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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Funky Papa


Newsflash: cat people are fucking crazy.


Shit, reminds me I still haven't beaten Chaos Witch Quelaag.

I'll try today.

The shitty thing about Ornstein and Smough is that you have to fight them at the same time. It's not like the Bell Gargoyles. They had the same fighting pattern. Ornstein has a lightning lance and is fast while Smough is a huge guy with a hammer. And killing one causes the other to take their abilities, and they can't be killed at the same time to avoid it. If you kill Ornstein first, Smough gets his lightning powers. If you kill Smough first, Ornstein gets huge and keeps his speed.

The trick for Quelaag is dodging the AoE making sure that you don't let her spread lava all over the arena. Before you go in, reverse the hollowing and summon maneater mildred. If there's no maneater mildred sign, travel to the far end of the swamp so that she can invade your game, then beat her and you should be able to summon her at that point. She's basically a distraction for Quelaag so you can attack without having to worry about blocking.
I saw that Too Many Cooks thread in the OT and initially read it as Too Many Cocks. :negman:

Uuuugh those Assassin's Creed reviews. Trashsassin's creed :(

Wait. You mean professional reviewers are actually trashing it?


[edit]: So many 7's. That basically tells the casual consumer it's trash and isn't worth anything. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. LET THE GODDAMN BUBBLE FINALLY BURST.
I haven’t played an AssCreed game since Revelations… guess I won’t be playing one anytime soon either.

ACII and Brotherhood are the only ones worth playing.

ACII because it took the first's base and drastically improved it. Brotherhood because it took ACII's improvements and refined them further. Everything after that has been formulaic rehash after formulaic rehash.


I'm having fun so far but I just started, getting all the viewpoints at the moment. Paris is gorgeous.

Story seems okay(cool cinematics anyway) but the main character is just a dull Ezio clone. -_-

Thinking on it, all the Greyjoys in the series are irredeemable TRASH. Except Asha and Theon.

And Theon had to go through some Hellraiser type shit to become redeemable.


ACII and Brotherhood are the only ones worth playing.

ACII because it took the first's base and drastically improved it. Brotherhood because it took ACII's improvements and refined them further. Everything after that has been formulaic rehash after formulaic rehash.

I still had a lot of fun with 3 and 4 tho, but Unity looks like a disaster at the moment. I think I'll wait for it to hit the bargain bins/get a ton of patches before I pick it up.

I'm having fun so far but I just started, getting all the viewpoints at the moment. Paris is gorgeous.

Story seems okay(cool cinematics anyway) but the main character is just a dull Ezio clone. -_-

Is he better than Connor at least? :S


It's time for you to get a Kuvira avatar, zeemumu.

I would, but, you know...

Do you guys think it's likely that I'm idealizing relationships too much because I spend too much time on social media sites where my friends do nothing but post cheesy quotes underneath pictures of themselves with their SO's? Do you think I'd get over it if I took a break from Instagram and the other sites/blocked people who do that?
I wanted to play ass creed 3 but I don't know anyone who has it, neither of my consoles are hooked up, and I don't want to give Ubisoft a dime of my money so...
Do you guys think it's likely that I'm idealizing relationships too much because I spend too much time on social media sites where my friends do nothing but post cheesy quotes underneath pictures of themselves with their SO's? Do you think I'd get over it if I took a break from Instagram and the other sites/blocked people who do that?

Most likely. You're only being exposed to good aspects that way which could lead you to idealize relationships and give the illusion that they're easy to maintain.

They're not. Spoilers.


Her parents will probably mistake his Australian accent for British and think he’s well-off and intelligent instead of the desert convict he really is.
You motherfucker

Yeah, they showed up fairly quickly but I'm still not used to it >_>

Also, still no idea if I'm doing barbell rows properly. They are hard.

I haven't done barbell rows, I do dumbbell rows instead. I also do dumbbell curls and barbell curls. I can barely lift, though. 12Kg on the dumbbells and 5Kg either side on the barbell.
I haven't done barbell rows, I do dumbbell rows instead. I also do dumbbell curls and barbell curls. I can barely lift, though. 12Kg on the dumbbells and 5Kg either side on the barbell.

Do squats bro

I'm doing Stronglifts, it's working out pretty well. Squats (60lbs, so 7.5lb each side), bench press (55lbs), barbell rows (70lbs, though not doing all the reps), overhead press (...ish, still attempting 45lbs. ie. the empty bar) and deadlifts (95lbs, though that nearly killed me).

It's good though, 'cause you're adding 5lbs to each exercise if you manage to do all 5 sets of 5 reps, so there's that constant progression. I like it.
Do squats bro

I'm doing Stronglifts, it's working out pretty well. Squats (60lbs, so 7.5lb each side), bench press (55lbs), barbell rows (70lbs, though not doing all the reps), overhead press (...ish, still attempting 45lbs. ie. the empty bar) and deadlifts (95lbs, though that nearly killed me).

It's good though, 'cause you're adding 5lbs to each exercise if you manage to do all 5 sets of 5 reps, so there's that constant progression. I like it.

Woah, breh bro, more than I can do. How heavy did you start out with? I need to stop using machines already and just do this stuff.


I don't want my butt to get any bigger than it already is so I tend to avoid squats. It's weird to have "dat ass" and be a guy, so when I do work out I usually do cardio then alternate between chest/triceps and back/biceps, and leg day.
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