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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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But then you'd end up deleting all the frames from the sequence where Rei and Asuka ride the elevator in Neon Genesis Evangelion.



It's school days time again?

Who's left that hadn't watched it yet?

I was watching it weekly until around episode 7. My frustration became too much and I just dropped it. I have to admit that (last episode spoilers?)
everyone's reaction to the last episode after the delay due to that girl who murdered her parents or whatever was pretty hilarious. Especially with what the station used to fill the air time.


K-ON!! - Episode 12


Don't we all?

The dark underbelly of K-ON is revealed! This show has a tendency to make everything appear light and unassuming, which is just as well, because if Sawako was male, and it did away with the usual K-ON touch, then this episode would be taking an entirely different turn! I guess Sawako quickly got over her façade of being dignified though, because here she is taking away teenagers on a debauched weekend! But I guess her friends did cancel on her plans, and at the last minute too, hm...


Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?

Duplicity seems to be the name of the game here, as everyone's personality is a little off-kilter, compared to what we're used to. Ritsu is the straight-man, Mio is crazy, Yui is reflective, and Mugi is just, Mugi. All of Yui's foibles were on show here. She went from beginning the episode, being her usual self and wandering off frame, to providing this wonderfully sincere observation. I think that when these moments are delivered via this usual ball of idiocy, it makes them all that more poignant for the audience. It's interesting that, for all the talk (mainly from Azusa) of how they need to move forward as a band, it's usually Yui who throws this into stark relief, displaying how their dynamic transcends the simple pretence of being part of a school club.

Also, base entire episode around a musical festival, yet we never hear a song in full. lol.


[My Little Monster] - 2


This show is well made and it's got a lot of charm but I don't particularly care about it. I can't even really say why, but I imagine that it has to be that the characters aren't clicking with me. As these kinds of works have really little to them beyond their characters and how they bounce off each other you can see why it would be a problem if you weren't really invested in them. Shizuku is fine but Haru has certain characteristics that make me less interested in him, such as his unexplained genius for academic work. I thought he had enough going for him as a character without that aspect, but at least the took it somewhere rather unique this episode.

I briefly want to talk about one scene in particular because it bothered me, where as nothing else from the episode stuck out:


Shizuku is interrupted from her studies by another student. They then proceed to have a fairly low-key conversation about Haru become he must return to his duties. The score, however, is quite energetic and upbeat - it feels really weird considering they're just having a relatively basic conversation that suddenly has it's tone altered by this random injection of music. I felt the scene would have worked better without the unnecessary musical intrusion. The last scene on the rooftop demonstrated how effective silence and quiet can be in creating atmosphere.


Skipping to the ending of School Days is what weak-willed men do.

It's like scraping the cheese and pepperoni off a hot pizza and thinking you're getting the whole experience.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
You pleb. Clearly you can't handle how effective an autocracy can be!
He used to be moé and pretty. Now he's a cunt.
K-ON!! - Episode 12

The dark underbelly of K-ON is revealed! This show has a tendency to make everything appear light and unassuming, which is just as well, because if Sawako was male, and it did away with the usual K-ON touch, then this episode would be taking an entirely different turn!
So much for gender equality.



(Nitpick #1) You know, I noticed Aladdin's toes in this picture are backwards. Looking at a persons left foot from behind the big toe should be on the right whereas the little toe should be on the left, yet here it's the opposite. It almost looks like the ball of his foot is reversed as well.

K-ON!! - Episode 11
It feels like a club-room, rather than just a setting that exists within the confines of those 20+ minutes. I remember it was executed in much the say way with Haruhi, where previous (and future) episodes were continually referenced in the ever-changing decorations/trinkets. It's not quite as manic here, but there are some subtle changes as the series move on, like the scribbles on the board.

Yeah, I know what you mean as far as the club-rooms, I love those little details too. They really feel like an actual place then, almost to the point of being another character in the show itself and not just some set that the characters happen to be in or at.

(Nitpick #2) Your picture captions of "Off" and "On" reminded me of the English dub of K-On!. I don't remember the last time I've seen an English dub of an Anime but I saw the episode of K-On! where Azusa joins in English. During the eyecatch with the cassette tape they pronounced the title like "Kay-On" with more of an "aaah" sound so "On" as in turning a light-switch "On". The Japanese is pronounced more with an "ooh" sound so it's more like "Own", as in short for "Ongaku", meaning music. Despite the fact that it's spelled "On" in English or when romanized, it doesn't really make any sense now to pronounce it like "Kay-On".

I forget if the club name was mentioned or not, I only really remember them saying things like "Welcome to the club" or "you're our newest club member!", something like that.


(Nitpick #1) You know, I noticed Aladdin's toes in this picture are backwards. Looking at a persons left foot from behind the big toe should be on the right whereas the little toe should be on the left, yet here it's the opposite. It almost looks like the ball of his foot is reversed as well.

