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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Ah, I meant simply the first episode of SAO, not the series as a whole, I should have clarified that properly. >.<

As for your second paragraph, I disagree completely, but that's just me. :) I personally like the character designs in Magi a lot more, and I thought the decision to compress so many early chapters into one episode was a very good choice, since as I've already mentioned, early magi is not that good. the scenes with ugo and the plant monster were better animated than anything in the first ep of SAO as well.

Well you're only taking into account fight scenes here .. i'm taking into account the whole episode , not just the parts with action


This is a very dumb thing to say, especially when there are shounens that do deliver quality from the get-go. It's fine if you recognize the potential in something, and the series manages to follow through with it, but to say that's the standard by which shows should be judges is incredibly non-sensical. There are far more series with good potential that then gets squandered than there are series that manage to follow through with that potential. It's far more intellectually honest to simply admit "These shows sucked at first, but the author managed to single out the positive aspects and capitalize on them" than to try to twist their poor beginnings into "Oh, this means this will be good (maybe, at some point in the distant future)!"

im sorry but what? you can get a taste of the style and world building early on in a show
if its got good production values and is based on quality source material then there is absolutely no reason to disregard potential.

Which are these shounen that deliver quality from the get go?


This is a very dumb thing to say, especially when there are shounens that do deliver quality from the get-go. It's fine if you recognize the potential in something, and the series manages to follow through with it, but to say that's the standard by which shows should be judges is incredibly non-sensical. There are far more series with good potential that then gets squandered than there are series that manage to follow through with that potential. It's far more intellectually honest to simply admit "These shows sucked at first, but the author managed to single out the positive aspects and capitalize on them" than to try to twist their poor beginnings into "Oh, this means this will be good (maybe, at some point in the distant future)!"

I agree with most of this, but stories aren't always made up from one episode to the next. I don't see what's wrong with saying, "The show has a good concept and there are promising things about it (like the source material), but the author/director gave it a weak first episode."


The Light of El Cantare
I would argue that Rurouni Kenshin is a good example of a shounen that hits the ground running, even if it ultimately comes to a screeching halt. I guess I'll take this opportunity to also rep Watsuki's other anime adaptation, Busou Renkin, just because not enough people in AnimeGAF have seen it.

BLue Exorcist!

Agonizingly slow for the first half of its run.


The Light of El Cantare
I thought we were mentioning actually good episode 1's of the genre?

I was under the assumption that "good from the first episode" implies that it remains good after the first episode.

Don't get me wrong--I like Blue Exorcist on the whole--it just started strong but immediately fell off of a cliff for a while before finally managing to claw its way back up.


sealed with a kiss
im sorry but what? you can get a taste of the style and world building early on in a show
if its got good production values and is based on quality source material then there is absolutely no reason to disregard potential.

Which are these shounen that deliver quality from the get go?

In this case Cosmic was referring to the source material itself, not the adaption. And if something has good production values and is based on quality source material, it should be good quality as well.

As for series that deliver quality from the very beginning,

Blue Exorcist, FMA, JoJo, and Beelzebub all had very strong beginnings, just to name a few.


sealed with a kiss
I agree with most of this, but stories aren't always made up from one episode to the next. I don't see what's wrong with saying, "The show has a good concept and there are promising things about it (like the source material), but the author/director gave it a weak first episode."

Again, cosmic was referring to the source material itself, not the adaption.


I thought we were mentioning actually good episode 1's of the genre?

a great first episode doesnt make it any more promising imo
when you're expecting a long running story involving many characters and elements, you need time to see how it all comes together.

In this case Cosmic was referring to the source material itself, not the adaption. And if something has good production values and is based on quality source material, it should be good quality as well.

As for series that deliver quality from the very beginning,

Blue Exorcist, FMA, JoJo, and Beelzebub all had very strong beginnings, just to name a few.

we are in the anime thread discussing the premiere, so i assumed we were talking about the first episode.

of the mentioned shows which stayed good all the way through? not counting jojo since it just aired, i don't think any.


Again, cosmic was referring to the source material itself, not the adaption.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the adaptation. After all, Uchip was talking about the first episode of One Piece and cosmic expanded that to shounen in general. He may have referenced the manga, but it was to explain that the material the adaptation is based on is good.

Well, whichever one he was referring to doesn't really matter. I don't see why authors aren't allowed to have a good overall concept in mind since the beginning but a weak first chapter/episode/whatever.



Hating on Kaori Ishihara smh
She's on my Chiaki Omigawa list.



Cat flipping a table? Where do you find these things??


Wonzo basically said it was ass. His impressions are the worst I've seen though.
I probably did come across as overly negative in my impressions. I did indeed find it underwhelming compared to my fairly high expectations based from the source material but it's still leagues above and beyond anything SAO could ever hope to deliver. I'd say it's worth checking out if you've had no prior experience with the franchise but the manga really would be a better option.


Tragic victim of fan death
I probably did come across as overly negative in my impressions. I did indeed find it underwhelming compared to my fairly high expectations based from the source material but it's still leagues above and beyond anything SAO could ever hope to deliver. I'd say it's worth checking out if you've had no prior experience with the franchise but the manga really would be a better option.

