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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I'll just bomb you



Unconfirmed Member
Because everyone is listening to David Bowie, always.

I have 20 mins of Internet left, but Hunky Dory is a 40 minute album. Fuck you god.
Torture would be having to sit through Twilight.

When I'm Dark Lord, I shall chain you to a chair atop a mountain. There you'll be forced to see with great clarity the suffering I shall put your family through for this crime.

You can't silence the truth forever!

I never said cheesy was bad. Hell, I still listen to 90s dance music sometimes. I love cheese.

[Don't Turn Around by Ace of Base plays in background]


Stuff and thangs.

Just been working so so much lately D:

I've been using that line with one of my friends even though she doesn't watch The Walking Dead. Now she finishes my sentence with "and thangs?" every time I say "stuff."

And yeah I get you, I've been working a lot too. Black Friday is coming up so I'm preparing myself for death in case I'm working that night. I'm also planning on going to a concert in December, so that should be fun. Tickets go on sale on the 14th.


Tyrion is actually the worst character in the series, regardless of whether or not we're talking about the books or the show.

He is a bit of a prick but there is a list of people who are worse:

Gregor Clegane

And maybe the Freys, Bolton and about all of the raping Dothraki too.
I think Tyrion is the best example of a grey character in the series.

He's done some terrible shit, done some good shit. And you can understand why he is the way he is given the absolute bullshit he's had to endure his entire life. A father that hates him, a sister that hates him. A world at large that hates him because he's a deformed dwarf.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I've been using that line with one of my friends even though she doesn't watch The Walking Dead. Now she finishes my sentence with "and thangs?" every time I say "stuff."

And yeah I get you, I've been working a lot too. Black Friday is coming up so I'm preparing myself for death in case I'm working that night. I'm also planning on going to a concert in December, so that should be fun. Tickets go on sale on the 14th.
Nice. Who are you seeing? I've got a show next weekend which will be a psychedelic experience without the psychedelics :p

Funky Papa

Yesterday I bought a jar of peanut butter at the import store. The label didn't mention it was of the salty kind.

Death to America.


I think Tyrion is the best example of a grey character in the series.

He's done some terrible shit, done some good shit. And you can understand why he is the way he is given the absolute bullshit he's had to endure his entire life. A father that hates him, a sister that hates him. A world at large that hates him because he's a deformed dwarf.

My favorite grey characters in the story are probably Jaime and the Hound. Although their arcs are more of the redemption variety rather than being 'grey' necessarily. They were both arguably worse than Tyrion in the past(the Hound for sure).

Am I the only one who found Victarion disturbing?


How quaint, I had no idea that Calvé made anything else besides awful mayo and even worse ketchup.

The ketchup is shit, the mayo is ok. Better than French mayo, that's for sure.
They have shitloads of sauces.


But never mind that. Their Peanutbutter is fucking awesome.
Am I the only one who found Victarion disturbing?

Victarion is brutish trash.

Let's not forget the male bed slaves he burnt or drowned because they "weren't natural." Also, having actual thoughts about having sex with and marrying his own niece. Being a misogynist. He's not as bad as Euron but he's still up there.

And I've just been reminded it's heavily implied that Euron is bisexual. And book theory spoilers
that he most likely molested Aeron.


I've always wanted to write a letter to someone that's so heartfelt that they cry tears of joy, because it would prove to me that I can care enough about someone to do so. First I've gotta clear all of this blockage out of my mind permanently. It's like Los Angeles rush hour traffic in there.


Scaley member
Oh god, Remembrance Day ceremony and the officer almost cried when he briefly mentioned the 5 year old son of the soldier who was shot and killed in Ottawa. ;___(


I need to learn a new language. French, specifically. It's next on my list of languages that I might need to use in the future. I tried taking a French class last year in college. Long story short, the professor was terrible and it did more harm than good. Preferably I'd like to find some kind of app to install on my phone so I can learn it on the go like one of those businessmen in those flight commercials who spend the entire flight listening to a "how to" recording.


I need to learn a new language. French, specifically. It's next on my list of languages that I might need to use in the future. I tried taking a French class last year in college. Long story short, the professor was terrible and it did more harm than good. Preferably I'd like to find some kind of app to install on my phone so I can learn it on the go like one of those businessmen in those flight commercials who spend the entire flight listening to a "how to" recording.

Heard of Rosetta Stone?

I gave it a go and its really good, just gotta stick with it (which I didn't)
I'll loan you that 1908 encyclopedia I found. It has a French Self-Taught section.

I have to say it is fascinating reading through a book that came out before women could vote and cars were only six to eight years old.
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