A-1 are a bunch of hacks confirmed.


School Days 9
they introduced another character for no apparent reason ( friend of the "girlfriend"'s younger sister) I wouldn't have been surprised if he is pulled off her knickers there and then and bonked her. Yes I am taking into account that she is probably 10.
(0verflow universe spoilers: Summer Days & Cross days)
Nanami's boyfriend is molesting that girl, Uzuki. (Uzuki thinks of herself as his girlfriend.) He tutors her cram-school class (which incidentally is also how Makoto's father got started on his little girl impregnation spree).
Nanami's boyfriend is infatuated with his own younger sister, but naturally figures he can't have her, and goes after other girls in place of her. There's an ending in Cross Days where he does wind up with his own sister and then effectively dumps Nanami (starts ignoring her). Nanami then ends up turning to the rumored sex-master Makoto for comfort (as suggested to her by her friends/Makoto's satisfied customers) and joins his harem.


Medaka Box Abnormal 1

Oh man, they're really trolling hard with the OP animation.

Anyway, picking up where we left off at the end of season one, this is a pretty straightforward adaptation of the next three chapters of the manga. The Thirteen Party seiyuu sound great (though it's still a shame they couldn't get Tomokazu Seki for Oudo), and they handled
Myouga's speech quirks
about as I expected them too. The main fight this episode is sort of weak, but it only gets better from here.
Time for Medaka Box to really shift into high gear.


(0verflow universe spoilers: Summer Days & Cross days)
Nanami's boyfriend is molesting that girl, Uzuki. (Uzuki thinks of herself as his girlfriend.) He tutors her cram-school class (which incidentally is also how Makoto's father got started on his little girl impregnation spree).
Nanami's boyfriend is infatuated with his own younger sister, but naturally figures he can't have her, and goes after other girls in place of her. There's an ending in Cross Days where he does wind up with his own sister and then effectively dumps Nanami (starts ignoring her). Nanami then ends up turning to the rumored sex-master Makoto for comfort (as suggested to her by her friends/Makoto's satisfied customers) and joins his harem.

Just when I thought I knew enough about Overflow's depravity, I'm made aware that I've barely scratched the surface.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
School Days 9

Japanese Simon Pegg made another brief cameo at the beginning of this episode. Well that about wraps it up for the positives.

I made a joke that the school itself is a sick place. Apparently I wasn't wrong. Your environment shapes you so it's no wonder most of the pupils here are messed up.

Now of course you obviously want to know what I think about our "favourite" MC. I could thank Evilore for recently pardoning a certain term that could be used to describe M.C.Dick, but I'm afraid that term just doesn't cut it. Now you're probably thinking how is it possible for me to hate his guts even more? Well maybe because without a seconds thought he decided to get it on with ANOTHER girl. (No, not the girl from Another, but a girl who isn't one of the two I usually talk about silly). And the worst thing about it is that he probably thinks he's doing his good deed for the day. It's gotten so bad that when they introduced another character for no apparent reason ( friend of the "girlfriend"'s younger sister) I wouldn't have been surprised if he is pulled off her knickers there and then and bonked her. Yes I am taking into account that she is probably 10.

After thinking about it for a while I worked out why the characters in this show are so infuriating. It is because none of them act in a manner that they should. M.C.Dick should play SAO because he could die a million times and it wouldn't matter because clearly his brain is in his penis. "Best" girl seems to forgotten everything that has happened in this show so far and lives only in the now. And "Girlfriend" seems to be stuck on the script from a few episodes back. But at least she seems to have caught up now. Lets hope there's some light at the end of this tunnel and she
goes full yandere, kills the MC with one of her knitting needles, puts his body in a meat grinder, uses the meat strands to knit a new scarf and the final scene is of her with the scarf round her neck all happy and smiley because now they'll always be together.
Ah bless.

And on a final note, I'd like to make a special mention of one of the few girls at this school who hasn't offended me one bit. Well done you.

You need to just finish up the rest today. You just gotta!
Kamisama Kiss 02

Show is still going strong. Plenty of comedy, light dramatic moments that doesn't overwhelm, side character no one really cares about. It's still enjoyable, they still use the old time movie voice as flashback and nothing really felt stretched in order to kill time.


Medaka Box Abnormal 1

Oh man, they're really trolling hard with the OP animation.

Anyway, picking up where we left off at the end of season one, this is a pretty straightforward adaptation of the next three chapters of the manga. The Thirteen Party seiyuu sound great (though it's still a shame they couldn't get Tomokazu Seki for Oudo), and they handled
Myouga's speech quirks
about as I expected them too. The main fight this episode is sort of weak, but it only gets better from here.

