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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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Imagine if there really would exist creatures as big as the one in the drawing... damn.

I really like it, by the way. Great art.


Lord the haters.

Part 2 will break the budget. It will be pretty much non-stop action. But this is what happens when movie studios needlessly split books.
For what it's worth I didn't think it was terrible, but this is the first time I've ever seen a "part 1" movie before, and I was hoping for a little more.


I ran into my first dragon in Inquisition and noped out of there fast.

I found a dragon as well. Everyone died screaming. -_-

Should I get on it? S2 and S3 were trash.

The quality of Homeland has been in a U shape. No Brody family, little of Carries family and they've basically embraced Quinn this year.

Homeland S4E7 spoilers
I was screaming because I thought that was actually Brody and I was going to punch the writers in the face if they put in such an idiotic twist.

That scared the shit out of me! Thankfully it was just a 'gotcha' moment.

Imagine if there really would exist creatures as big as the one in the drawing... damn.

I really like it, by the way. Great art.

Space worms will be the end.


The new Arkham trailer! GIMME NOW!



Looks like they got something similar to the wraith-flash in there. Me likey.



Origin's was actually really fun. I heard there were glitches but I never got any.

I keep hearing that Origins was good, and I believe it. It's just that at the time, I felt like we JUST had an Arkham game, despite the two-year period in-between. Felt it was too soon, and key elements from the other games were in (developers, VAs, and nothing new gameplay-wise).

My 360 is still hooked up due to playing AC Rogue recently. Maybe I'll give it a go sometime before AK comes out in that dry summer.
[9:39:48 PM] Jake : We already get the hottest guys usually. So I'm not too bothered.
[9:40:49 PM] Kevin: yeah but you dont have nick
[9:43:10 PM] Jake : Nick's like one bottle of gin and a joint away from a same sex encounter tbh.
[9:43:16 PM] Kevin: LOL

Did I even lie tho?

Hitch a ride on a train headed to the west and find your calling on a months long journey where you'll wear the same clothes for weeks at a time.

And have no worries about finding food during the whole trip. #Hollywooddreams


Imagine if there really would exist creatures as big as the one in the drawing... damn.

I really like it, by the way. Great art.

Such big creatures would create a gravitational pull so immense that upon contact to other objects of similar gravitational pull, they would collide and create a black hole.
I just made this up, I'm not really sure if black holes can be conceived by the collision of two equally immense objects... lol
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