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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Let me just start by saying that this was written while I was going through each episode. So if some parts seem scrambled and/or random, you might have caught me at a moment where I may have added something extra and didn't bother to make it flow well with whatever else I was talking about at the time. Terribly sorry about that. Oh and before I forget.


I tried to look through what needed to be spoiler tag, but then the whole damn thing would've been a black post. So the bolded above should suffice.


Revolutionary Girl Utena [Re-Watch] 1-39


Revolutionary Girl Utena, an anime that some, if not most would consider to be the flagship title of shoujo ai. Beautiful, compelling, lighthearted, tragic, and at times twisted, this show is an emotional rollercoaster of mass proportions. With such a diverse cast of characters with a backstory just as deep and telling of that belonging to a protagonist, it would be quite a challenge to not find yourself at least somewhat emotionally invested in the story. That said, after I completed the series the first time I had a mix of emotions, none of which were very positive.

I went into the show under the impression that it would strictly be a romantic story between two girls. You would have your dashing prince-type lead giving her all to save the vulnerable soft spoken damsel from whatever troubles and challenges that plague her, who would then reward the heroine with eternal love. Instead I was given a relationship so complex and mysterious that at times I even doubted if it even met the standard of friendship. Was Utena protecting Anthy just by choice, or was it simply another opportunity to project her image as the dashing prince that’s destined to save damsels? (
The latter.
This awkward relationship that I was hoping would eventually bloom into a legit romance was then further tainted and downright defiled (later on) by the interventions of two men: Touga and Akio.

Touga Kiryuu, first introduced as the respectable student council president showed his true colors and abilities near the end of episode 9. Cold and manipulative on a whole different level than his sister Nanami, he was able to damage the foundation that made Utena who she was. After their first duel he stole her confidence, beliefs, and her “girl” (Anthy), leaving her with nothing but a slowly encompassing fear that maybe her way living was indeed “not normal”. What makes him such a vile character was that he easily figured out Utena’s desires and played that card so well that it lowered Utena’s defensive walls and made her vulnerable to his benefit. It affected her to such an extent that she actually believed Touga was the prince that saved her all those years ago. It was at this point when Utena began to think of Touga as her “prince” (with a slight blush on some occasions) that I knew that the road ahead was only going to get worse for me.

And worse it did. Akio Ohtori was revealed to be
Anthy’s older brother
and was introduced during the “Black Rose” arc (2nd). If Touga was responsible for poisoning Utena’s mind, Akio is the bastard for defiling her body and destroying her purity
which he did. Literally.
Akio is the reason why I was so close to dropping Utena the first time. The things he did not only to
Anthy (yep, he had multiple sexings with his sister) but Utena as well sent me into the darkest realms of despair and bitterness I have ever felt. I was shocked, offended, and downright disgusted at the scenes playing before my eyes, and at some point everything just stopped registering. I’m pretty sure he fucked every female character in the show (save for Juri, thank god). While some of us may use the term out of humor when things happen that we simply just can’t believe, this was an honest to god feeling of being mindfucked. I mean obviously Akio could care less about Kanae, but for Utena to give in to his advances and disregard the fact that the man is engaged just destroys the credibility and image she was trying to strive for throughout the series; to be a noble knight that saves damsels. There’s nothing noble about adultery, and the fact that she was preaching this crap to her friend Wakaba just episodes before she took the plunge herself makes my blood boil. But maybe that was the point, to show that Utena was an honest to god hypocrite. It certainly didn’t help her character when she began to accept the notion that “there is no such thing as a wrong love” and proceeded to be with him on multiple occasions either. It’s hilarious too, because in the final episodes where she tries to give Akio shit over the things he’s done, he put Utena on blast with an onslaught of truth bombs, showing her that she’s really no better than him. Who knows where I got the strength to finish it. I still don’t know to this day. Honestly all the males in this show besides Miki (who is as feminine [and adorable] as they come) and Mitsuru (elementary school kid who’s head over heels in love with Nanami) are just absolute bastards that are amusingly controlled by their selfish desires revolving around power, control, and dominance. And the fact that said men have this ridiculous ability to bring these otherwise level headed females down to their level sickens me.

It wasn’t until the last few episodes that we really had something concrete between Utena and Anthy. But after going through the ringer of 10+ episodes of manipulation, purity stealing bullshit, I couldn’t enjoy the tender scenes as much as I would have liked. Not like I had much time to enjoy it anyway with what came next. Man I am so bitter right now!

