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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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From the New World 3

Great camping trip with lots of good Satoru, and even Shun moments. (Music during a montage is probably one of the best songs in this anime) Cast chemistry is really well done. Specifically teamwork based magicks has many great applications in just this trip that I liked especially all involved in catching stuff (and how they focus on their eyes when they do it).

The evil minoshiro plot is interesting and really liked that scene, just Saki's confidence in challenging it. Cant wait for revelations next episode I guess. To think that there is still technology left in this world, thousand years later. Just to what extent is this Education Board hiding and shielding from the normal peoples

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 02

Loved the
scene and the fight, but wasn't too bothered about the rest. Some weird transitions here and there in their attempt to rush through this arc, and ultimately it felt like a slideshow of cool shit instead of the nice Dio vs Jojo momentum they had built in the first episode.

The opening animation was great, and even the song has started to grow on me. It just takes me back to the time when anime was something awesome and exotic and manly and great and not all this lolibait. Also, the soundtrack is fucking great, and the segue into the ending song got me all wet in my knickers.


I must agree the 2nd half of this JoJo episode is quite boring, but trust me they already doing the best. I don't remember this arc is ever this exciting, many JoJo fan call this arc as Candy Candy with muscular man for a reason. Starting from the next episode shit will get real.


The Light of El Cantare
Btooom! 02:

So is everyone in this show going to be totally psychotic? It's not going to be very interesting if every character who isn't a protagonist loses their shit at the slightest provocation, even taking into account their.........rather stressful circumstances.

I guess I like Himiko. Characterizing a female solely through the lens of
past sexual trauma
always feels cheap and lazy, and furthermore it's so bizarre that she's almost certainly still going to be a source of fanservice after this, but I don't mind her presence provided that
doesn't actually become a thing. I get where she's coming from, but ultimately that just makes her as crazy as everyone else on the island.

and what's wrong with your faaaaaaaaaaace


I have experienced the Hosodapocalypse (which is now stored in predictive text on my phone).

It was very, very good.
I cried! Twice! And one bit wasn't even sad, it was the bit when they were running through the snow and that string and piano music just swelled up and it was just too much awesome for me to handle.

Hosoda :bow



I said damn.

I have experienced the Hosodapocalypse (which is now stored in predictive text on my phone).

It was very, very good.
I cried! Twice! And one bit wasn't even sad, it was the bit when they were running through the snow and that string and piano music just swelled up and it was just too much awesome for me to handle.

Hosoda :bow

I said damn.

Hype levels overwhelming.


Enies Lobby Arc

Holy shit, that was a superb arc. Way too many flashbacks, but that's expected from a Shounen show, particularly One Piece. I cannot imagine watching this arc on a weekly basis, the suspense would have killed me.

Anyway, I still enjoyed the Alabasta arc slightly more than Enies Lobby, which is solely due to the main antagonist.
Croc was a more fearsome villain than Lucci. And the former had a better devil fruit power.

I shall miss thee, Merry. The best little ship ever. I enjoyed how Nami is slowly becoming a good fighter, along with Ussop finding his place on the crew. And dear god, Chopper, I am expecting to see his final form again sometime in the future. Too many good character moments in this arc.

I'll probably wait until the summer period to power through the next saga. Does One Piece reach this peak of awesomeness again?


Enies Lobby Arc

Holy shit, that was a superb arc. Way too many flashbacks, but that's expected from a Shounen show, particularly One Piece. I cannot imagine watching this arc on a weekly basis, the suspense would have killed me.

Anyway, I still enjoyed the Alabasta arc slightly more than Enies Lobby, which is solely due to the main antagonist.
Croc was a more fearsome villain than Lucci. And the former had a better devil fruit power.

I shall miss thee, Merry. The best little ship ever. I enjoyed how Nami is slowly becoming a good fighter, along with Ussop finding his place on the crew. And dear god, Chopper, I am expecting to see his final form again sometime in the future. Too many good character moments in this arc.

