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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Medaka Box Abnormal Episode 01


Dat Nekomi.

Fun stuff. The main fight was kind of weak (thought I wasn't expecting much to be honest) but seeing Unzen's sister and her weird number speech was pretty awesome. It wasn't until this part of the manga was where I really started liking this series so I'm pretty excited for what's to come. The VAs for the Thirteen Party sound pretty great though Oudo sounds obnoxious as hell (I guess that's kinda the point with his character lol).

All in all though, I'm just really looking forward to more Naze and for the Munakata fight more than anything.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
School Days 11

Oh now I understand. Now I know the reason for all your laughter. This show really does not know when it has stepped over the line. Second to last episode they just went "oh yeah there are some other females in the show so why not?"

I have a feeling we are meant to associate with the "best" girl. At the beginning it's all fun and games and by the end we're cast aside while the show continues in a direction we don't want it to and when we thought the worst of it was over, they twist the knife even more. Seriously, what a bastardly thing to say.

So thank God there was some repercussions at last. I always thought the M.C. was a prime candidate for whatever the Japanese equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle show is so I'm glad the storyline has gone in a direction that reflects that. He's even started practising what he should say.

To see him made an outcast and rejected by all. It actually made me cheer out loud it felt so good. Everything he "loved" dearly stripped away from him.

The worst thing is I'm meeting a friend later and I know this show will be at the back of my mind. Well only one episode to go. Lets hope it really is a bad end for all because t=out of the regular faces there literally is no one left to like.
The yandere hour approaches.
watch 12 now

Medaka Box Abnormal 1

What happened to the days of doing random requests :/ I dont think I like the direction its going anymore. Regardless, I got Unzen, hes amazing, and the new character, Kei "Last Carpet" Munakata, are cool. Really hope Kei is a mainstay and gets tons of action and stuff, it will make the decreased Unzen precense bearable.

Disappointed Zenkichi had no part in the action and that it was Judo club president to save the day :/ and I did laugh at the Son Goku reference.

Oudo Miyakonojou voice is odd, why so deep?


Anyone else feel the gun in PP is a little too crazy? The design is a little too over the top IMO.
I think Ghost in the Shell did weaponry pretty good, they probably could have made it look a little less ridiculous while keeping it unique. I really should take this discussion to the OT though.
Well, no weapon was a central point on its own in Ghost in the Shell's plot, and for this show I can assume they wanted it more menacing that way. For such key item on this series that decides on its own, it has to be something grandiose and eye-catching that makes you think it is powerful and frightening at first sight.

I just realized that Psycho-pass is a play on the word psychopath. I feel retarded.
「Pycho-Pass サイコパス」ティザー映像 - YouTube said:

Come on, man. They even commented on places like twitter that it was a pretty straightforward play of words!


You're almost there BGBW. We're here for you.

In other news, I stayed up until 4am watching Toradora!, and now it's 9am and work won't leave me alone even though I'm on vacation and now I can't get back to sleep.
Living the dream.
Hiiro no Kakera S2 01-02

Just in case any of you were wondering if S2 was any better than S1, save yourselves the time because its not! Not sure why I wanted to watch this. Maybe I enjoy suffering. Maybe I just want to know which dude she picks in the end. Maybe I keep wondering if it'll ever get interesting, curious to see as a show can continue to get progressively more and more awful.

The first episode of the second season was atrocious. It's your standard recap variety episode that a new season gets only the recap from the new scenes is nigh indistinguishable at times. Maybe its because I've forgotten anything that happened in the first season but I'd have to imagine this is just impossible to jump into without seeing S1 as you have no idea whats a flashback and whats actually going on right now at any point in this episode, they make almost no effort at trying to not confuse the viewers here. Its truly an awful episode but I'm willing to cut it some slack because hey its the first episode of a new season.

Unlike Arcana Famiglia or something, I think its clear which character she will end up with, as they made it kind of clear, and even just the small tiny moments in some episodes
how many times has Takuma been there for her already?
. Well I think if so its a nice fit.

Ep 1 could have been better if it wasnt just recap. Oh well still a solid anime and I look forward to the plot set in motion in ep 2.
My problem wasn't that she was brought on the team, but that she apparently had no knowledge of how the system worked. We're supposed to believe she's a trained detective, yet she's shocked that the system would tag and the enforcers would bring in someone who hasn't done anything yet. That seems the to be the whole point of the system. If you're a trained detective, how would you not be prepared for that?

