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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Just wait till the anime starts up.



K 02

Is this anime a yaoi or what? Goddamit, there are times where I think that the two guys will start kissing, suddenly: naked neko girl. WTF!?

Also, the music is too inconsistent.
Robotics;Notes 01

This is some app.

Uh huh, easily can say nothing really happened. There is some nice world building, the whole robots stuff, that robot fighting game that is probably going to be important sometime in the future. But, yeah, it just sets up the whole premise.

Character wise, they don't bug me too much. They been seen in other shows and don't stand out yet, but at least the show looks nice. Still willing to keep going at this point.


Glass Fleet 25

No finer political intrigue in anime, possibly in any media actually. Also we finally get a title drop. Aw yeah.

Welp, one more to go.
Very good episode ..nice touches for the final member of the party ..
i was really surprised that the princess with her taste for adventure would want to go back so soon in the story ..


This is Orochi ? The orochi ...Rofl

the anime did his best to animate everything with the small budget they have ..the result is good . they even managed to put a Extra hidden mega boss in there to keep things intresting ..

Oh there was zombies too but they didn't matterred much ..

Anyway this episode was good stuff
Now that all the important anime have aired, here's where I stand on them;

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3

Pretty good!
Shinsekai Yori
Sukitte Ii na yo
Kamisama Hajimemashita

Eh, might as well give it three episodes...
Zetsuen no Tempest
Code Breaker


Great season so far. I'm not going to start Robotics;Notes until I finish Steins;Gate.


Now that all the important anime have aired, here's where I stand on them;

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3

Pretty good!
Shinsekai Yori
Sukitte Ii na yo
Kamisama Hajimemashita

Eh, might as well give it three episodes...
Zetsuen no Tempest
Code Breaker


Great season so far. I'm not going to start Robotics;Notes until I finish Steins;Gate.

where is jojo


Now that all the important anime have aired, here's where I stand on them;

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3

Pretty good!
Shinsekai Yori
Sukitte Ii na yo
Kamisama Hajimemashita

Eh, might as well give it three episodes...
Zetsuen no Tempest
Code Breaker


Great season so far. I'm not going to start Robotics;Notes until I finish Steins;Gate.

You lack JoJo. This is a significant omission.

Joe Molotov

Now that all the important anime have aired, here's where I stand on them;

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3

Pretty good!
Shinsekai Yori
Sukitte Ii na yo
Kamisama Hajimemashita

Eh, might as well give it three episodes...
Zetsuen no Tempest
Code Breaker


Great season so far. I'm not going to start Robotics;Notes until I finish Steins;Gate.

y u no Jonathan jojo?


Psycho Pass 1

The way they went out of their way to explain certain aspects of the job to Akane in high detail was certainly a bit odd. On one hand I appreciate that they are not leaving the audience clueless as to what all the tech babble is about, on the other its hard to believe that she would be so out of touch with this stuff. In the end though I had a good understanding of the different aspects of their job, so I can't complain too much about that.

Otherwise though this was a a very solid start to the show. I'm really quite impressed with the art in general, both characters and backgrounds are pretty detailed and work together with the solid scene direction to really get you into the show. The animation isn't particularly great, although
that body explosion scene is pretty fucking cool
, but it really doesn't need to be with what is happening in the episode. I like what they are doing with the music as well, not all tracks were amazing or anything and its often fairly low key stuff, but it works well with the atmosphere they were building in the first episode. The show felt dark and gritty, and really has a sort of hardboiled detective feel to it.

Also all the cast is a collection of badasses, too cool. Looking forward to next week for sure, another great show to watch this fall.

Yeah but the guy was still explaining the entire "Psycho-Hazard" process while in the elevator. It's like he's talking to himself. There were definitely some silliness in the dialogue with Akane throughout ep1. They really took the "rookie n00b's first day on the job" to the extreme. It makes her seem incapable and weak, despite her being presented as someone who is apparently super-elite.

I don't really care too much though, since COOL GUYS + COOL GUNS + JACKETS AND SUITS + RAIN + VIOLENCE = KICKASS. :)

It's sci-fi Training Day man. Or the opening tutorial to a video game.


Medaka Box 9

Awesome, this episode had some pretty nice animation! It doesn't really make up for how... cheap these past 8 episodes felt at times but I'll take what I can get. It's kinda underwhelming that they didn't show any of the
gravely wounded students in the shot of the music room and kinda hid the dude's broken arm.
I wonder if they changed any of that stuff for the home release.


I must say it's pretty interesting watching Shiranui's relentless trolling given the latest developments in the manga.


Toradora! 2-4
Oh man...this show. <3
It's pretty much going exactly as expected, however new girl gets thrown into the mix next episode. What will come of this? I can't wait to find out.