First episode of SAO was pretty stellar.


Tragic victim of fan death
After rewatching Sword Art Online this week, I do not think I would have episode 1 of SAO as steller. It was basically as boring as watching someone play an RPG. It was just an intro to the world, and I think the anime really took off when they faced the first boss.

2nd episode is still my favorite episode of the series so far.


sealed with a kiss
Early parts of shounen should be judged on potential, not actual quality. Quality is only icing on the cake, and I'd say Magi delivers some of that as well. It really becomes something special when Balbadd happens.

a great first episode doesnt make it any more promising imo
when you're expecting a long running story involving many characters and elements, you need time to see how it all comes together.

we are in the anime thread discussing the premiere, so i assumed we were talking about the first episode.

of the mentioned shows which stayed good all the way through? not counting jojo since it just aired, i don't think any.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to the adaptation. After all, Uchip was talking about the first episode of One Piece and cosmic expanded that to shounen in general. He may have referenced the manga, but it was to explain that the material the adaptation is based on is good.

Well, whichever one he was referring to doesn't really matter. I don't see why authors aren't allowed to have a good overall concept in mind since the beginning but a weak first chapter/episode/whatever.

Cosmic is quite clearly referencing the manga here, as the magi anime hasn't reached the Balbadd arc...

To answer Uchip: FMA was good throughout, Blue Exorcist was good for a long time, till the author began to stagnate... beelzebub is still as good as ever, and JoJo has been good through all 200+ chapters that I've read. As for their anime adaptions, FMA was good throughout, Blue Exorcist was good til it stopped following the source material, and Beelzebub's adaption was never good to begin with.

Ocean Blue: I never said anything about allowing or disallowing authors in whichever manner they please... but I'd rather judge a work on its actual quality, not waiting months or years to see if it actually turns out well or not, all the while claiming it was good from the beginning.


Sword Art Online suffers generally for being too bland.
Bland environment, bland main character design, bland story, bland music.
Accel world was way more fun.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Koihime Musou - 12 [END]

This was actually entertaining. If anything, I had fun speculating what each hero would look like when they made their appearance. Too bad their focus was on the Shu dynasty with some Wei on the side... I wanted to see some Wu goodness and the only one we got from that family was the daughter of the Sun family; Sun Shangxiang. I can't complain though, as they managed to get my favorites outside of that dynasty like Xiahou Dun. I didn't expect a lot of yuri coming into this, but wow was I pleasantly surprised. Sousou was living the dream, trying to bed Guan Yu when she wasn't having her armpits or feet licked by her servants or having a sexy fun time threesome with her generals. Girl has priorities, I respect that.

A lighthearted, fun show. For those who have a background with the Dynasty Warriors series or Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this is a must see. The yuri is a bonus. A deliciously sweet bonus.
After rewatching Sword Art Online this week, I do not think I would have episode 1 of SAO as steller. It was basically as boring as watching someone play an RPG. It was just an intro to the world, and I think the anime really took off when they faced the first boss.
Agreed. The first episode was necessary and had some nice touches, but it was boring as sin.
Sword Art Online suffers generally for being too bland.
Bland environment, bland main character design, bland story, bland music.
Accel world was way more fun.

Im an Accel World fan, but simialr to Sword Art Online, I dont think the first episode was all that impressive either. I guess Accel World didn't really take off until like ep 3 or 4 I think.
He also said that he was retiring from the Manga thread and that he wasn't particularly thrilled by the negativity in the SAO thread/in this thread.
Guys, I'm worried about Articalys not appearing since his last post in here... did he say something more on IRC or anywhere else?

When I saw this I was like...Nooooooo! =/

I'm not dead or anything, just real tired... anyway this is a pretty good summary...

You stay Articalys, I lurk all the time and you're one of my favorite posters, I like all the information you provide and I want to know who wins SaiMoe. XD

They've started republishing the manga here in Brazil earlier this year, so I'm buying them monthly. By the time they reach volume 30 or so here I'll already be up to the latest anime episode, so hopefully I won't notice the pacing problems you mentioned.

Me too and to think the first time it was published I didn't want to buy because of the artstyle, but when I read the first chapter I fell in love with One Piece, but I'm not strong enough to watch fillers anymore, Bleach and Naruto broke me. =/

And Magi 01


This, just say maru one time Alladin. I liked it and I want more, will read the manga later.
I want to Fuck my Brother #1234232 doesn't have that, I assure you.

I swear I remember some... but it might just be me slapping myself while watching it.

And I think i forgot to mention, but i really dig the new polarbear cafe opening. It's not as funk as the previous, but i like it.


im not sure i can agree that FMA stayed good the whole way
the ending movie was really wtf and you could tell they deviated from the original story
This is a very dumb thing to say, especially when there are shounens that do deliver quality from the get-go. It's fine if you recognize the potential in something, and the series manages to follow through with it, but to say that's the standard by which shows should be judges is incredibly non-sensical. There are far more series with good potential that then gets squandered than there are series that manage to follow through with that potential. It's far more intellectually honest to simply admit "These shows sucked at first, but the author managed to single out the positive aspects and capitalize on them" than to try to twist their poor beginnings into "Oh, this means this will be good (maybe, at some point in the distant future)!"

