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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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I like the Chuunibyo impressions so far.
It does seem to suit my interests.
I dont mind Kyo Ani trying another lighthearted show.
Also I would have totally bought roller shoes if I knew those existed.
Oh god, that seiyuu leak for Medaka Box Abnormal was real.

Youka Naze: Miyuki Sawashiro
Kei Munataka: Hiroshi Kamiya
Mizou Yukuhashi: Kana Asumi
Itami Koga: Madoka Yonezawa
Shigusa Takachiho: Kenji Nomura


Brilliant! She's easily the best female seiyuu in all of anime.

I'm surprisingly excited for this, even though I thought the first season was thoroughly mediocre.


Medaka Box Abnormal is almost certainly one of the two remaining, and I guess Little Busters has as much a chance as anything else for the other.
Still don't know what's up with the noitaminA shows though, after two seasons of having them both.

Bah, that means odds are Kamisama Kiss won't be picked up. Hope CR adds more slots.
Toriko 73 (funiHulu)

A lot of the food looked amazing though one, the butt faced cow, who in the world would eat that? Anyway the whole episode was just a big whole heaping helping of awesome, not even a gram of disappointment. I already like this arc already.
The snake was just so epic, the whole ride. Amazing. Though Terry > Kiss > Queen


Eureka Seven:AO 22

Finally got around to watching this. I don't even know anymore. I'm one of the few who still enjoys this show, but even I got a little exasperated watching this. Just as the writers seemed like they were getting a clear sense of direction, they lose it all again. They can't decide on one true backstory for things. They have to constantly be adding and changing things. I don't know why they couldn't just leave the backstory Truth has, for example. The stuff they added to it just made no sense, was boring, and wasted what precious little time the show has left. The show also still lacks any clear conflict. We have a few forces that are supposed to be evil, but none really seem big enough to drive the plot. Is the big bad supposed to be the scub coral? If so, they've shown us nothing that gives us a reason to hate or fear it. In the original E7, the scub could take action and act like an antagonist. Here, it just sits there and we're supposed to fear it.

The mecha action still looks great, but lacks the heart the original had. It's so plain. In the original, we see fights choreographed to action music. Everything flows and is very dynamic. Here, we just get robots firing lasers at each other and occasionally dodging.

Like I said before, I find it difficult to be angry at this show anymore. I've divorced it from the original series and now am just watching it for the insanity it brings week to week. The problem is, that insanity isn't even coherent now. In previous episodes, it all sort of made sense and felt working toward a common end, as good or bad that end might be. Now, it just feels like the show is floundering.

I've gone this far and still have yet to even mention the characters. They still suck. They barely exist at all. They do random things that make no sense and their personalities change on a dime. It's weird how the writers can't even keep the main character of Ao interesting and consistent. In fact, he's the most boring person on the show.

Well, at least we got old Renton and a new Nirvash this week. Both those look awesome and can't wait to see them in action. Hopefully the break will let the writers get their heads straight so they can pull some sort of interesting conclusion out of the mess they've left themselves here.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Anyone watch the new Hayate? Is it as terrible as it looks?

I'm not sure...

Hayate No Gotoku S3 01:

WTF did I just watch? No seriously, what the fuck did I just watch? It's like Mangalobe is trying to take Hayate no Gotoku and give it an art decco makeover or something. The mansion is crazy, the character artwork is inconsistent, and it's like they're trying to make the show more... artsy. Frankly it doesn't really fit Hayate no Gotoku in my opinion.
Eureka Seven:AO 22
I've gone this far and still have yet to even mention the characters. They still suck. They barely exist at all. They do random things that make no sense and their personalities change on a dime. It's weird how the writers can't even keep the main character of Ao interesting and consistent. In fact, he's the most boring person on the show.

Dont you mean Elena or Naru? Ao and Truth are the most intriguing characters in it. I dont know, maybe thats why I like it so much but I like seeing their wide range of expressions, personalities, Ao's search for Truth, Truth finding himself and what not, and just how they can console each other, they just need a friend and a hug and a better outlook, I enjoy it.


Dont you mean Elena or Naru? Ao and Truth are the most intriguing characters in it. I dont know, maybe thats why I like it so much but I like seeing their wide range of expressions, personalities, Ao's search for Truth, Truth finding himself and what not, and just how they can console each other, they just need a friend and a hug and a better outlook, I enjoy it.

