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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Ixion Saga DT 1


A simple introduction episode that sets a promising path of physical humor and action. Thankfully, it does not have to share the hideous visuals of Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.

Having witnessed a part of this director's work on Gintama, there's potential to be had in poking fun at the fantasy setting and its relation to video games. I'll try out some more episodes.


Saint Seiya Omega 27


I loved this episode. I didn't think that Toei had balls to do what they did. Kudos for them.

I knew that it was coming; I just didn't expect them to be so blatantly cruel with the scenario.

A.E Suggs

Anyone ever watch Paradise Kiss? I saw one episode it seem interesting, but i'd like some opinions on should I watch more because one episode is all that coulda been good.
Please do. :D
Will do in a couple of minutes

SO much fog in there : Darkness


i don't eat marshmallow often but i'm pretty sure the taste isn't the same..
Funny how her tail back is red from all those nights ...

FOg , fog fog and fog ..

i mean a accurate adaptation from the manga with censoring ...not much else to say ..the comic episodes will be glorious and the serious parts will be fun to watch ...

"Momo is the girl to rely on if you wish to create a harem" ><
that's written down ..it might become in handy in a few years...


Ixion Saga DT 1

Having witnessed a part of this director's work on Gintama, there's potential to be had in poking fun at the fantasy setting and its relation to video games. I'll try out some more episodes.

Director who worked on Gintama? Even better.


All right folks. I have a friend who tells me to watch SAO and AnimeGAF telling me to avoid it. Lets see who's right. Two episodes down.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventures 1 was indeed pretty fun. I assume this is about as simultaneously fabulous and manly as anime can possibly get until they make an animu adaptation of From Eroica with Love. I suppose I should watch the old OVAs or read the comics or something.

I highly endorse the 1993 OVAs; really engrossing and great production values. The 2000 OVAs are OK, and need to be watched first to comprehend the story, but the earlier ones are really where it's it.

Director who worked on Gintama? Even better.

Not only the director (Shinji Takamatsu), but the lead writer (Akatsuki Yamatoya) and the character designer/chief animation director (Shinji Takeuchi) are all from Gintama. (And the color designer, for what that's worth.)
Ixion Saga DT 1

Hardcore fan? Fortunately I was glad they kept all the MonHun stuff from not being too everywhere (I guess apart from Kon's shirt there was not much else Capcom?).

Anyway way more hilarious than I thought. Perhaps because the PV made me have a lowered expectation I found this very enjoyable and wonderful. Kon is hilarious especially his reactions to stuff. His choices of shoes was memorable and just the whole clash.

The cast is good, though I love everyone on the antagonists side (excellent designs). Hearing Zehearto-sama (Gundam Age) for the voice of Erecpyle was quite pleasing and then Variation having Ouma Shu, Haruyuki (AW), Amata's, voice was even more. Really interesting seeing him play his role but on that side. And the maid gunner is good.

Definitely following the 23 or so more episodes of this.


Magi 01
puzzled as to why aladin didnt get his hands cut off for stealing
"pay me back" doesnt seem like the likely response
apparently its limited to stealing slaves :p

so this is where gilgamesh got his desire to own everything!

hard to judge a shounen anime from its first episode, rather you have to go by the potential
and I can see it has a decent amount of that


Not only the director (Shinji Takamatsu), but the lead writer (Akatsuki Yamatoya) and the character designer/chief animation director (Shinji Takeuchi) are all from Gintama. (And the color designer, for what that's worth.)

I hope Gintama's facial expressions work their way in to Ixion Saga (though that is more the work of Hideaki Sorachi).

Bakuman 3 - 1

So glad to have another half years worth of Bakuman anime to follow. They started it off so well, the opening is really good (well even though I could immediately tell that it was the same singer who did the Sankarea OP, the instrumental sounds like it uses the same instruments etc...) and even has the volume 13 cover and the ending theme is catchy. I had really wanted to see this animated as it was funny, cool and touching. I love how Saiko and Miho act whenever they get caught up in some situation. Lovely romance drama awkwardness is always a joy to see for their age group to me.
When Saiko rushed in to take her from Voice acting and then they held hands and then he reacted all awkward to it, and then to her advances to continue holding hands, lol. Awesome.

Great start.


The Light of El Cantare
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 01:

Fuck this guy twice in every orifice with a rusty harpoon coated in bubonic plague.

I'm conflicted about this show. I mean, it's okay as it is, but I can't get over the feeling that, given its notable place in the history of manga, it deserves more than what it's getting. David Production is doing an admirable job of compensating for the lack of budget by employing several interesting little techniques to convey emotions and make JoJo feel more like a manga in motion, but I just don't like the look of the overall product. The digital art is sometimes cheap-looking and unattractive and the color palette is garish, but fortunately every other aspect of the production was enjoyable enough to counteract this.

