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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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I will probably watch this. I've been reading the manga lately, and I'm been enjoying it. My disenchantment with Bleach left me, for better or worse, with a void to fill. And this serves to scratch a (somewhat) similar itch.

In relation to the manga, what was the first series like?
It was a pretty faithful adaptation of the first 21 chapters, up through
Medaka's fight with Unzen
. The final episode was an anime-original story that was a nice postscript to the aforementioned spoiler.


It was a pretty faithful adaptation of the first 21 chapters, up through
Medaka's fight with Unzen
. The final episode was an anime-original story that was a nice postscript to the aforementioned spoiler.

Ah, I might have to watch that to gauge my interest. I was little curious as to how they'd tackle the genre shift.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Guess they really hit a bum note.


HA HA HA. Thank you. I'll be here all night.

That would be somewhat enjoyable if it wasn't from a KyoAni show.

It hurts, man.


The Anime Mirai 2013 project (young animators training project) actually has a really detailed guideline document for participating studios available online, and one thing I noticed in it is that it has a section specifically about manpower and budget guidelines for the project.

Project Guidelines:

  • In-Between Animators (33) - 400yen per frame for 11,000 frames divided by 33 animators (300 frames per animator) - 4,400,000yen
  • In-Between Animators (33) - 120,000yen to 180,000yen per month depending on work volume

Reference: http://janica.jp/events/h24wakate/h24project.pdf (Page 24-26)
I hope that at least they reach those "150,000 yen a month", and also I would have liked to see what the digital painters will earn for their work, to compare it with what JAniCA's very own Osamu Yamasaki advocated for some time ago, if with their own guidelines themselves are still condoning such practices after all:

2chan.us » Blog Archive » JAniCA Club Blog Translation: What’s Going On in the Anime Industry Right Now?!


I like how people complained about being physically pained by one video, so you link to a similar one and ask them to watch it. Does your evil know no bounds?
Hey, now, to be fair the video I linked to actually contains far, far more cuts then the Crazy Girl one and as such is far more likely to irritate.


It's a brilliant ruse by KyoAni to get viewers to cover up one of their eyes during the OP in order to simulate the protagonist's eyesight.
While trying to represent, through flashing images on both hemispheres of the screen, the changing-in-a-whim duality of the protagonist character... or something similar, I suppose... not sure.

I hope you like CG apples.
One of the better accomplishments of MAWARU-PENGUINDRUM, the refining on 'CGI apple' creation, finds home on another show... this one doesn't exactly spins, though.


I'll be the one to bring the bad news.


This is the real OP for the KyoAni Crazy Girl anime. I'm sorry guys. It's really disappointing. In terms of concept and composition, this is one of the worst OPs KyoAni has ever done. Which... seems in line with the vibe for the show itself so far. :/

Stupid, uninspired, lazy, bland. >_<

I wanted to post something about disappointment but right now I'm dealing with a seizure


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kanamemo - 13 [END]

Cute anime, with some steamy yuri moments thanks to Yume and Yuuki.

The only character I wasn't really fond of was Saki. The idea of a loli with a personality of an old woman was just not clicking with me at all (not to mention she was responsible for thwarting most of Haruka's advancements towards Kana). Considering the fairly small cast they had you would figure they would spend an episode focusing on each character, but the only ones who were given that privilege were Yuuki, Mika, and Saki to some extent. Hinata for example rarely had any moments to call her own, and at times I literally forgot she was part of the cast. That's not good.

Personally I got what I wanted from this show, but for those looking for something beyond that you'll be disappointed.


Colds are the best.


Tragic victim of fan death
So I finally came home and watched the Chuunibyo op. Omg... I think my eyes are permanently damaged from that. Like... I understand why they made the OP like that. The question is, why the hell did they do it anyway.


All this Kimagure Orange Road talk (that I instigated to myself) makes me wonder if Lafiel's ever seen the show? It would seem right up his street, what with the romance, the fine 80's designs and NTR plot possibilities. Maybe he wouldn't even need to rage quit the show half-way through like I did.