That's all really covered by what I meant by "act in this manner". She acted like a rookie despite her character backstory.

She is a total rookie that received training ..as said in the episode none of that training is usefull for the field.. thus her actions during the episode.I doubt enforcers go to whatever academy she herself went ...so it was also the first time she had to works with such people ..
And on her first day of work ( first field experience ) she has to deal with "that" situation ?

You guys are very hard on her character .... i think her actions believable when all of this taken into account.


Gintama 254

haha, love that they still didn't change the OP/ED to the 'real one'. Curious how long they gonna keep this up :p

Seems like next eps will be the resolution.

What are you talking about, they are the real opening and ending credits.

I never had any doubt they'd keep the troll OP/ED until the conclusion of the arc.

Edit: Seems the joke of Gintoki calling Tamagura "Matagura" went way over my head. Now I know the Japanese word for a certain area of the human body. Thank you Gintama! ;)

Edit: Another joke I finally get.

"Gintoki to Kintoki"


"Gin to Kin"



The "judge" is the system, not the wielder... can you trust a device like that?

I actually disagree with this. Maybe you can read my post in the PP thread for details. I think that the judge is the system only because the people who use the system right now prefer it this way. In that sense they are passing the judgement on to the system instead of using their own initiative. The real judges are still the people holding the gun. If they don't fire it, the system has no power. :)


Hmm, kind of losing my hype on Psycho Pass. Is it worth watching if you're not a fan of the "Minority Report" method of catching criminals?


Hmm, kind of losing my hype on Psycho Pass. Is it worth watching if you're not a fan of the "Minority Report" method of catching criminals?

That's really not what the show is about. I think some people misunderstand. Think of it as "Pre-Crime" existing as a layer of social guidance, while there also exists a police force which goes after actual crimes because they still occur despite the attempt to minimize it from happening on the social level.


School Days 11

Oh now I understand. Now I know the reason for all your laughter. This show really does not know when it has stepped over the line. Second to last episode they just went "oh yeah there are some other females in the show so why not?"

I have a feeling we are meant to associate with the "best" girl. At the beginning it's all fun and games and by the end we're cast aside while the show continues in a direction we don't want it to and when we thought the worst of it was over, they twist the knife even more. Seriously, what a bastardly thing to say.

So thank God there was some repercussions at last. I always thought the M.C. was a prime candidate for whatever the Japanese equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle show is so I'm glad the storyline has gone in a direction that reflects that. He's even started practising what he should say.

To see him made an outcast and rejected by all. It actually made me cheer out loud it felt so good. Everything he "loved" dearly stripped away from him.

The worst thing is I'm meeting a friend later and I know this show will be at the back of my mind. Well only one episode to go. Lets hope it really is a bad end for all because t=out of the regular faces there literally is no one left to like.
The yandere hour approaches.

So close to the finish line.


I actually disagree with this. Maybe you can read my post in the PP thread for details. I think that the judge is the system only because the people who use the system right now prefer it this way. In that sense they are passing the judgement on to the system instead of using their own initiative. The real judges are still the people holding the gun. If they don't fire it, the system has no power. :)
But that is precisely the difference (or relation) between "judge" and "executor" (operator) in the most strict sense!

Anyway, I understand where you are coming from with that. You know, relying so blindly on something, on such system, is the kind of premise that comes back to bite you in your ass in the long term, and I'm sure they will play with that notion for future episodes.

A clarification is necessary here; I've made this and the comment before based on what I know without having seen the actual first episode yet, and avoided posts in here that reviewed it (for the moment). If this you are talking about here makes also reference to something that is explained in the episode, that we didn't know beforehand, then I'm missing the point and clearly ignoring information. I'll read your post in the other thread after I watch it first.

