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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I'm no amateur dammit -_-

Oh and the few convos I've had with wazz, she's totally cool

The only bad thing about Wazzy is that she's French. But I try not to hold it against her.


I actually feel really good right now. I actually have a question, though. How do you not feel bad about being single when everyone around you is in a relationship besides drinking and hookups?

Because if I can figure that out then I'll be golden.


Nevermind, I figured it out. Lunch break warrants a lot of time to think. Maybe I wasn't full of it this time when I said that was going to take time to work on myself.


Wazz does have a temper.
She really does. Every time I've seen her in a thread she's yelling at someone


Hopefully she doesn't get banned.
The only bad thing about Wazzy is that she's French. But I try not to hold it against her.

If I was going to get banned it would have been in the Dokish thread. :p

You're great too you English bastard. <3

I'm no amateur dammit -_-

Oh and the few convos I've had with wazz, she's totally cool

Wazzy is great. Her hot-headedness matches her redheaded-ness.
Thanks guys!
Anyone working retail has a right to yell at anyone they want tbh.
she still works at Staples, right?

i'd yell at everyone too

I definitely do and this support rn. <3

Why just two days ago I dealt with a customer who was not only rude but super fucking stupid. Pointing at different paper that only shared color and asking which is better(pointed at cardstock and lightweight printer paper), demanding she get to cut in line, etc.

But then she had to go and be even more dumb.

Her: "How much do I need to spend for an Airmiles point?"

Me: "You have to spend $40 to get 1 point"

*she complains for a couple minutes about the price while I say we don't decide the price*

Her:"So....I spent $15"


"That's....not $40"

Her: "I also spent another $5"



Me: "You know that's still not $40, right?"

*Walks away*


Now y'all know my suffering. Plus I haven't done a retail story in awhile.
lol, only in retail.

That was the tan army bro. Blue were super awesome French spies. Did you even play the 1998 game?!

There was a 1998 game?!

Real talk, I didn't even play with Army men as a kid. I mainly played with cars and action figures. They were my go to. I would have taken an Easy Bake Oven or a play kitchen, but my parents were too gender conforming.


Junior Member
Guys, kinda of urgent. It's my friend's birthday soon and I wanna throw in something. What's the most cost efficient thing I can do? I thought of BBQ but other suggestions would be great. 6-10 people max.


Whenever I see Wazzy arguing in a thread it's usually when someone is being a total dipshit and deserves a lil' anger thrown their way. Keep doin' you, girl.

And I'm seeing ads of GAF for an old high school teacher who's running for state assembly. So weird.
What are his thoughts on cheating? I want to get indignant too!

Out of curiosity, under what circumstances would you forgive someone for cheating?

Don't think I could honestly. Thankfully, I've never experienced it first hand. But I think it would most likely completely destroy the trust between us and without that you really don't have shit.


Scaley member
What are his thoughts on cheating? I want to get indignant too!

"herp derp fooling around with married/committed people is great and can be fun because you can get caught" and shit like that. I'm not going to bother looking up his posts on the matter because they really fucking suck.

Also he has, or used to have, a loli avatar.
Coli stories

Guys, kinda of urgent. It's my friend's birthday soon and I wanna throw in something. What's the most cost efficient thing I can do? I thought of BBQ but other suggestions would be great. 6-10 people max.

People with 6-10 friends

What do you think this is, Facebook?

Don't know sorry :(


I'll probably get banned in the cheating thread so in case: luv y'all &#128139;
Whenever I see Wazzy arguing in a thread it's usually when someone is being a total dipshit and deserves a lil' anger thrown their way. Keep doin' you, girl.

And I'm seeing ads of GAF for an old high school teacher who's running for state assembly. So weird.
Thanks gorl <3

Also I know u hate them but my team is doing well awwwwww yisssssss


It's going pretty good!! Thinking about some tough decisions! Long time no see buddy, How are you doing/been?
Still unemployed, bored most of the time, probably mildly depressed, maybe. Don't really know what to do. Still, I've got Fantasy Life and like alcohol it lets me forget about the life around me for a bit.

Happy to hear that someone else is doing great though. Don't know why, but the well-being of others calms me somehow. :)


Just got back from boxing my friend again...... let's just say the master taught the grasshopper a lesson.
I'll get him one day! D:
It was fun though ^_^

Anyone working retail has a right to yell at anyone they want tbh.

I wish. :(

The most I can ever get away with is hateful glaring and vague spitefulness.

How's it going, y'all?

Hi, Gato! My nose is sore but I'm good. :)

I'll probably get banned in the cheating thread so in case: luv y'all &#65533;&#65533;

Wazz, you're like our MVP against jackasses. Don't die pls.
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