Minori may be my favorite so far. She's just ditzy enough to be loveable but not annoying.
Although something about her face with that never ending smile and those moe eyes, and her excitement to do anything reminds me of something.
just, not sure...wha...Oh god.
Btooom! ep 2

That was just plain awful and really painful, physically groaned at the halfway mark and was so disappointed in every character. Is every character supposed to be dumb and incompetent. I fear how the rest of the episodes will play out if she is supposed to be a main character :/
Why so helpless and easy to let the man take her to whenever and where ever and then to just give up and give in when he was on her. I mean, I would have used my bombs the moment he first got on me or for that matter even drew near, not while he was in the midst of sucking and going to the next step, and he was so creepy and sweaty :( And on bomb usage why did they keep running from the main, they each had more ten bombs, they could have trapped him instead of guarding the tiny wooden bridge, why!?

I need Sakamoto back now.
My Little Tempest Can't be this Cute 2


A lot of people are going to be saying this pretty soon.

You know, if this ends up more battley than the manga like it's looking it might, then I could forgive all the nonsense. The action scenes are really good.

Also, I counted way more than 10 or 20 metal victims.


Zetsuen no Tempest 02

LOL, these quotes sucks so much. Seriously... also, the ending song is fucking ridiculous... totally out of context considering the show.


Glass Fleet 26


I cannot believe the shit I just witnessed.
The canoe scene with Vetti & Cleo was a bigger kick to the nuts than NGE's ending was. what the fuck And Michel is now ok to hang out with her rapist? I think she was eyeing him lustfully too. Fucking hell.
Branduil was right, this endnig was amazing.
Thank goodness John Fall was ok though..

Best $17 I ever spent on anime!


Psycho Pass Episode 1

As far as first episode impressions go, I'm going to have to say that I'll have to wait for episode 2 to hopefully answer or flesh things out more because this show made no sense to me.

For a society that's so absorbed in psychoanalysis, do they not screen their own law enforcement officials? The way Akane was acting this episode everyone was reacting like she was some kind of alien the way she was
questioning the system and interfering with their actions.
For a computer system that's supposedly so smart it can analyze a person and somehow magically determine on the fly whether or not they have the potential to be a criminal and even somehow further divide those people between those who are just regular homicidal nut jobs and those who will make ace detectives just by looking at their brainwaves, then how come
Akane wasn't flagged for having the potential to go against the system like she did?

Speaking of the Psycho Pass system, it is so royally flawed it's not even funny. I was shocked at the part where
the victim was marked a criminal as well based on her psychological readings. Even worse was the system went from wanting to incapacitate her to lethally disposing of her because she was resisting arrest and showing high stress levels. This was all due just to her being scared for doing nothing wrong. What's even worse is that the system wanted to kill her when her high levels were only temporary! This system seriously just flip flops on a whim whether a person is an irredeemable criminal to the point of suggesting execution one moment to being more tolerant the next simply because they waited for her to calm down? That is the most ridiculously stupid law enforcement program I've ever heard of!

Why can't the system work retroactively? For a system that's so smart it can tell what makes a person a potential criminal based on their psychological state of mind and apparently checks a database or something for certain factors which will most likely result in certain criminal activities ultimately giving a final rating, why can't it look at what caused those psychological factors in the first place? It should be able to look at the same database and say that these feelings are most likely the result of simply being stressed due to having a busy day at work, whereas these other factors of stress are more likely to be that of wanting to harm somebody. Instead the system seems to work as
"You're stressed, therefore you're likely to be a criminal, therefore we have to incapacitate you. If you resist arrest or show more stress due to being unfairly prosecuted by this dumb system then we'll have to kill you."

Along those lines, the girl was stressed and resisted arrest and her punishment was upgraded to death. Akane, due to the situation, was certainly displaying external signs of stress and proceeded to interfere with one and then incapacitate another Enforcer, aiding with the resisting of arrest of the girl. Why was her criminality factor not escalated to that of being a criminal or death?

It just made me wonder what's the point of the rehabilitation program? It seems like they're trying to do the right thing but is there some yet unrevealed, dark, sinister goings on with that? Otherwise simply negotiate or talk to the person and maybe they'll calm down. Plus, as I mentioned before, why not look at what led to the stress? If someone's agitated and comes across someone on the street the wrong way and punches them or something they're marked a potential criminal. What!? That just sounds really really dumb. It literally is the whole "look at someone the wrong way and you're a bad guy". I mean, you have bad thoughts, even for a moment, and you're labelled a potential criminal. You can then be arrested even, for being a potential criminal.

This kind of system just breeds "criminality" not suppressing it. Just look at the guy they were following. He
got marked, realized this pretty much ruins his life so he goes and actually starts to commit crimes such as kidnapping, assault, rape etc. To top it off, victims get marked too!
It makes you wonder how is anyone left. It's not like the system is a big secret either as everyone is carrying around their Psycho Pass cards. Why are all the law enforcement officials okay with this? They like being the soulless puppets who enforce a highly flawed and ridiculous system no questions asked? It almost comes across like Akane is the first person to inquire about things. It's not like the world right now doesn't have some dumb laws that are trying to be enacted such as SOPPA but there is heavy public protest and resistance and often times, even if enacted, many people find workarounds making them almost seem like they don't exist. It makes you wonder then how such a system could be approved in the first place or last as long as it has in the Psycho Pass world.

