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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Fuck's sake, Cup
That awkward moment when you walk past your ex coz the fine arts school is just down the street from where you work.

In other news, Sunset Overdrive will arrive in the mail today.


Halo/Zelda/Cuphead is going to become an odd GAF mascot. Like Jason Vorheez, he'll always come back. <3

I'll miss the changing cup though. His best form yet.


Also terrisus, if you're going to use the Cuphead, I'm going to need you to up your posting count by at least another 20 per day. 22 posts a day is not going to cut it.
Hey, I'm doing a decent job for not really posting in any Community threads >.>

Hey, I thought that ParodyGAF was a community! :c And you've outposted everyone else in it, and by a rather large margin! Gosh.


Yup, you have. The nearest poster has 234 posts. You have 476. >:c


I don't.
I was looking for the last whereabouts of Cuphead =(

Hey, I'm doing a decent job for not really posting in any Community threads >.>

Welcome to your new home. Also you must post in every thread you see in OT. Just let people know you're out there.


Hey, I thought that ParodyGAF was a community! :c And you've outposted everyone else in it, and by a rather large margin! Gosh.


Yup, you have. The nearest poster has 234 posts. You have 476. >:c

I know.
And I'm sure I have a few in other threads too.

That's why I said "not really", as opposed to just "not"
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