I think you may have misunderstood what I said. It's no so much "oh wow, this world has potential, so it will definitely be good" as it's "this could turn into something I like, so I'll stick with it."

Shounen is a gamble because it takes a bigger commitment for something that could be a dud. On the other hand, the payoff is much greater imo if it's a hit.


sealed with a kiss
I think you may have misunderstood what I said. It's no so much "oh wow, this world has potential, so it will definitely be good" as it's "this could turn into something I like, so I'll stick with it."

Shounen is a gamble because it takes a bigger commitment for something that could be a dud. On the other hand, the payoff is much greater imo if it's a hit.

Ah, I understand where you're coming from now, but I see it a different way. For me, Shounen isn't really a gamble, since if something has a poor start, I simply won't waste my time on it. See: One Piece, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman, and so on. For me, it's "is this actually enjoyable?" if the answer is yes, I continue until it stops being enjoyable. if the answer is no, I just stop there.
I never read JoJo because it always seemed so long. Isn't it in like 8 parts?
Also, shounen.

It's absolutely shounen in nearly every way, but the parts are treated more like sequels than they are ongoing stories. I mean, some are over a century apart, so if you get bored, you can stop at pretty much any time. On top of that, it's not like Araki plans things out. In fact, a central plot point in part 8 is (not really a spoiler because it's said in the first few pages, but I'll spoiler it anyway)
the 2011 earthquake
Ah, I understand where you're coming from now, but I see it a different way. For me, Shounen isn't really a gamble, since if something has a poor start, I simply won't waste my time on it. See: One Piece, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman, and so on. For me, it's "is this actually enjoyable?" if the answer is yes, I continue until it stops being enjoyable. if the answer is no, I just stop there.

I'm generally the same way. I just happen to have a higher tolerance for slow beginnings because I can generally determine if it will turn into something I'll really enjoy at some point down the line. Yeah, there have been duds like Black Butler and Code:Breaker, but there have also been some I absolutely couldn't get into at the beginning but ended up liking a lot like Nurarihyon (though that's more because of Dresden).

And it's not like I don't enjoy this stuff from the beginning either. It's just not immediate satisfaction like shorter series, but rather intriguing buildup.


Macross Zero 1-5 [End]

I decided to start Macross Zero because I had heard of it as an example of a liberal use of CG done well. While I was curious to see this in action (and having some connection due to watching Harmony Gold USA's Robotech as a kid) I got a whole lot more out of it than a lesson on proper CG application.

I think one aspect that draws me the most towards certain anime over others is a sense of atmosphere. The more you feel like the place your looking at is real, the smaller the disconnect between you and the story is. Macross Zero has a constant, unrelenting and infectious tone presented abundantly throughout the five episodes. The story takes place on a lush, remote island named Mayan. The anime wastes no time in taking advantage of the location with plenty of colorful, but subdued backgrounds. I'm not familiar with many of the works of the music composer, Kuniaki Haishima, but nearly every dramatic scene got a tremendous emotional boost from the music. I really believe a lot of the impact of the bigger scenes would feel completely different by an average score. I mean, just listen to this.

While Macross Zero has no issues with plodding plot developments or anything of the sort, it does find itself the majority of the time not inside the cockpit of a VF, but on Mayan spending time with the natives. The harsh juxtaposition of war machines and a peaceful indigenous culture isn't new, but in other fiction it seems to come off as heavy handed and one dimensional (Avatar comes to mind). It never really felt like it got to that point with the story here, it felt genuine most of the time. The only time's it felt like it wasn't moving in a good direction where when it got a bit too technobabbley mixed with mysticism. And even that felt a bit justified since this is apparently a prequel series talking about Protoculture theory or whatever. I'm sure it pays some sort of fanservice to Macross fans which is a good thing.

As for the lauded application of CG in Macross Zero, I can mostly see where people are coming from. The usual great Itano circus filled air battles didn't feel stunted by the CG, in fact, in some cases it almost felt like they pioneered a bit because of the CG. I wont get into specifics of the visuals simply because i'm not educated enough in that area to know any better, but it seemed like to me they were able to get a crisper and more kinetic looking CG by having a lot of the effects of the fights be hand drawn. Whether it be sparks or large bullet casings-- it was almost like the most eye catching parts of the fights weren't the VFs themselves, but everything around them. It's not too much different from what you're looking at in a normal, hand-drawn dog fight, really. Of course, outside of dog fights when you had longer, steadier shots of CG objects, it looked as bad as CG can. This seemed notably avoided, however. And in some shots they even had just hand-drawn models. Like in the picture below.

Ultimately, I came out of this very surprised and happy. Macross Zero is a solid story with a great visual presentation that it makes it something I won't easily forget. It's also not a huge time commitment so I find it pretty easy to recommend. It also kind of left me looking for more Macross in my life. The only things I've seen are this, Macross Plus and the Macross saga of Robotech. Can anyone recommend a good place to go from here?
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