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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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normally i dont make it to 3 anyway in the grand scheme of things, so you're up in the upper tier already.

it is what it is, the girl from the store i havent messaged all day, and im sure shes wondering why, Im not sure what to do, because shes really nice. But i too emotionally involved in my ex and im pretty sure she is interested in me.

I think overall im doing myself a disservice, but as many love songs have told me, follow your heart and shit. But i need to be nice to this other girl, but im not sure how.

Me, I'd play it straight. Tell her you think she's great, but you have a complicated situation with your ex atm and until you sort it out you don't want to lead anyone on, or something to that effect.


irresponsible vagina leak
Just the tops.

This says so much about you right now.


Me, I'd play it straight. Tell her you think she's great, but you have a complicated situation with your ex atm and until you sort it out you don't want to lead anyone on, or something to that effect.


Why would you talk about your ex and making it seem like you have problems with ex.

That's terrible advice...

Ugh, millenials are clueless when it comes to dating.

*rolls eyes*



Why would you talk about your ex and making it seem like you have problems with ex.

That's terrible advice...

Ugh, millenials are clueless when it comes to dating.

*rolls eyes*

So he strings her along, gets back with the ex and has to basically cut contact because she's the jealous type and if that falls apart he tries it on again?

Genius plan kid.


Clearly we can only rely on Boomers for relationship advice.

Let me ask my dad.

Indeed, ask your father on dating advice. For example, should you try grinder in your area as a form of dating, not necessarily for hooking up, instead of going to bars and places to meet people or both, or??

You should ask your father this right now; just ask him "dad how do I go on about meeting guys for dating?" Don't be shy, he's your father! and he's a guy, perfect guy on guy father advice.

I'm sure he will be willing to offer you his best advice. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Indeed, ask your father on dating advice. For example, should you try grinder in your area as a form of dating, not necessarily for hooking up, instead of going to bars and places to meet people or both, or??

You should ask your father this right now; just ask him "dad how do I go on about meeting guys for dating?" Don't be shy, he's your father! and he's a guy, perfect guy on guy father advice.

I'm sure he will be willing to offer you his best advice. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


At least you didn't use the word daddy. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He's not on a date, he was supposed to take her out for sushi but his ex has re-entered the picture so he's put her in a holding pattern.

But, I don't eat ass on the first date so my advice can be easily ignored. My real advice is to never go back to your ex.


Took me 25 fucking minutes to leave the parking lot of my gym because of all these assholes going to Chik-Fil-A in town that just opened.

When the line is this long and it takes 2+ hours to get in DONT GO PEOPLE.


Season 3.

Only show to escape the s3 suck has been West Wing and X-Files.

Season 3 hasn't sucked though, there's just certain elements that suck lol

The story is a bit rushed, but hopefully it slows down a bit now that they are out of the whole "certain actors only have so much time" portion.

Vampire Diaries Season 3 was also one of the few not to suck and Supernatural.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Do it. Slam that pickle jar down on the customer service desk and demand a refund.

"I am a god damn pickle conesuier. These pickles are soft, not crispy. I didn't ask for soft! Give me my fucking crispy pickles!"
I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive, but I hate it when my friends from back home expect me to solve their fucking problems for them. I am literally on the other side of the country. There is nothing I can do for you.
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