All Ao does is mope, talk about how great it would be to see his mother, and choke when people need him the most.

Truth is a weird character in general. He's just insane, and not in a way that even makes sense. Half of what he says is meaningless drivel. He's certainly the most interesting character in the cast, but that's not saying much at all. I am sort of interested in seeing where his arc goes and that's part of what keeps me watching at the moment.


Things to do in the next 24 hours.

- Browse forums.

- Continue reading GTO.

- Sleep

- Unimportant stuff like going to work tomorrow and making money.

-Settling down tomorrow evening and watch the return of Kintama. I'm looking forward to seeing Kintoki and the gang again. Been far too long since I've had my Kintama fix.


I will say this, I'm not even sure what part of E7 Ao 22 broke me. All and all, the problems with this episode are no worse than they've been throughout the show. I guess it was all finally too much and caused what little enthusiasm I had to collapse.


Is there any KyoAni show after Haruhi that's similar to it without being a fucking moeblob? At least something story-driven.


Oh my...Serika?
Best seiyuu!

Seems she's also the voice of young Mutta.

I will say this, I'm not even sure what part of E7 Ao 22 broke me. All and all, the problems with this episode are no worse than they've been throughout the show. I guess it was all finally too much and caused what little enthusiasm I had to collapse.

I'm looking forward to marathoning the second half of AO once the series is all said and done. Skimming peoples reactions thus far I'm curious to see how I'll come out of it.


All Ao does is mope, talk about how great it would be to see his mother, and choke when people need him the most.

Truth is a weird character in general. He's just insane, and not in a way that even makes sense. Half of what he says is meaningless drivel. He's certainly the most interesting character in the cast, but that's not saying much at all. I am sort of interested in seeing where his arc goes and that's part of what keeps me watching at the moment.

yeah im not seeing the "wide array of emotions" DTL is talking about
its just a mess


I'm looking forward to marathoning the second half of AO once the series is all said and done. Skimming peoples reactions thus far I'm curious to see how I'll come out of it.

Really interested to hear your thoughts coming out a marathon. That could make the show way better or worse. I'm actually not sure how that would go.

I just don't understand how this all happened. My impression of how a show like this gets made is that they draw up a general plot of the whole arc and then fill in the little details as they go. There is so little overarching narrative that there's no way that's what they did. Really feels like they've been winging it this whole time.

Hell, maybe they'll pull a Blood-C and salvage it with an insane ending. I doubt it as I don't think more insanity is going to fix this, but I can at least hope for that much.


Is there any KyoAni show after Haruhi that's similar to it without being a fucking moeblob? At least something story-driven.

Haruhi itself is moe properties. Btw the answer is Hyouka and Nichijou. Yeah otakus actually complain Nichijou isn't "moe" enough like K-on.


Haruhi itself is moe properties. Btw the answer is Hyouka and Nichijou. Yeah otakus actually complain Nichijou isn't "moe" enough like K-on.

Nichijou definitely doesn't fit the bill. I'm watching it right now. Also, moe isn't the main thing on Haruhi, even though Mikuru and Nagato fits the bill, the story is what matter for me.

I'll watch Hyouka after Nichijou.

Nichijou Ep. 3

I love the cat already. Mai-chan is a fucking gorilla, holy shit.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Is there any KyoAni show after Haruhi that's similar to it without being a fucking moeblob? At least something story-driven.

In seriousness, despite the moeblobs Clannad and Clannad: After Story are very story driven and are pretty good. The ending is confusing though. Though they're nothing like Haruhi.


Hayate No Gotoku Can't Take My Eyes Off You 1

So it's one of those "how we got here" series, huh.
I have no idea where they're going with this. First episode and all that, but it's not instilling much confidence in me.


In seriousness, despite the moeblobs Clannad and Clannad: After Story are very story driven and are pretty good. The ending is confusing though. Though they're nothing like Haruhi.

Yeah, Clannad fits the bill. But Key shows doesn't count (even though Haruhi was made before it).