All this makes me wonder why Akane joined if she's so against the system. If she wanted to try and stop it or protest there must be other options available. It's kind of mysterious at this point.

I'll talk about some things I did really like about the show in another post as this one is getting long.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Psycho-Pass 01

That was thoroughly excellent. It managed to encapsulate the entire premise in under twenty minutes while establishing a tone without feeling convoluted. Compare it to Blast of Tempest (first thing on my mind) which tries to achieve the same goal of letting the audience into the setting by putting the main character in a stressful situation way above his league, but of which he knows little. In that show the entire wrapping feels overtly complicated, and in fact it makes the two halves of the episode appear to be from entirely different stories. Psycho-Pass integrates the characters throughout the main conflict, making for a much more relaxed viewing and more organic story flow. The only thing I would complain about is how Akane needs to be reminded by her underlings of stuff she should have been briefed during her training years. I understand Urobuchi frames it this way for the purpose of making the audience privy of the details of the gun, but it's still a bit illogical and forced.
If you want someone to hate for the writing, you should be hating the manga author.
Tru dat.


Glass Fleet 26


I cannot believe the shit I just witnessed.
The canoe scene with Vetti & Cleo was a bigger kick to the nuts than NGE's ending was. what the fuck And Michel is now ok to hang out with her rapist? I think she was eyeing him lustfully too. Fucking hell.
Branduil was right, this endnig was amazing.
Thank goodness John Fall was ok though..

Best $17 I ever spent on anime!



Chuunibyou/Crazy Girl with shitty OP anime 02

I would prefer if this anime was actually a fantasy action show... Kyoani does these only to tease.

I can't watch this show without getting embarassed a lot by this crazy girl antics. It's good to see that her sister can accept how crazy she is, though. But I wonder: did she tried to actually "treat" her sister? How did Yuuta got "cured" from his syndrome?

Still watchable.
Robotics;Notes 1

Why that was rough to get through. I guess thats what I get for reading chapter one of the manga a few days ago. Anyway Aki is kind of an annoying character, hope Kai stays as the lead character. Otherwise the whole thing with the Gunvarral Online and anything Gunvarral was cool and interesting I have high hopes. Think I like it already more than Steins;gate (school, character designs, the atmosphere, mechs) , more interesting and with a lead character I actually do care about
and the other character is nice too, if he joins the club, I hope

The OP is no Hacking to the Gate quality, but I think it will grow on me.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

Badhouse should go back to making Chihayafuru season two.

Okay, no, that wasn't as stupid as I thought it would be. Main dude is a moron, but it still made for an enthralling piece.


Robotics;Notes 01
so very anime
I don't think I could have watched steins gate in this style with all the superdeformed expressions and uninspired character designs

the augmented reality cat girl made up for it though
if only the 3ds could do that


Hey Chet, you're back!


Stupid internet and it's euphemisms. Juicy Fruit song ruined forever!

Take a sniff.
Pull it out.
The taste is going to move you when you pop it in your mouth.

...gross. :(

Hahaha what? I'm a sweet innocent girl who sees knothing wrong with these.


sealed with a kiss
Toradora! Ep 1

Holy shit. Guys. You guys. Listen. I'm in love.
I managed to get this locked and loaded today and to watch while I wait to return to real internet to catch up with Chuuibyou and the others.

Now here's a show that got me hook line and sinker in the first episode. Askia is adorable, and Ryuuji is likable enough, typical everyman hopelessly lost in love like many of us were in High School.

I can see great things coming from this show. The situation they are in is perfect for the kind of shenanigans I like from my anime. Of course it'll probably end with the two of them realizing they are in love with each other and living happily ever after, but it's not the destination it's the journey, right guys? Don't stop believing.

Best romcom~

Don't worry, you'll learn to hate Minorin soon enough, as she is by far worst girl.

Taiga > Ami > Yasuko > the rest > Inko > Minorin


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Best romcom~

Don't worry, you'll learn to hate Minorin soon enough, as she is by far worst girl.

Taiga > Ami > Yasuko > the rest > Inko > Minorin
I think I need to watch the rest of the series, because I always liked her the most. She was the funniest character from what I could tell. I thought
was supposed to be the jerk.


Psycho Pass Episode 1
Speaking of the Psycho Pass system, it is so royally flawed it's not even funny...

Well I think that's mostly the point of the first episode. It's made abundantly clear from both dialogue and actions that their justice system, and society in general, is badly flawed. The problematic part of the writing is not that the psycho pass system doesn't really seem to work, but rather that they are pretty heavy handed about telling the audience this thanks to the running dialogue with Akane. With regards to Akane herself, as flimsy as their law enforcement is, I think we can safely say that their methods for choosing candidates for detectives may be equally problematic. If it's criminals who are doing the heavy lifting as detectives, then what's the function of the people coming out of "class"? It seems to me that they are designed to be administrators as much as anything else.


Psycho-Pass 01

When does Akane dies? That's all that matters for me.

The system is flawed. That's the point of the series, I think.
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