I'm on it.
This episode was surprisingly accurate, except 2 very minor changes they sticked to the game :)

i expect plenty of cool things to happen then ..
In the game the starting up sequence was longer , glad they cut it short even if it was because 4 minutes with techno stuff would have bored the audience very fast ..

i can't wait for 2020 to arrive so we could have those app on our mobiles ...
Dressing anyone with cat girl costumes and cat ears ? Sogood.gif
Robotics;Notes 1
That wasn't the most interesting start, but I think I'll refrain from judging it until all of the characters are introduced. I wonder what the main conflict of the series will really be, will it turn into another save the world plot like other entries in this series? Is the
council of 300
going to be the the villain again? I did like how they opened with a Stein's Gate reference and closed with a Chaos;Head one. Is "whose eyes are those eyes" just fanservice or something of actual plot relevance?
Gyrozetter 1

This anime is as depressingly fantastic as I hoped it would be. The depressingly awesome Kakeru is just stunning with his incredible driving skills with that Toyota Prius Alpha (that parallel parking) and so much confidence. Really fun and hope it continues for quite a while. I think the blue Gyrozetter will be my favorite the character seems to be the best of the cast even if he didnt appear, and I hope his skill as up there with Lightning Slash.

Seki adds an good touch to this as the announcer and poor Kakeru.

ED has a nice song but the dancing robots was hilarious.

Only odd thing
The rosetta stone predicted AI cars future and Arcadia being attacked by Xenon? Incredible back story


Robotics;Notes 1

Well, it's better than the equivalent part of the source material, but that's not saying much. It's not a particularly interesting episode, because not that much happens. Hopefully the next two episodes do a better job, once some compelling conflict appears. I think Aki's flights of fancy were well-handled, and the show's depiction of Killballad is a lot more dynamic than what's shown in the VN.

I don't have very high expectations for this now, but I'm willing to stick it out a while longer and see how it develops.


Zetsuen no Tempest - 2

I'm not gonna lie, if I wasn't warned that the source material is non sense, I'd be quite hyped for this :|

I really like the overall look of everything, music is really great and the whole mages fighting thing I like a lot, the action is again looking very good.

For some reason I don't mind all the non sense that characters say here and there, it's not really that bad yet but apparently it gets worse as people say. I actually read a bit of character summary last week as I was curious and it spoiled to me something that sounds like a major plot point that makes no sense, I dunno, my mind is blocking whatever is happening really, I think after playing too many Square Enix(TM) games I just don't mind these kind of plots where the dialog and plot points don't make any sense as long as gameplay "anime watch" is good and anime watch is very good here.

I'd rather watch this than SAO, yeah, this one has good action and magic, SAO had neither :D


Robotics;Notes 1
That wasn't the most interesting start, but I think I'll refrain from judging it until all of the characters are introduced. I wonder what the main conflict of the series will really be, will it turn into another save the world plot like other entries in this series? Is the
council of 300
going to be the the villain again? I did like how they opened with a Stein's Gate reference and closed with a Chaos;Head one. Is "whose eyes are those eyes" just fanservice or something of actual plot relevance?

Screw me if the story gonna related to Chaos; Head, I barely know about it.. I only watch the disappointment anime, and hesitant to playing the VN.

Btw just watching it too, its a slow start.. I know many already said the chara isn't interesting, but I like the main couple. Kaito seem a cool MC when everything already kick-in, and Aki is cute, can't hate Char's fangirl. And I like the chara design, its just pleasant to look even though the concept look bland. The loli's suck though.

What very refreshing is the atmosphere are really less chuuni than two previous title, maybe its just temporal thing because that loli look suspicious. But I will like if they can maintain this atmosphere.
Well guys, it seems like ANN did a review for the remaining SAO episodes that aired so far.


irregular character behavior (Asuna seems to alternate between being fragile and a bad-ass, and a viewer should not have to jump through hoops to justify this),
Weaksuna indeed.

Yuki Kajiura's score, finally goes full-bore in the boss battles, showing off the signature sounds that she's known for and in the process gloriously amping up events that were already pretty intense on their own.

I agree.

Thats an odd change of opinion from being the smartest anime in years to know being one loaded with tons of odd details and awkward writing.


Medaka Box Abnormal - Episode 1

"Give the audience what they want" - This seems like the main reason this season even exists. The OP seemed quite interesting with all the random crazy villains showing up, and then you have random action out of nowhere in the first episode. Hopefully cosmicblizzard is right, and this entire Flask Plan thing is just a battle shounen excuse for cool fights. That's the only reason I'm watching after all. Lol.

