, having been in southern Spain for the last 2 weeks, I'm now actually human coloured. It's crazy.

I was in Galicia, up in the North, where is known to piss for half of the year, including summer. Miraculously enough, I had an entire week of gorgeous weather with clear skies, around 25ºC and the most amazing, clean sea breeze.

I live.

Unlike Hit Monkey, Boss Monkey takes pride on his job.
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