JoJo and Dio's rivalry certainly seems on track to become the stuff of legend, and it was in the moments of greatest emotional impact that the production team seemed to nail whatever was necessary to sell the scene. Action had weight and impact, expressions were consistently excellent, and the visual flourishes were used more smartly. There's nothing subtle about Dio's rise to assholedom, but he's just so monstrously loathsome that the compulsion to know what happens next and to see justice done is irresistible. I actually kind of enjoyed the brisk pace of events, and even if I didn't, I can still kind of understand the necessity of establishing Dio as an evil piece of shit as quickly as possible from a viewer retention standpoint.

Those familiar with the manga seem to still be enjoying the anime adaptation, so this may be as good a motivation as I'll ever have to finally read the manga and simply use the series as a companion piece.


A Good Citizen
I think garish colors suits Jojo's nature. It is extremely flamboyant without a care in the world, garish colors are the only way to go, really.

Remember: garish can just be a word of description, not necessarily criticism. Trapeze has very garish colors and I wouldn't have it any other way. If anything, though, I'd say that the colors in Jojo are not garish enough. It looks a bit too flat and lifeless in places, color-wise.


Saw this in the Space Bros. thread, the Feel So Moon music video. *Contains potential Space Brothers manga spoilers, nothing that you can't predict but I figured I'd throw this warning out anyway.* The video once again proves the song is a perfect fit for Space Bros.
The garish look of Jojo TV is undoubtedly due to its visual director, Yasufumi Soejima, ex-CG director at Gonzo and the man behind the unquestionably garish Gankutsuou ED (he was also that show's textile designer). Soejima's made some really ugly works - his short for Ani*Kuri 15 is hideous - but I think his sense of style worked within the gaudy, corrupt high society world of Gankutsuou, and it also works within the larger-than-life world of Jojo.
Hmmmm....anyone following the Little Busters! anime adaptation? As someone who played the VN in its entirety, I'm not entirely impressed with JC Staff's visual design, but SO FAR it seems to have captured the VN perfectly. I'll be keeping an eye on it for now.
Hmmmm....anyone following the Little Busters! anime adaptation? As someone who played the VN in its entirety, I'm not entirely impressed with JC Staff's visual design, but SO FAR it seems to have captured the VN perfectly. I'll be keeping an eye on it for now.

I think so far its on my 5th spot for favorite anime this season, I guess of the 20 or so plus Im following or something, I need to count. It has potential so far. I hope for more backstory and more Kyousuke moments and Riki too.


The Light of El Cantare


I think garish colors suits Jojo's nature. It is extremely flamboyant without a care in the world, garish colors are the only way to go, really.

Remember: garish can just be a word of description, not necessarily criticism. Trapeze has very garish colors and I wouldn't have it any other way. If anything, though, I'd say that the colors in Jojo are not garish enough. It looks a bit too flat and lifeless in places, color-wise.

I did mean garish as a criticism in this instance, although neither do I think that the term is inherently pejorative and I love many anime that by all rights could be called an assault on the eyes. In JoJo's case, my initial thought was that I just didn't know if the particular palette in use here works in a Victorian England setting, regardless of the flamboyance of the material.

You might have better identified the problem here, however--that the show is halfassing the garishness and only looks out of place because it's inconsistent, not because the use of these particular colors are inherently detrimental to the story being told. If everything in the show was turquoise and magenta and canary yellow, I probably wouldn't complain, but when these colors are present in otherwise-natural looking vistas of brown and green, it doesn't look right. I'd rather have one set of colors or the other entirely, but not both.


Magi - The Labyrinth of Boobs - 1

The flash back in the beginning of the episode, Is that where Aladdin gets the flute? and we are to assume he then meets Alibaba somehow?
Is it going to be explained later what the flute is or what/where that other djinn(?) in the intro was or they skipped that stuff?
I was a bit lost.

It's a pretty show and I really love Arabian nights setting anywhere but other than that there wasn't much to talk about in this episode yet. Aladdin's voice is annoying.

I don't know if I want to follow or not yet, I'll wait to see what a dungeon is about first.
This one goes out to KO Traveling Hobo because i've been keeping him up with these:

A funny video (that contains SAO Episode 14 spoilers): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0QpZh69YdU

Watch your volume levels, seriously.
Good stuff. It's hard to live up that first one, though.
Sukitte Ii Na Yo 1
Pictured: Table-kun talking to Nina.

That nickname makes me want to read it. Is it good?
It is literally the best manga I've ever read.

I've only read one other manga.
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