One thing I don't get though. The Thirteen Party has 13 members, but Unzen is out of the action so they need a replacement. Yet they only showed 6 of those members. Where are the other 6? Everyone else so far seems to be people who want to contend for the 13th spot. Am I missing something?
Psycho-Pass 1

I'm probably the last person on Anime-GAF to watch this (late last night after work) so I'll be brief and just say I thought is was a pretty good start. Hard to judge things from just one episode, but I really do like the art across the board at least. My only reservation is the level of Akane's naivety. A get that she's a rookie but it just seemed a bit much.

In any case, I'm looking forward to more of this show.


seriously? that was objectively better than anything else this season

Yeah, I agree. I loved the music in this show. Very atmospheric and matched the dystopian setting.

I have a lot of the major complaints people are bringing up. I have no issue with Akane's characterization other than the fact that it's been done before. It might be ironic to talk about cliches in a show that borrows elements from established fiction though.
School Days 11

Oh now I understand. Now I know the reason for all your laughter. This show really does not know when it has stepped over the line. Second to last episode they just went "oh yeah there are some other females in the show so why not?"

I have a feeling we are meant to associate with the "best" girl. At the beginning it's all fun and games and by the end we're cast aside while the show continues in a direction we don't want it to and when we thought the worst of it was over, they twist the knife even more. Seriously, what a bastardly thing to say.

So thank God there was some repercussions at last. I always thought the M.C. was a prime candidate for whatever the Japanese equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle show is so I'm glad the storyline has gone in a direction that reflects that. He's even started practising what he should say.

To see him made an outcast and rejected by all. It actually made me cheer out loud it felt so good. Everything he "loved" dearly stripped away from him.

The worst thing is I'm meeting a friend later and I know this show will be at the back of my mind. Well only one episode to go. Lets hope it really is a bad end for all because t=out of the regular faces there literally is no one left to like.
The yandere hour approaches.

Your write-ups are some of the best School Days posts I think I've ever read :D. And so close to the finish now...hang in there!
Now that all the important anime have aired, here's where I stand on them;

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3

Pretty good!
Shinsekai Yori
Sukitte Ii na yo
Kamisama Hajimemashita

Eh, might as well give it three episodes...
Zetsuen no Tempest
Code Breaker


Great season so far. I'm not going to start Robotics;Notes until I finish Steins;Gate.

Well now that all the anime Im watching have aired guess Ill do it too.

Hook it into my veins.
Bakuman 3
K (best of season)
Little Busters!
From The New World
Blast of Tempest (best of season)

Pretty good!
Hiiro no Kakera 2nd Season
Little Busters!
Psycho Pass

Eh, might as well
Ixion Saga DT
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)
Jormungand Perfect Order
Medaka Box Abnormal
Tonari no Kaibutsu-Kun (My Little Monster)

Not really decent but watchable
Btooom! (probably will still buy when Sentai releases)
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Lite
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo

Still watching: Fairy Tail, Ginga e Kickoff!, Hunter x Hunter, Kingdom, Muv Luv Alternative Total Eclipse, Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Saint Seiya Omega, Sword Art Online, Tanken Driland, Toriko, Space Battleship Yamato 2199


Robotics;Notes ep 1
Like the previous 5pb series, the beginning episode is on the slow and seem to be a lighter atmosphere unlike it's previous serious show Steins;Gate.



She is so damn energetic and interesting to watch. Yoshino Nanjou does a terrific job in voicing her, she should be getting more roles instead of just waiting for another job to sing as Fripside.


Clear-cut judgements from a system incapable of understanding how a person can act under pressure... a recipe for madness!

I actually disagree with this. Maybe you can read my post in the PP thread for details. I think that the judge is the system only because the people who use the system right now prefer it this way. In that sense they are passing the judgement on to the system instead of using their own initiative. The real judges are still the people holding the gun. If they don't fire it, the system has no power. :)
Having seen the episode I understand better what you are saying, because previously I thought that, as simple field agents, they didn't have enough autonomy to decide by themselves, and were required to act as the 'Oracles' from the Sybil System mandated.