HidaSketch x365 11

yo, her name is yunocchi and she don't give a fuck
until she was raped by pigeons and abducted by aliens

I just read the chapter that was in today

It's not really much like Haruhi at all. It's more like some personal story about a guy who was childish as fuck hoping to make a fresh start as a "normal dude" in a new school. But he keeps running into this crazy girl who is still childish as fuck, and she brings out his hidden tendency to be attracted to the same kind of dumb shit (pretending to be a superhero, making stupid poses, shouting stupid catch phrases, etc). They try to play it all up with a lot of physical comedy but none of it works for me. I just think they're stupid and childish, and I'm not interested any of it. Not funny.

It's kind of funny how you can change around like 6-8 words and it'd be the plot synopsis for Hyouka.
Sword Art Online 12

Don't fear the Reaper. Especially one that looks like that. Alternatively, he just watched the Chuunibyou OP.

You know what, yeah, sure whatever. I'll just accept what happened. All of it.

Still terrible action.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
School Days 2

MC goes after the most boring girl in the universe while he friendzones the better alternative. Gee that sure is original. While we're on the originality boat they watch a film that is remarkably similar to their situation. Oh boy, this couldn't possibly be a bit of foreshadowing.

On a positive note at least they didn't drag the storyline over to episode 3 and wrapped it all up at the end.
Keep on the work of God, BGBW.


All this Kimagure Orange Road talk (that I instigated to myself) makes me wonder if Lafiel's ever seen the show? It would seem right up his street, what with the romance, the fine 80's designs and NTR plot possibilities. Maybe he wouldn't even need to rage quit the show half-way through like I did.
I haven't seen it yet, but it's on my list. I do like the idea of having several animu romcoms on my backlog, since it's one of my favorite genres. Looking forward to marathoning both that and touch for a rainy day.


So I just read SAO spoilers about
. This story is fucking stupid as hell. I really wish I never started watching this show in the first place. All common sense would dictate that I drop the show but I can't, not due to any reason related to the show itself but rather me in that I hate to not finish shows.

That's how I feel about the story too. Added to the fact that the only characters I cared about in the show like Sachi, Silica, and Lizbeth are pretty much forgotten about. I wasn't really in love with the show to begin with so it wasnt difficult to drop.

I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but I think this would make for some pretty interesting discussion with regards to animation production in Japan and general pay grades for the animation part of a production.

The Anime Mirai 2013 project (young animators training project) actually has a really detailed guideline document for participating studios available online, and one thing I noticed in it is that it has a section specifically about manpower and budget guidelines for the project.

Project Guidelines:
  • 23 minute 30 second to 25 minute runtime, including OP/ED.
  • 380 cuts, including OP/ED.
  • 11,000 in-between animation frames, including OP/ED.
  • Animation quality is expected to be higher than an average TV episode, but not as high as a theatrical feature. Something like a high end TV special.
  • They expect the key animation quality to be about 2.5 times that of a TV series, because with about 12 key animators on the project for 3 months, each animator will only be handling about 32 cuts each. The lower work load is expected to result in the animators putting in more effort and time into self-correction and improving their skills. It is noted that on average for a TV series, key animators are expected to animate 27 cuts per month.

Cost Guidelines Breakdown:
  • Director (1) - Pre-production planning (Planning, script, storyboards) - 800,000yen
  • Character Designer (1) - Character designs - 800,000yen
  • Director (1) - 400,000yen per month for 6 months of full production - 2,400,000yen
  • Animation Director (1) - 600,000yen per month for 4 months of production - 2,400,000yen
  • Assistant Animation Director (1) - 400,000yen per month for 3 months of production - 1,200,000yen
  • Key Animators (6-12) - An average of 20,000yen per cut for 380 cuts - 7,600,000yen
  • In-Between Animation Supervisor (1) - 300,000yen for 3 months of production - 900,000yen
  • In-Between Animators (33) - 400yen per frame for 11,000 frames divided by 33 animators (300 frames per animator) - 4,400,000yen
  • Total Animation Production Cost - 20,500,000yen
  • Production Budget - 38,000,000yen
  • Left-over Budget for other expenses - 17,500,000yen

