We better do what he says. His crude Charizard avatar is conjuring up flames.git outta ma thread
We better do what he says. His crude Charizard avatar is conjuring up flames.git outta ma thread
That moment when you watch Toy Story for the first time and realize how poorly it has aged.
That moment when you watch Toy Story for the first time and realize how poorly it has aged.
It's hella ugly, but easily the best of the three. Followed by 3.
Fuck 2.
So about daddy Ryu...
Querlfrend approves.
I remember a year ago not too long after watching the first Toy Story, I turned on Toy Story 2, and oh boy, It seemed almost shocking how much better the sequel looked.That moment when you watch Toy Story for the first time and realize how poorly it has aged.
Eh, that's not too bad. I have a playlist with nothing but Phil Collins.
And I listen to it all the time :negmon:
It's always been.
I legit need a timeline for dummies. I don't know what the fuck is going on half of the time.
God MGS is so fucking weird
It's always been.
I legit need a timeline for dummies. I don't know what the fuck is going on half of the time.
(not a joke URL)
It doesn't fill in the relationships between characters, but its pretty good for the broader stuff.
Also, hi everyone, long time no speak
So much of the writing is just so bad. Kojima's dialogue always sounds slightly off because he's a non-native speaker but whenever he tries to drench something in symbolism it is just a level beyond awful. And he likes to do that all the damn time.
He is terrible. I thought at first that he was fully aware of how much his writing sucks, but MGS3's insanely long cut scenes made me realize that he isn't. He's just a frustrated (and bad) filmmaker working on videogames and engaging in the worst vices of amateur writing to convey depth and thoughtfulness.So much of the writing is just so bad. Kojima's dialogue always sounds slightly off because he's a non-native speaker but whenever he tries to drench something in symbolism it is just a level beyond awful. And he likes to do that all the damn time.
It is art of the highest quality. What else can you expect from the man who brought us the vagina bomb? A true visionary with acute insight into prominent societal issues.
Pretty sure Gashplosives were around before.
Funky can probably link a few videos...
Shit went off the rails soon. MGS2 was a hot mess already. MGS3 elevated it to new heights. The rest was just its natural progression.
My favourite thing about MGS's writing is when people complain that 4 ruined the plot
Because it was completely fucking insane before then, so I don't know what was going on in their minds.
The first game had a fucking cyborg ninja, a walking nuke tank, a telepath in a gas mask, "It's like on of my Japanese animes!", and your clone brother who looked nothing like you because RECESSIVE GENES
There was never any semblance of it being a serious story and that's why I love it. Absurdity is underrated.
Anyone who isn't me is wrong.
I know everything and you know nothing.
Any of you guys been to the Munich Oktoberfest?
I'm off to there at the end of the month and I'm looking for hot tipskek
I've been meaning to go for the longest time, but there's always something that screws with my plans.
Bring pics.
just do a crazy Bavarian dance with lederhosen on. at least that's how i always imagine it.
I haven't, but I still really want to. Huge glasses of beer, bratwursten and blond girls with huge tits serving you these delicacies.
i have like a billion beach pictures but i've always loved this panorama shot of Mt. Rainier I took
I'm listening to Demi Lovato's Cool for the Summer and enjoying it.
I'm not sure what that says about me.