But, what we don't know for sure yet is if subsequently they could be conditioned to do so, execute orders exactly as are presented, because... could their inaction give them problems in the future? I suppose all the information of their encounters gets registered, right? It is said "inclinations are recorded", and in the briefing Ginoza gives to Akane, at the beginning, it is shown a record of the 'scan checks' from the suspect... so this could be decisive in questioning who is ultimately responsible of the agent's actions, if they are necessarily forced.

Premature to say now, and I'm sure this things will be explored by the series itself, anyway.

I'm probably the last person on Anime-GAF to watch this (late last night after work) so I'll be brief and just say I thought is was a pretty good start.
I'm here to dispute with you that position... come at me!
Robotics;Notes 1
That wasn't the most interesting start, but I think I'll refrain from judging it until all of the characters are introduced. I wonder what the main conflict of the series will really be, will it turn into another save the world plot like other entries in this series? Is the
council of 300
going to be the the villain again? I did like how they opened with a Stein's Gate reference and closed with a Chaos;Head one. Is "whose eyes are those eyes" just fanservice or something of actual plot relevance?
i'd like to hope that the show will be filled with chaos head and stein gate references ...it's the same universe after all .

Medaka Box Abnormal - Episode 1

"Give the audience what they want" - This seems like the main reason this season even exists. The OP seemed quite interesting with all the random crazy villains showing up, and then you have random action out of nowhere in the first episode. Hopefully cosmicblizzard is right, and this entire Flask Plan thing is just a battle shounen excuse for cool fights. That's the only reason I'm watching after all. Lol.

One thing I don't get though. The Thirteen Party has 13 members, but Unzen is out of the action so they need a replacement. Yet they only showed 6 of those members. Where are the other 6? Everyone else so far seems to be people who want to contend for the 13th spot. Am I missing something?

The other members of the thirteen party
don't like going to school and/or don't like going outside. in short they weren't intrested by kurokami medaka.
My opinion on the episode :
i don't like his voice , but i think i'll manage ..
unzen sister was pretty intresting to see in action ..considering she was an appetizzer for the main stuff afterwards.
This season will be great

Ps: there was some serious gainax trolling in that opening video ...


One thing I don't get though. The Thirteen Party has 13 members, but Unzen is out of the action so they need a replacement. Yet they only showed 6 of those members. Where are the other 6? Everyone else so far seems to be people who want to contend for the 13th spot. Am I missing something?
The Plus 6 were part of an excuse so NISIOISIN could introduce them at will as the series advanced. You will have to wait!


psycho-pass - 01

That was . . . decent. Urobuchi can probably deliver a fun story with a base like this.

A problem with the writing is that the episode would have been better with less of it. The exposition isn't a huge problem, but the episode would be stronger if more of it was implied/shown rather than told. Stuff like Akane aiming her gun at the old man, etc. Gives enough info without the infodumping hidden under the guise of a newbie being shown the ropes.

Enjoyed it. A solid start.

Not moe.

Akane is totally moe. you people are crazy.

I wonder what brand are those headphones?
Paging Geneijin!

if this turns into chobits im out

This is nothing like Chobits...Where do you get that idea from?

This is like....the polar opposite of Kingdom and just as terribly good.

Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb - 02

I will never get tired of watching SHAFT consistently save anime every week with a new episode of Hidamari. dat Nazuna crabbutt




SHAFT day is the best day. Best studio. Best girl. Best show.

Yeah those....not good. Need something more like that normally scaled Medaka figure.
The paint quality looks suspect too.

Hmm, kind of losing my hype on Psycho Pass. Is it worth watching if you're not a fan of the "Minority Report" method of catching criminals?

This show seems to be on a more detailed level than Minority Report.
It assumes that that system is NOT perfect and acknowledges that some slip through the cracks into actual crime. Except by that point it also assumed criminals are too far gone.


This episode was surprisingly accurate, except 2 very minor changes they sticked to the game :)

i expect plenty of cool things to happen then ..
In the game the starting up sequence was longer , glad they cut it short even if it was because 4 minutes with techno stuff would have bored the audience very fast ..

i can't wait for 2020 to arrive so we could have those app on our mobiles ...
Dressing anyone with cat girl costumes and cat ears ? Sogood.gif

So much neko this season.
Too bad its in a bunch of shows I dont particularly care for :(

School Days 11

Oh now I understand. Now I know the reason for all your laughter. This show really does not know when it has stepped over the line. Second to last episode they just went "oh yeah there are some other females in the show so why not?"

