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FakeGAF Book 4: A Game of Thirst

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I like the first Jurassic Park. The rest can go rest at the bottom of a landfill.

Welp my brother is hardcore racist


Praise the Aryan nation!

My dad's pretty bad. We all have that family member. Hell, I probably have more in mine. But I avoid contact with extended family for the most part. Too many religious zealots for my taste.
The only bad thing about Dragon Age: Inquisition is that there's almost too much to do.

Seriously, I've put in nearly 20 hours and I'm still not done with the Redcliffe Hinterlands. I still haven't even visited Redcliffe proper.

[edit]: Game is stupidly easy tho. Playing on hard and nothing about it feels even remotely challenging. Maybe I should have gone for nightmare and enabled friendly fire. Mage barriers basically break the game. At least at this point. I'm sure a requisite difficulty spike will occur at some point.
I ran into a rift in an area south of the hinterlands (unlocked from war table mission) and the demons kick my ass. There's a bunch of despair demons led by a revenant. According to the game it's like level 12 which is way higher than me.

Clean your ears.

Maybe you clean your ears too often and now have majorly impacted earwax and can't hear good music.
I ran into a rift in an area south of the hinterlands (unlocked from war table mission) and the demons kick my ass. There's a bunch of despair demons led by a revenant. According to the game it's like level 12 which is way higher than me.

I've run into a few of those as well. The ass kicking was swift because I wasn't expecting them to be level 12. I still have somehow managed to avoid getting a game over.

Came really close at the beginning with the
Pride Demon at the Conclave rift.
This pizza is just... just...


Pardon the language.
This pizza is just... just...


Pardon the language.

It's like this post was made by me.

Minus the spoiler.

At the moment Dragon's = DEATH

Yeah, I really wanna get the final shards in the Hinterlands. But they're in the north where that fucking yellow dragon is. She caught a few of my people with fire. It wasn't an instant kill but it was really fucking close. Need more fire resist gear.


I still have Sanic racing transformed and Empire total war, if anyone is interested. Steam versions.


Anal impalement with a unicorn horn.

Poor Lorde.

I've seen her look pretty. But I'm not sure how much Photoshop was involved. I think most of her appearance problems are linked to bad make up jobs and dressing like a middle aged woman.

Basically her stylists hate her.

I think she has bad skin so they put a ton of shit on her face. That and her stylists hate her.
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