Time for Medaka Box to really shift into high gear.
Can't wait to see this in a language I actually understand. I guess it's still as cheaply made as the first season though? That would be kinda sad...


Kamisama Kiss 02

Show is still going strong. Plenty of comedy, light dramatic moments that doesn't overwhelm, side character no one really cares about. It's still enjoyable, they still use the old time movie voice as flashback and nothing really felt stretched in order to kill time.

This episode proved that I'm not a totally stone-hearted bastard and that I CAN enjoy anime comedies occasionally. I love the sense of comic timing in small places (like the bit at the start with the
it's really sweeeeeeeeeeet...water
line) or just some of the more overtly comic stuff (like the ridiculously stereotypical idol song they kept playing).

It's still not a life-changing show or anything, but it's good animewatch.
I give it four ostrich derp faces out of five. /wonzo


What you guys need to know about SAO is that there's no other OTP beyond Asuna x Kirito. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth, the rest of pairings are only desilusions.

You guys can rage now.

I don't choose "best girl" by how well she goes with the main character, who is usually boring to begin with. It is my own choice of which girl I actually like the best in the series. I couldnt give a shit who actually ends up with the main guy because the show has already decided it. I guess some people actually do hope for this though. So when I say Lisbeth is the best, thats because to me, she is the cutest and most interesting girl in the series and I was upset that we didnt see more of her.

If you have a problem with the composer that's fine. Don't say a show's OST is bad because you don't like the composer or because you think she plagiarizes. That's a mediocre argument.

Good music is good period. Ad hominems don't change whether a music is good or bad. Only the perception of the composer. That's it.

I agree with this. good artists borrow, great ones steal. but regardless of ethics, good music is good music. Good art is good art. It doesnt matter the intentions behind it, its still good. thats why pirated stuff is still watched by many people. Its still the original art and therefore great, despite the ethics of it existing being highly questionable. It doesnt change the QUALITY of said art or music.

Moving on to the next anime in my backlog. How is Nichijou?

Nichijou is well animated, very cute, and memorable. How funny it is will vary.

You are some kind of anime watching machine. I wish I had your stamina.

Do you feel the same about tracing in animation?

I do feel the same about tracing. Ethically Im against it aside from using it to learn, but if its done right, the results are beautiful because of the source material. Beauty is beauty, regardless of morals.


Hmm... looks like the week before the anime started was good to the Magi manga, with the first three volumes breaking back into the lower half of the top 50 sales for the week and selling about 20,000 to 25,000 copies each. We might see a bigger boost from this week now that the first episode has aired.


Hmm... looks like the week before the anime started was good to the Magi manga, with the first three volumes breaking back into the lower half of the top 50 sales for the week and selling about 20,000 to 25,000 copies each. We might see a bigger boost from this week now that the first episode has aired.

Any word on the sales for the Dungeon Arc compilation volume yet?


School Days 8

Strange episode where they decided to hit certain plot bullet points spontaneously about a nonsensical festival episode.

While you'd think there's no possible way for our MC to get any worse, he did. Yes my friends, he spilt tea and didn't even bother to clean it up straight away. But then later on we learn he wasn't always so bad, but only on the first day of school. Obviously high school corrupted him in some way. Is this a social commentary on the corruption of youth? Nope. It's just the school. But in school love shacks are the least of it's problems. Is this place called Lewd High?

So the main plot of this episode is that M.C.Dick is told his "girlfriend" knows he's a dick but apparently he's not to blame because he has dickingitis and is suffering. And when you think he has cottoned on to the fact he's dick you realise he isn't talking about the torment he is putting two girls in, but the fact he can't control his boner in public.

I was right to consider the friend of "best" girl not a yuri because now she suddenly has feelings for M.C.Dick. There must be something in the water or it's the fact other pupils look like grown men. And of course she is caught because it wouldn't make for a good cliffhanger otherwise. And even if it can be explained in a civil manner I doubt it will go in that direction. Oh and if you thought that was pulled out of someone's arse at the last minute she's also moving to France. She's obviously been reading too many stereotypical French jokes in preparation and thinks they really are all rude and condescending which would explain her behaviour.

Give Makoto a break. Christ...


School Days 9

Japanese Simon Pegg made another brief cameo at the beginning of this episode. Well that about wraps it up for the positives.

I made a joke that the school itself is a sick place. Apparently I wasn't wrong. Your environment shapes you so it's no wonder most of the pupils here are messed up.

Now of course you obviously want to know what I think about our "favourite" MC. I could thank Evilore for recently pardoning a certain term that could be used to describe M.C.Dick, but I'm afraid that term just doesn't cut it. Now you're probably thinking how is it possible for me to hate his guts even more? Well maybe because without a seconds thought he decided to get it on with ANOTHER girl. (No, not the girl from Another, but a girl who isn't one of the two I usually talk about silly). And the worst thing about it is that he probably thinks he's doing his good deed for the day. It's gotten so bad that when they introduced another character for no apparent reason ( friend of the "girlfriend"'s younger sister) I wouldn't have been surprised if he is pulled off her knickers there and then and bonked her. Yes I am taking into account that she is probably 10.