Monthly Salary Breakdown Guidelines for the Production Team:
  • Animation Director (1) - 300,000yen per month for Animation Direction, 300,000yen per month for Key Animation Guidance Training - 600,000yen per month total
  • Assistant Animation Director (1) - 200,000yen per month for Animation Direction, 200,000yen per month for Key Animation Guidance Training - 400,000yen per month total
  • Normal Key Animator (3) - 25,000yen per cut, 12-22 cuts per month - 300,000yen to 550,000yen per month total
  • Junior Key Animator (5) - 15,000yen per cut, 10-17 cuts per month - 150,000yen to 250,000yen per month total
  • In-Between Animation Supervisor (1) - 150,000yen per month for In-Between Supervision, 150,000yen per month for In-Between Animation Guidance Training - 300,000yen per month total
  • In-Between Animators (33) - 120,000yen to 180,000yen per month depending on work volume

Extra notes about the salary for Animation Directors on this project:
  • On a normal TV series, an Animation Director is generally expected to check about 300 frames per day.
  • On this project, for a 3 month production period of 25 days per month, 10,000 frames would be roughly split into 133 frames per day, with the work divided between the Animation Director and the Assistant Animation Director. The reason for this lower workload is because for this project the Animation Directors are also expected to help guide and train the animators working on the project. This is why the salary breakdown is split between actual direction and assisting animators on their job training.

Reference: http://janica.jp/events/h24wakate/h24project.pdf (Page 24-26)

This is pretty informative ducky. Appreciate it.

This really does seem like I'm missing something vital or misunderstanding something because people must be losing money hand over fist in this industry. I mean the break-even point for shows like Hyouka have to be extremely high.

Some companies are, but they can also sell 100 dollar figurines to crazy people such as myself.

I'll be the one to bring the bad news.


This is the real OP for the KyoAni Crazy Girl anime. I'm sorry guys. It's really disappointing. In terms of concept and composition, this is one of the worst OPs KyoAni has ever done. Which... seems in line with the vibe for the show itself so far. :/

Stupid, uninspired, lazy, bland. >_<

Honestly I like the song, but that IS a bad OP, and this coming from somebody who doesn't normally hate most OP animation. Its pretty much repeating frames and cliche character intros/poses and bad angles. Its a mess.


I'm in the minority, but I thought that some of the Chicago mobster accents in the Baccano! dub were one step above Joey Wheeler and I personally recommend the JP dub instead. The English dub isn't bad, though.

I've never watched it in the dub but I feel like it only takes a single bad actor to break immersion for me, which is why I steel clear of such ventures.

I could never make it past the second episode because I thought Firo sounded too much like Yakko Warner.
School Days 2

MC goes after the most boring girl in the universe while he friendzones the better alternative. Gee that sure is original. While we're on the originality boat they watch a film that is remarkably similar to their situation. Oh boy, this couldn't possibly be a bit of foreshadowing.

On a positive note at least they didn't drag the storyline over to episode 3 and wrapped it all up at the end.
#TeamSekai represent!


Neither the OP nor the ED will beat the mini ED, probably. Shame it's not in the TV series.

Agree with this. that special episode ED is the fucking best. I love chibi dancing.

at least Rikka is a cute girl


Mei <3

First From the New World and now this. These delaycasts seem like a bad idea.

delaycasting seems like missing the entire point of simulcasting. I'm sure its because of broadcast rights and such, but its still kind of dumb.

It's not really much like Haruhi at all. It's more like some personal story about a guy who was childish as fuck hoping to make a fresh start as a "normal dude" in a new school. But he keeps running into this crazy girl who is still childish as fuck, and she brings out his hidden tendency to be attracted to the same kind of dumb shit (pretending to be a superhero, making stupid poses, shouting stupid catch phrases, etc). They try to play it all up with a lot of physical comedy but none of it works for me. I just think they're stupid and childish, and I'm not interested any of it. Not funny.

That sounds a bit silly, but we knew the premise was going to be silly already. I guess it will be a Cutewatch for me then. I can deal with that.

I really don't think Space Brothers is going to pull out aliens.

It might. remember the UFO?

*scratches one off the backlog list*

Don't! Planetes is really really good. It also doesn't have aliens in it. The character Pdot mentioned isnt from Earth but not really alien either. (think space colonies)

So I finally came home and watched the Chuunibyo op. Omg... I think my eyes are permanently damaged from that. Like... I understand why they made the OP like that. The question is, why the hell did they do it anyway.

It was a poor choice for an OP. I see where they're trying to go with it, but it doesn't really work right.

fucking LOL. Perfect!
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