Let’s not forget the one girl who’s actually a lesbian throughout the entirety of the show, Juri Arisugawa. The episodes centered on her stood out far among the rest as we saw a woman fighting a battle on both fronts. Suffering from heartbreak and betrayal from a woman (Shiori) she loved years ago, we saw her struggle as she tried to put the past behind her while fighting a girl (Utena) that was a reflection of the naivety she once had before her troubles began. What makes the situation so terrible is that when Shiori found out about Juri’s feelings for her she used it as a self-gratifying achievement to show her superiority. It was later revealed that Shiori harbored feelings of hatred for Juri for quite some time, creating a massive inferiority complex. When Ruka (the previous fencing captain) returns after recovering from an undisclosed illness, Shiori (and Ruka for that matter) seized the opportunity to get under Juri’s skin for varying reasons. While Shiori’s reason was basically one of a sadistic pleasure in seeing the girl she loathed suffer, Ruka felt that by pushing Juri to go the extra distance and
to challenge Utena one more time she would be able to defeat her and use the power of Dios however she saw fit.
Her final
did not end by Utena’s hand but rather her own.
And the scene that followed was rather symbolic as the dueling room—a place that’s in its own environment—began to pour in rain, as if Juri’s heart was finally letting out all the anguish and pain that was suppressed for so long. Her story ended on a bittersweet note, as we were shown a moment where Juri was walking home from school only to be accompanied by Shiori (though she kept her distance from behind) following the news
of Ruka’s apparent passing after his illness had gotten the better of him.

Regardless of Juri’s amazing arc, my major gripes with the show prevent me from calling it the best. Like an unsightly scar or blemish on an otherwise flawless face, sooner or later your eyes will encounter it and the image will forever be stuck in the back of your mind, taunting you of what it could’ve been if it wasn’t for its very existence (which was episode 30&33 for me). Is Revolutionary Girl Utena a fantastic anime that everyone should experience? Yes. Is it or should it be regarded as the top shoujo ai anime of its genre? No. It's definitely up there without a doubt, but not #1 in my book. That title should go to a more deserving show that actually makes an effort of pushing girls love throughout the entirety of the story and affecting the characters who are part of it, like Onii-sama e.. or Maria-sama ga Miteru (yes, even a show with only one canon lesbian and godlike subtext has earned this right).


Now that we've all had a chance to enjoy the normal episode 2, here's Chuunibyo Demo Koi ga Shitai! Lite episode 3.


Looks like this one's a story from Kuzuha's perspective about Yuta in his Dark Flame Master days.
Also contains FukuJun getting to unleash some fabulous for Yuta's DFM voice.

These lite episodes remind me of those pre-release shorts for Kuragehime that was never translated.


Medaka Box 7


Finally, onto the Public Morals Committee. Hopefully that stuff doesn't fall flat as this has so far as I actually kinda enjoyed the early chapters of Medaka Box when I read the manga. :>

Oh wow! Should this be on my radar wonzo?
Ehh, give it a few episodes and see if you like it. YMMV.

These lite episodes remind me of those pre-release shorts for Kuragehime that was never translated.
If you're talking about the shorts that came with the DVD's/BD's then I'm pretty sure someone actually did translate them.
Just finished The Ambition of Oda Nobuna.

What a surprisingly not terrible little show. I... dare I say it... actually enjoyed it! If there's a second season, I'd be pleased as punch. If not, I'll just grab the books or something for cheap. I can wait though.

Never thought I'd have anything good to say about one of these sengoku era gender swap shows. What the hell is the world coming to?!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 058
I don't see anything wrong with you, babe.
Woah there, that's not very gentlemanly. Reuental is a full-on cunt.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes 059
Smooth, Yang.
When did this show become a sitcom anyway? This sequence was preceded by another infodump regarding the Galactic Empire, too. You can't say LotGH isn't afraid of tackling the heavy issues.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes 060
Man. Fuck the Alliance.

sups bro


Regardless of My Adolescent Delusions of Grandeur, I Want a Date! - Episode 2

I really enjoyed that, and I'm happy to see that the balance between the real-word and the delusions is still intact. They are really cool moments visually, but it would be so easy to heavily lean on Rikkas imaginings.

I like the dynamic that Rikka she has with Yuuta, it's obviously got romantic inclinations, but the way in which they interact helps to rise it above the usual stuff. And I guess tough love just doesn't work, huh? The introduction of Touka helped to flesh out the extent of her sisters condition. I mean, if she is no hard-line against her, how bad must she have been? That said, their 'fights' are thoroughly entertaining to watch, so I hope that Rikkas torment continues.

I guess the OP indicates as much, but it will be interesting to see how Yuutas normal life converges with his old life, especially when Rikka herself seems intent on blurring the line between the two. Yuuta seems to feeling the effect already, and it was funny to see his relapse upon seeing the model gun (and all those off-brand Pokemon). It's interesting to note that most react positively to Rikka, so I wonder if there is going to be anyone who causes friction within the group.

Japanese (anime) cats are really docile, they just sit still!

Rikka's sister has much more potential(how did she
get a recording of him from two years ago?

She has lived there for a while, hasn't she? Given that Yuuta is (was) prone to the dramatic, it wouldn't be hard to imagine that she would have been able to snag a recording from the balcony.