I'll probably wait until the summer period to power through the next saga. Does One Piece reach this peak of awesomeness again?

Opinions vary, asking one piece fans what's the best arc is like asking zelda fans what's the best Zelda game.

To answer your question yes definitely the later half of thriller bark,shabondy archipelago and impel down are just as good.
Sounds like Shinichiro Watanabe (the Bebop guy, for those of you who don't keep track) is back to stay, at least for now. He was interviewed at a convention in Grenada, where he apparently revealed his next two TV projects:

- In 2013, he'll be directing a comedy at BONES with a "special theme".

- In 2014, he'll be directing a more serious work at Mappa.


The Light of El Cantare
Enies Lobby Arc

I'll probably wait until the summer period to power through the next saga. Does One Piece reach this peak of awesomeness again?

It does in the manga, but the anime butchers the arc in question so you may want to refer to the manga for that arc and then merely use the anime as a supplement. Where you're at, it's still over 150 episodes down the line, though, so you won't have to worry about it for a while.


they're flashing it on screen in the intro
regardless of poor translation, the premise does not sit well for me and I will not be continuing this show

But you're fine with Okabe and S;G?
That's weird..

Very late reply lol, this because everyone keep quoting that fuck imouto show .gif dammit!


JoJo Episode 2 was good, Wish they put as much effort on the show as they did the great OP, but that would cost a lot. Still a decent episode to get the ball rolling.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) Episode 1

Well, that was an awesome premiere. Time to jump onto the second episode, but I am pretty sure that I will stick with this show.

I guess the second episode hasn't been subbed yet. Oh well, I'll watch it sometime tomorrow.

And Crunchyroll has bee disappointing me for the past couple of days. A lot of their announcements for streams have been pretty lackluster. :-/


Sounds like Shinichiro Watanabe (the Bebop guy, for those of you who don't keep track) is back to stay, at least for now. He was interviewed at a convention in Grenada, where he apparently revealed his next two TV projects:

- In 2013, he'll be directing a comedy at BONES with a "special theme".

- In 2014, he'll be directing a more serious work at Mappa.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BONES! MAPPA! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should. Not. Want.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) 2

Dio keeps me interested (all his poses) and that hovercar Dio, lol, but all in all this was kind of a really boring episode. Dio is the only good character design while everyone else is just too old and way too buff that it becomes unappealing. The lack of friendship stuff just made this rough to get through (I loved the opening football thing)
but it was all for naught when both revealed theyve been faking it and clearly have no aspiration to rebuild any at all, so I doubt it will ever come again
. Hopefully the series improves from here and gets better, or else this will be a rough 26 or so episodes.
You could always stop watching. Honest!
But you're fine with Okabe and S;G?
That's weird..

Very late reply lol, this because everyone keep quoting that fuck imouto show .gif dammit!
Huh. That's a nice comparison. I hadn't thought of it before, but Okabe totally had the chuunibiyou thing going on. And he was a grown ass man!


I want to make joke about BONES making comedy anime, but Watanabe is cool.
Huh. That's a nice comparison. I hadn't thought of it before, but Okabe totally had the chuunibiyou thing going on. And he was a grown ass man!

He definitely is, his gang call him multiple time as that.

He just 18 tho.


Sounds like Shinichiro Watanabe (the Bebop guy, for those of you who don't keep track) is back to stay, at least for now. He was interviewed at a convention in Grenada, where he apparently revealed his next two TV projects:

- In 2013, he'll be directing a comedy at BONES with a "special theme".

- In 2014, he'll be directing a more serious work at Mappa.

Holy fucking shit! BONES and Watanabe, fuck yes!


sealed with a kiss
K Episode 2

The blue gradient didn't even bother me at all this episode... Still has great animation and background art, it's stupid how people pretend it doesn't because they don't like the filter...