I have a feeling we are meant to associate with the "best" girl. At the beginning it's all fun and games and by the end we're cast aside while the show continues in a direction we don't want it to and when we thought the worst of it was over, they twist the knife even more. Seriously, what a bastardly thing to say.

So thank God there was some repercussions at last. I always thought the M.C. was a prime candidate for whatever the Japanese equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle show is so I'm glad the storyline has gone in a direction that reflects that. He's even started practising what he should say.

To see him made an outcast and rejected by all. It actually made me cheer out loud it felt so good. Everything he "loved" dearly stripped away from him.

The worst thing is I'm meeting a friend later and I know this show will be at the back of my mind. Well only one episode to go. Lets hope it really is a bad end for all because t=out of the regular faces there literally is no one left to like.
The yandere hour approaches.

Every time I read School Days impressions I think of the ending song.
You're gonna love episode 12 heehee.
Having seen the episode I understand better what you are saying, because previously I thought that, as simple field agents, they didn't have enough autonomy to decide by themselves, and were required to act as the 'Oracles' from the Sybil System mandated.

But, what we don't know for sure yet is if subsequently they could be conditioned to do so, execute orders exactly as are presented, because... could their inaction give them problems in the future? I suppose all the information of their encounters gets registered, right? It is said "inclinations are recorded", and in the briefing Ginoza gives to Akane, at the beginning, it is shown a record of the 'scan checks' from the suspect... so this could be decisive in questioning who is ultimately responsible of the agent's actions, if they are necessarily forced.

Premature to say now, and I'm sure this things will be explored by the series itself, anyway.

I guess that is one other thing I've been thinking about...just how much autonomy do the field agents have with regards to the system? Certainly, it is their choice whether or not to pull the trigger, but what consequences are there for their disregard of the system's "judgements"? As you say, I am sure this will be addressed but I'm interested to see more of the dynamics of the relationship between the agents and the system.


I haven't watched a ton of shows this season but I guess this is how I would rank them by order of preference.

Chuunibyo - Rikka is adorable, the show reminds me of Satoshi Kon work, and it has KyoAni polish. Rikka's sister is best girl.

Hidamari Sketch Honeycomb - Hnnnnnnnnnnngh

Tonari - this is a remarkably fun shoujo. The chemistry between Shizuku and Hari is spot on perfect. Natsume is a great side character as well. Just plain fun.

From the New world - As the mystery deepens, this could move up or down the list. So far its pretty good but not my favorite.

JoJo - SO AWESOME. Dio is shit. This is so fabulous and amazing. Cant wait to see more.

Magi - Entertaining fluff. Mor is so cute. Aladdin is maru. Ali Baba is a bro.

Psycho Pass - Akane <3. Like the minority report-like ideas but taken further. Dark, sinister Urobuchi story. This can't end well.


I guess that is one other thing I've been thinking about...just how much autonomy do the field agents have with regards to the system? Certainly, it is their choice whether or not to pull the trigger, but what consequences are there for their disregard of the system's "judgements"? As you say, I am sure this will be addressed but I'm interested to see more of the dynamics of the relationship between the agents and the system.

Field agents only tackle an actual crime as far as I know, so I don't think the "system" is as big a factor in their actual job as you assume. It's not like they walk around with the gun pointing it at random people. In this case, there was a clear crime being committed, and they were tackling that. How they resolve what happens to the victim is something which isn't their primary job. The easy method is that if her psycho-pass has exceeded a certain level, to knock her out and let the rest of the system take care of her. She might have been locked up, or rehabilitated, or whatever. We don't know how that works at this point, but I think the point is that it isn't really the business of the cops and that was just a loose end.
If Kogami did end up shooting her when she was threatening them with the lighter and the oil cans, she would probably have just been considered a casualty of threatening a police officer. Their mission wasn't to kill her, but it would just be a side effect.


Agreed on all counts. I don't know about you though, but I want a GSC Rikka figure pretty much NOW.

Yeah no kidding. gonna be soooooooo cute!

Oh also, I wen't to the post office to pick up the package with Kyoko Sakura figure in it <3

Now I have all 5 of the Madoka Magica girls :D

Pics of the whole group to come.
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