Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Resurrection > 3
I'm not even sure if I'm trolling or not
I don't hate Prometheus but.

Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Resurrection > 3
I'm not even sure if I'm trolling or not
Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Resurrection > 3
I'm not even sure if I'm trolling or not
I had gay secks with a girl once. Don't ask how. It's an advanced thing.
Did she peg you bro ?
Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Resurrection > 3
I'm not even sure if I'm trolling or not
I'm not even going to quote Jobbis' terrible Alien rankings.
Anyone good at bowling? I haven't gone in forever.
The meaning of the box is threefold. One, it gives me the time to think about what I did. Two, it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And three... it hurts!
Prometheus > Aliens > Alien > Resurrection > 3
I'm not even sure if I'm trolling or not
that's the cutest thing I've heard in a while. also important newsflash! you never mentioned this before! know your mission now, forget Tinder, get on that crush, man <3
I like the episode where monica is dating the billionaire played by jon favreux and she thinks he's going to propose (they saw he had a ring made, he said he had something big to discuss, etc)
"I've conquered the intellectual world. I've conquered the business world. All that's left is to conquer.. The physical world."
I think the most confusing part of this for me is the fact that you think Terminator 1 is waaay better than Terminator 2, but then put Aliens above Alien? What the what?
I don't think Prometheus is a bad movie. Come at me.
ah shit, that sucks :/ but you did right to move on then. there will be someone even cooler out there!I think the most confusing part of this for me is the fact that you think Terminator 1 is waaay better than Terminator 2, but then put Aliens above Alien? What the what?
Naaaah, she's known about it for a long time and I've accepted that nothing's gonna happen at this point. Plus how much we talk has dropped massively over the last couple of years. We don't really see each other much any more (last time we saw each other was to see The Hateful Eight, before that I can't actually remember) since we haven't lived in the same place for a long time, and she's often too tired to really do anything because of a combination of health stuff and work.
Also she has a boyfriend >_>
I don't think Prometheus is a bad movie. Come at me.
Alien doesn't hold up as well to me. Aliens is full of what became sci fi iconography for decades to come and is one of the most notable and important sci fi action movies ever.
The reason I don't like T2 as much as T1 is that T2 had the liquid metal bullshit which I think is dumb, and it had the annoying kid. That said, I don't hate T2, and I was just being a bit hyperbolic to get a reaction with the 800000,0,0,0 thing, but I do like T1 better.
ah shit, that sucks :/ but you did right to move on then. there will be someone even cooler out there!
Yeah, I honestly found Alien kinda boring. Aliens was non-stop fun.
Fine! Judge all you want to but married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girls wooden leg in a fire, livin in a box!My favorite line in that episode is Rachel saying that Monica inviting Richard's son to Thanksgiving is like inviting a Greek tragedy over to dinner.
Was? You speak of it as if it's dead
Fine! Judge all you want to but, (points to Ross) married a lesbian, (points to Rachel) left a man at the altar, (points to Phoebe) fell in love with a gay ice dancer, (points to Joey) threw a girls wooden leg in a fire, (points to Chandler) livin in a box!! (goes to her room)
It's not at all a bad movie. I had a great experience seeing in in the theater and then later got the bluray and enjoyed it again!
Yeeeaaaah, took a while though. And I get kind of embarrassed because I feel like I used to act like a bit of a shit, but she still considers me her best friend so I guess I can't have been that bad. Still feel blech about it though. Live and learn I guess.
Alien: Isolation is one of the best horror games of recent memory.
Alien: Isolation is one of the best horror games of recent memory.
Dis was my GOTY for 2014!
2015: Bloodborne
2014: Alien Isolation
2013: The Last of Us
2012: Dragon's Dogma
2011: Dark Souls
2010: Civilization 5
of course it took some time. also doesn't sound like you acted like a shit. stuff like that is just always shitty in itself.
also goodnight GAF! <3
not to brag or anything but
this is my final human resources management grade
pretty pleased tbh
Yeah well I just got 100% on this
My GOTY for 2016 will be Ghost Song. XOXO
I would be so honored if anyone likes it that much.I guess we'll just see.
Sorry, I have a strict "don't give Buzzfeed any clicks" policy.
I've mellowed out to Buzzfeed, there's some pretty ok journalism outside of the shitty list stuff
I've mellowed out to Buzzfeed, there's some pretty ok journalism outside of the shitty list stuff
Also there aren't any words on that non-journalism link so it's not unbearable.
I mean I've only seen Royal Tenenbaums, Darjeeling Ltd, Grand Budapest Hotel and Bottle Rocket
I only saw Moonrise Kingdom and greatly disliked it.
Mornin' all!
Have some good vibes to start off your morning
Or afternoon....or night. You people with your weird ass timezones that aren't AEDT!
Gonna do some more level work then head to a friend's house later to hang and record some animation reference for the main.
Although it'll undoubtedly end up in Scotch 'n Smash Bros.
What's everyone else up to today?
I really dug Royal Tenenbaums