The most annoying part so far are the characters. The MC is whiny and pathetic (of course, it seems to be a requirement these days to be an MC), the "Black Dog" is incredibly dumb,
after catching a murderer, he waits and listens to this obviously fake sob story, gets distracted, lets murderer gets away, decides to stop trying to apprehend murderer because.... um, no reason, let's just roll with it... yeah, the characters SUCK so far.
I'd rather just forget about the stupid naked cat girl, what a pointless character...

Despite the dumb characters, I'm still enjoying this, if the third episode is also decent I'll be sticking with this.


Maturity, bitches.
School Days 12


Woah. This part was so deep.
Like a knife to the heart HA HA HA

Yes! The show delivered the ending I wanted (well not as twisted but hey beggars can't be choosers). I can see why people were unsure if I was lying about having seen this show because scarily my prediction were very close to the mark but honest to God this was my first time. I will admit I actually cheered out loud.

Makoto has proven that even the most forgiving soul (and these people are so forgiving they give Jesus a run for his money) will eventually get fed up if you keep being a bastard. I don't think he ever truly felt he was in the wrong. I'd go as far as to say he felt it was everyone else's fault. "Urgh, why did she have to fall in love with me? Urgh, why did she have to get pregnant? Urgn, why did she have to find out about me cheating on her? Urgh, why do girls have to get upset about everything?" Wouldn't be surprised if his final thoughts were "Why?"

Oh and I did enjoy the fact he was
gloriously stabbed to death
while the tea was brewing Don't think I forgot about your tea spilling ways Mr. Dick.

Overall thoughts

For a show that is only 12 episodes long there's a lot of filler. Most of the episodes really didn't need to happen and only served to make you hate the MC more and more. Of course that makes the ending all the more sweeter. There was really no point in most of the other character to the point the show seemed to forget they even existed in the last few episodes. What happened with best bud and the girl who fancied him? They completely butchered that story for no reason. The affair is never discovered, no tension is caused by it and in the end it goes nowhere. The same can be said about almost all the sub[standard]plots. Like I said, they're only there to infuriate. I'm guessing there's a high chance they wrote most of the story as they went along.

Nothing else can really be said. That's all there is to it. The M.C. is one of the most unsympathetic characters I've ever seen. 12 episodes of taking a character and making the audience hate him and most of the cast. The fact it delivered in the final moments means I can't hate the show fully, but few positive moments does not make up for the absolute hodgepodge that is School Days.

Total tripe. See me after class. Worthy of at least a month's worth of Saturday detentions.

As a little bonus:
Final character rankings

Please not that after a point they all end up being as bad as one another so the order almost doesn't matter.

  • The little sister: Clearly the best character. Did nothing wrong. Always there for her older sister. Only wanted love to bloom. A role model for society.
  • Head of the Basketball society: Unlike most people her contribution to the plot actually moved the show forward. In so little screentime she did so much. Other characters should take note.
  • Japanese Simon Pegg: Can't go wrong with someone who is a fan of British films.
  • The "Girlfriend": See at the beginning she was just just a boring character which is why I initially went with "best" girl. But other than that she didn't really do anything bad. The world was against her but she took it on the chin. Her biggest sin for the most part was being boring. You could say she was the only one who improved as the show went on.
  • Best bud: You can't blame him for being oblivious to a one sided love. I do give him negative points for taking advantage of a distraught girl, but after that he is crushed and then never seen again. Injustice.
  • Friend of little sister: More pointless than the black haired basketball girl. Only difference is she wasn't a dick to the "girlfriend".
  • The background characters: You did an awesome job of being in the background.
  • Black haired basketball girl: And she was needed because? Likes to smell of trouser flies.
  • "Best" girl: Moved up thanks to her final actions. The reason why you should never judge a book by its cover. Obviously became infected by the M.C.'s egotistical ways after a while since she started to only think of herself. Empty on the inside.
    [*]Friend of "best" girl: Angry eyebrows all day everyday. Only reason she isn't lower is because she has some sort of reason for doing what she was doing, but the way see handled things was terrible. I didn't feel bad for her.
  • One sided lover: Wow she fell hard. One episode she went from being a favourable character to a detestable one. Yeah, a guy didn't notice you liked him because you never said anything to him directly. Doesn't mean you cheat on your friend for no reason whatsoever.
  • The gang of nasty girls: I lump them together because individually they have no characteristics apart from being nasty.
  • Middle School friend: Leader of the nasty girls. I don't care if you like the M.C., it doesn't give you an excuse to be as rude as you were.
  • M.C. Dick: Got his just deserts. A waste of animation cels.