After thinking about it for a while I worked out why the characters in this show are so infuriating. It is because none of them act in a manner that they should. M.C.Dick should play SAO because he could die a million times and it wouldn't matter because clearly his brain is in his penis. "Best" girl seems to forgotten everything that has happened in this show so far and lives only in the now. And "Girlfriend" seems to be stuck on the script from a few episodes back. But at least she seems to have caught up now. Lets hope there's some light at the end of this tunnel and she
goes full yandere, kills the MC with one of her knitting needles, puts his body in a meat grinder, uses the meat strands to knit a new scarf and the final scene is of her with the scarf round her neck all happy and smiley because now they'll always be together.
Ah bless.

And on a final note, I'd like to make a special mention of one of the few girls at this school who hasn't offended me one bit. Well done you.



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Chuu 2 Byo 02:

At the pool with Shinka. We're off to a great start! Yuuta definitely has his priorities in order. Respect +1

Okay I admit that was how I was woken up sometimes when I was younger. I still have bad memories of it.

Shinka is the kind of girl I always fell for in high school
and never scored with/ ;-;

Did... did he just "hnnnng"? I do believe his imagination caused him to "hnnnng".

Tsuyuri Kumin is cute. I approve.

Rikka's room. I approve.

Tsuyuri Kumin is cute. I approve.

Rikka's older sister enters! She's a ninja! I approve.

Rikka's older sister is evil. I approve.

Tsuyuri Kumin is cute. I approve.

Tsuyuri Kumin is a casualty. I do not approve.

Rikka vision. I FUCKING APPROVE!! :D (or is it Yuuta vision? I'm not sure to be honest... could be either/or)


School Days 9

Japanese Simon Pegg made another brief cameo at the beginning of this episode. Well that about wraps it up for the positives.

I made a joke that the school itself is a sick place. Apparently I wasn't wrong. Your environment shapes you so it's no wonder most of the pupils here are messed up.

Now of course you obviously want to know what I think about our "favourite" MC. I could thank Evilore for recently pardoning a certain term that could be used to describe M.C.Dick, but I'm afraid that term just doesn't cut it. Now you're probably thinking how is it possible for me to hate his guts even more? Well maybe because without a seconds thought he decided to get it on with ANOTHER girl. (No, not the girl from Another, but a girl who isn't one of the two I usually talk about silly). And the worst thing about it is that he probably thinks he's doing his good deed for the day. It's gotten so bad that when they introduced another character for no apparent reason ( friend of the "girlfriend"'s younger sister) I wouldn't have been surprised if he is pulled off her knickers there and then and bonked her. Yes I am taking into account that she is probably 10.

After thinking about it for a while I worked out why the characters in this show are so infuriating. It is because none of them act in a manner that they should. M.C.Dick should play SAO because he could die a million times and it wouldn't matter because clearly his brain is in his penis. "Best" girl seems to forgotten everything that has happened in this show so far and lives only in the now. And "Girlfriend" seems to be stuck on the script from a few episodes back. But at least she seems to have caught up now. Lets hope there's some light at the end of this tunnel and she
goes full yandere, kills the MC with one of her knitting needles, puts his body in a meat grinder, uses the meat strands to knit a new scarf and the final scene is of her with the scarf round her neck all happy and smiley because now they'll always be together.
Ah bless.

And on a final note, I'd like to make a special mention of one of the few girls at this school who hasn't offended me one bit. Well done you.

I think I am finally going to take the time and watch this show, I have been hearing too much about the crazy.


Wooser 2

rip wooser, you bribe taking, panty peeking scumbag

Medaka Box Abnormal 1

Oh man, they're really trolling hard with the OP animation.
those fuckers just gotta keep trolling us :(

Hmm... looks like the week before the anime started was good to the Magi manga, with the first three volumes breaking back into the lower half of the top 50 sales for the week and selling about 20,000 to 25,000 copies each. We might see a bigger boost from this week now that the first episode has aired.
v. good news~


Magi Art Online 1

That was alright. The art direction was very good and the animation expressive with some decent sakuga scenes. The story itself isn't bad but it doesn't seem like anything special either, but I guess it gets better later; if not, I'll know who to blame. I could nitpick stuff like why Alibaba just lets this kid who's ruined his life stick around with him or why the boss lets him hang around after he's already demonstrated his ridiculous magical powers, but whatever.

I know people have compared this to Fullmetal Alchemist, but I don't really see it. Also, I hope that breasts thing isn't going to be a running joke because it's already old.
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