October Newtype Character Rankings:
1) Kirito
2) Houtarou Oreki
3) Rider
4) Kira Yamato
5) Lelouch Lamperouge
6) Kyon
7) Archer
8) Cinque Izumi
9) Kotetsu T. Kaburagi
10) Barnaby Brooks Jr.

Impressively, all ten of the guys are the same as last month, just with some ranking changes.

1) Eru Chitanda
2) Asuna
3) Saber
4) Madoka Kaname
5) Sheryl Nome
6) Yui Hirasawa
7) Kuroyukihime
8) Lacus Clyne
9) Homura Akemi
10) Mami Tomoe

And with the Madoka movie now in theaters, its girls storm back onto the charts.


wasnt it just a typical anime deus ex machina?
it felt really out of place considering the quality of the buildup

Typical deux ex machine would have been just resurrecting them. Resurrecting them and making them all friends out of nowhere, ignoring all their past conflict, was... special.


At the very beginning of Magi, that hilarious imp dying sound from Doom is used. I've heard it used for the reindeer in movies and for camels in other movies. It must be a stock sound effect.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Also, I have noticed something that makes me a happy Cajun. Moe has not destroyed a goddamned thing in anime. Its true that its a subjective art style and preference, but the presence of moe/Cute tropes in an anime does not hinder it it any way if the writing is strong and the characters are solid. It merely serves to enhance something that is already highly enjoyable in the first place. Long live Moe. Long live Cute. A hnnnng a both your houses!

One of the things I love about KyoAni is that they (usually) don't push it beyond the "line" that makes most people groan and go "Oh anime..." They have super cute designs and even some sexy ones, but they (generally) know when and where to stop pushing it so it doesn't become completely groan-worthy IMO.

:D Welcome back!


Moe is a tool, and like any tool can be used or abused.
Moe done well is excellent, and can enhance the audience's emotional investment. Moe done bad is annoying and obvious pandering, breaking suspension of disbelief.


I havent seen My Otome though. was that any good? Should I track it down?

I like it quite a bit myself - it's a great deal of fun. Probably at least a little less fun if you aren't particularly a fan of My-HiME, as seeing the re-purposed material from and nods to it's fore-barer (and other shows that Hirokazu Hisayuki did character designs for) is a fair degree of the fun. Second half of the series is rather rushed, though. Essential viewing for fully appreciating Xenoglossia.

S.ifr is all great, though, and pretty stand-alone. You should watch that.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Chuu2 Lite 03:

Chuunibyou Yuuta is way better than normal Yuuta. Although the scene with him escorting his sister reminded me of how much I want a new FMP anime. ;_;

Great episode. ^^


I like it quite a bit myself - it's a great deal of fun. Probably at least a little less fun if you aren't particularly a fan of My-HiME, as seeing the re-purposed material from and nods to it's fore-barer (and other shows that Hirokazu Hisayuki did character designs for) is a fair degree of the fun. Second half of the series is rather rushed, though. Essential viewing for fully appreciating Xenoglossia.

S.ifr is all great, though, and pretty stand-alone. You should watch that.

I did like Mai Hime, aside from the ending.
What is S.ifr?


Moe is a tool, and like any tool can be used or abused.
Moe done well is excellent, and can enhance the audience's emotional investment. Moe done bad is annoying and obvious pandering, breaking suspension of disbelief.

That's exactly why I've said that moe should just die. Most of the (popular) shows uses moe as the reason to exist, not as a tool to enhance the parts that (should) matter, like storytelling or to enhance emotions. These are the type of show that I can't understand how it can be popular... otakus were always strange for me to fully understand.

And since it keeps giving money, they'll keep doing it.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 061

Loved the animation in this one. The car chase and the Rosenritter bits were sumptuously well made. Kinda weird seeing Schenkopp pondering out loud about democracy's shortcomings, however.


Magi 01

Ok this was really fun.
I almost expect Aladdin to say MARU at some point. So fucking glorious.
He seems to like boobs a lot.
Also, Mor is adorable, and I already want something really bad to happen to that blobby asshole slavedriving wine guy.
So far this is a lot of fun, and a bit more sarcastic and fast paced than I expected. Ducky was right.

That's exactly why I've said that moe should just die. Most of the (popular) shows uses moe as the reason to exist, not as a tool to enhance the parts that (should) matter, like storytelling or to enhance emotions. These are the type of show that I can't understand how it can be popular... otakus were always strange for me to fully understand.

And since it keeps giving money, they'll keep doing it.

Hell no. Don't mess with the Cute.


Jormungand S2

Holy exposition dmup, Batman.

And everyone looks fat for some reason. Except for Valmet who looks like the giant from 300.


Saint seiya omega 27

Am glad mars put an end to there
bs deus ex machina crap

I liked the first 2mins and the last 5mins but disliked most of the 14mins in between.


About Saint Seiya Omega, I wasn't liking how they were trying to transform Aria into Athena... that's fucking ridiculous, specially when Saori is up there to be saved.
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