The Light of El Cantare
No, I'm a huge dick to people who ask me for assistance for other reasons.

I hope you realize that I was insulting Kaito and not insinuating anything about you.


Watanabe's 2013 comedy series at BONES will be about "space travel".

It's going to be a sequel to Nijuu Mensou no Musume involving thieves IN SPACE, it's going to have awesome 50s retro-future tech with rocket ships and ray guns and it's going to be the best anime ever made.
Fun facts, BGBW (major School Days spoilers, uninitiated do not read!):

Makoto rapes the little sister in the VN.
It's not clear in the anime, but Best Bud actually raped Katsura. Rape-rape.


BGBW's journey was magnificent and I'm glad to have been here for the ride. You should look into the VN, there's something crazy shit and crazy endings soon that.
Fun facts, BGBW (major School Days spoilers, uninitiated do not read!):

Makoto rapes the little sister in the VN.
It's not clear in the anime, but Best Bud actually raped Katsura. Rape-rape.

The first one is from a different overflow VN. But yeah,
Taisuke is an even more loathsome character than Makoto, he can rape either girl in the VN.


Tragic victim of fan death
Cross thread posting

Sword Art Online 15

And now we return. Quite literally. This first episode into the new arc, Fairy Dance, was fairly boring for the most part, however, it was something that was inevitably needed. After spending 2 years in the game world and waking up in the real world - either that or he really did die and this is heaven, lol jk - Kazuto finds himself at odds. What is real? How do I adjust my life having lived in a completely different world for 2 years? What happens to my filial ties that were simply on stand-by for 2 years? As the audience gets a glimpse of Kazuto's life outside of his gaming world, there's an air of strangeness around Kirito. He's conflicted as the virtual and real world collide and even he can't sometimes tell the world apart. Sadly, the execution of this comes off in the most mundane manner - perhaps as a testament to how boring the real world is in comparison to the virtual.

The highlight of the episode is the introduction of two new characters Sugou and Suguha. In order to prevent confusion I will call Sugou Noumi 2.0 because it just makes sense. Suguha, Kazuto's sister, is headstrong and apparently can own Kazuto in a match of kendo. She's an interesting character because the relationship that she holds with her brother. Despite being somewhat cliche and falling to the obvious tropes existing in anime, she holds her own as not a stereotypical character archetype but an alternate rendition of one.

Noumi 2.0, obviously suggested by his name, is a scumbag that even the devil would spit out from hell itself. If everyone had a dirtbag in this life with indescribable douchebagism then it'd be this guy. Good thing is, he's portrayed very well in this aspect and it's obvious that he becomes Kazuto's main antagonist in the real world. It'll be interesting to see how he develops as a character as Fairy Dance continues.

The action still somewhat sucks resorting to... surprise, suprise.... still-shots. Even so it's still somewhat "cool" to watch. The music is the same as ever with a few new inserts setting the real world from Aincrad. It's a nice touch. Suguha's voice is pretty well done and Noumi 2.0 is... well... you can just imagine.

The new OP and the new ED are really well done imo. The OP animation is pretty slick and despite the focus on only a few characters it manages to keep itself very interesting. Colors every, CG not overdone, and action abound. The ED song is infinitely better than the OP song but for some reason they opt to use still-images, something that even plagues the credits apparently... Still the images themselves are nice considering it focuses on the 2nd primary protagonist in Fairy Dance.

Overall the episode was boring but it sets the precedence for an "interesting" next episode.
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