Also, is there any chance of them continuing Haruhi one day?
Saint Seiya Omega 26

Souma Sonia stuff was good
cant believe she ended up dropping the ball there, fortunately Souma saved the day gloriously

Mindblowing episode conclusion
Possibly the plot twist of the year, if Kouga is the darkness cosmo, wow. I cant remember the last time a character aligned with dark was a good guy, how in the world did he get the Pegasus cloth


In before 'lolsexist'
The important thing to remember is that Haruhi and (sorta) Hyouka succeeds because of the male MCs.

So I posit that the key to a good KyoAni show is the prominence of the Y chromosone.

I see...


Nichijou 04

The robot, the cute scientist and the cat are saving the show. I love them, really.

Funny, I found a few good segments with the main cast but the professor bits were all absolutely insufferable.

Andrew J.

Saint Seiya Omega 26

I've wondered since the elements were first explained whether
there would ever be a good guy with darkness cosmo, and it also struck me as a bit strange that Aria joining the gang doubled up on the light cosmo. Didn't really expect that issue to be brought out quite like this, though!
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 1

Pretty enjoyable introductory episode, though slightly disappointing, yet I’m expecting quite a bit more for future episodes, because, despite the few flaws present in this episode, the characters and story definitely have a lot of potential. The lighthearted, humorous tone of the story really worked here. Of course, there's barely any subtlety in it's execution, but that's hardly a complaint, since that's part of it's distinguishing appeal.

I like the strange, embarrassing nature of the events that unfolded throughout this episode, particularly whenever Rikka would
demonstrate her false "abilities" in front of other, unsuspecting people
. These isolated moments that dealt with the main character's
unleashing their fantasized powers
were quite well done, and I'm rather excited to see how creative these sequences become over time. I also enjoyed the brief glimpse of Yuuta's family, since they seem likely to provide some excellent humor in the future. The ending was especially good, as
Rikka persuades Yuuta to refrain from trashing his youthful possesions, followed by his momentary lack of restraint, as he indulges his chuunibyou inclinations in order to satisfy Rikka's intensifying curiosity and to rectify her momentary disappointment

Rikka was great, and often amusingly cute, although I can certainly understand why some might view her as annoying, since her relative immaturity can be off-putting. I really like Yuuta and his somewhat contrasting characterization, as he's considerably embarrassed by his chuunibyou phase, and seems entirely reluctant to slip into that abnormality. I'm hoping that the primary focus will continue to reside on Yuuta and Rikka and the development of their relationship, as their interactions are definitely, up to this point, the best element of the show. As such, their relationship is really good so far, due particularly to their superb chemistry, which is certainly elevated by the excellent voice acting, allowing them to play off each other's contrasting quirks quite well. I'd much prefer it if the side characters don't interfere too greatly moving forward, as the story might lose a portion of it's charm.

It will be really interesting to see how Rikka and Yuuta will develop, and if this condition will, by the end, be embraced by Yuuta or discarded by Rikka. Of course, it could take neither of these directions, but I think the character development can be quite rewarding and complex if it takes the route of Rikka, with Yuuta's help, moving past her fanciful delusions to the point where she eventually understands and embraces the importance of maturing into adulthood.

The production elements are inconsistent in quality, and, of course, not up to the level of Hyouka's, but not much else is, so that's hardly a significant complaint. For instance, the background art isn't nearly as visually impressive as Hyouka's, as it comparatively lacks that incredible attention to detail that was consistently present in the latter. The animation though, is superb, particularly in how it excellently captures the fluidity in Rikka's slightly exaggerated movements. The direction was impressive, as it handled the pacing of the episode in an excellent manner, introducing the main characters in a lighthearted, humorous fashion that immediately illuminated their unique personalities, while remaining interesting throughout. The character designs are, for the most part, thoroughly mediocre, but certainly not bad.

Although the OP is rather poor visually, the music is quite good. As for the ED, it's a marked improvement over the OP, but, yet again, rather unremarkable, save for the nice song.

All in all, Chuunibyou is an intriguing and enjoyable show that, despite several mediocre aspects, is rather promising, due mostly to the greatly endearing characters and story. The first episode managed to balance the embarassing situations, bits of introductory character development, and the numerous, occasionally romantic interactions between the main pair surprisingly well, rarely failing to impress in those areas. I'm rather looking forward to the next episode, and I have confidence that it will improve, even though it doesn't necessarily need to.
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