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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Don't worry about drawing things over and over, I do that too. It usually takes me a while to finish stuff too, especially if they're on the scale of the DKCR art I did.

Yeah, that had to take a while. At least you finish stuff.

I want to make a video game too, but don't know anyone who can program or write a decent story, so I just keep dreaming and drawing.

Same. I just lose motivation 'cause I don't know how to make even a simple visual novel. ;_;

I know from personal experience that it's better to discuss your worries and concerns with someone than to keep them bottled up inside. If this is the place where you're able that, then go right ahead.

And while I can't pretend to know much about your situation, I think it might be a good idea for you to give yourself permission to temporarily walk away from drawing if it's only increasing your stress right now. Even apart from anything else, taking a break is often a good way of re-energizing the creative juices.

I may just have to do that. I just don't want to 'cause I'll feel like I'm giving up.


Honestly, I think a lot of it is work. It's just been overbearing the last month. I'm training new people, trying to manage for people who are out, trying to keep my numbers up, and I just can't seem to get any slack. It's just getting to me, and it's pooring into other areas of my life. Part of why I haven't been watching anime lately. I'm drawing and drawing and drawing because just once I want to finish a piece that I can be proud of when I look at it... I keep trying to improve my efficiency and speed, but those won't improve until I actually learn to fucking draw without redrawing everything a hundred times and spending hours upon hours just fixing mistakes. I just end up feeling like a fucking failure. I keep painting because if I stop then I never will get better, but I just keep wounding myself with each color I add, each line I draw. It's wrong, it's always wrong.

Try to at least take comfort in the fact that you have this hobby of drawing to help you maintain your sanity in times like this. I wish I could do that.I generally consider myself a pretty good writer, but I'm not the type to just sit down with a piece of paper and write something.

Eh, listen to me making this about me. Anyway, try not to worry; you're an alright dude.


We have enough people here that we could make a visual novel or something to that effect if we wanted to.

It's just that we're all lazy bastards.


Subete no aware
So the post about the new Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo reminded me to watch it, where I made an observation:

I almost thought she was Akane from Smile Precure, but I guess there are a couple of newbies who specialize in Kansai accents. (Well, more likely, they just have those accents given how much range the typical voice actress in Japan seems to have :p)

I think I'm closer to becoming full weeaboo when I can recognize actresses based on the accent they have though. Fuck. :(


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Try to at least take comfort in the fact that you have this hobby of drawing to help you maintain your sanity in times like this. I wish I could do that.I generally consider myself a pretty good writer, but I'm not the type to just sit down with a piece of paper and write something.

Eh, listen to me making this about me. Anyway, try not to worry; you're an alright dude.

Thanks. Speaking of writing, part of the reason I've been drawing is because I'm trying to get my artwork at a level that I can finally be okay with so I can FINALLY start doing the illustrations for the book I basically finished a couple years ago. I've been putting off doing anything with it 'cause I want my artwork to be up to standard.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 3

This was another excellent episode. The very quick pace in which developments have occurred is extremely refreshing.

Haru and Shizuku's relationship continues to be highly engaging and compelling, due, in large part, to their contrasting personalities and terrific chemistry. Though she surprisingly
withdrew her own confession following the end to the last episode, it's great that she confessed again in the latter half of the episode
. I really liked that her slight worries were dealt with in a natural fashion, rather than these plethora of developments being unnecessarily stretched over several episodes, which would likely become quite tiring. My favorite sequence came in the moment her temporary misunderstanding and doubt of Haru's affections was, following
her second confession
, cleared up by
him suggesting that his love isn't exactly the same as hers
. I also loved her response, as typically, one might expect
her to hastily feel temporarily angered
. Instead, she understood
the full depth of his words, allowing herself the patience to wait for Haru to truly fall in love with her

The consistently enjoyable interactions among the cast remains one of the best elements of the show. Shizuku's reaction to a
shirtless Haru
was hilarious, as was her father's reaction to their
appearance at the house
. Sasayan and Natsume would clearly make a great couple, and I'm hoping that's the direction the story will eventually take their characters. Unfortunately, I can already see Yamaken becoming an interfering and irritating rival. The appearance of what appears to be
Haru's brother
seems quite foreboding; it will be interesting to see what conflicts will arise from this unexpected situation.

The production values were, for the most part, thoroughly great throughout. The artistic composition is fantastic, as the vibrantly colorful aesthetic heavily assists in creating what is easily one of the most visually appealing shows of the season. The direction is solid in it's confident handling of the humor, romance, and few moments of dramatic tension. The quality of the animation, however, is one of my only criticisms, as it slightly, yet noticeably declined.

All in all, Tonari continues to thoroughly excel in it's execution. This is easily one of the best shows of the season.

Sukitte Ii na yo 2

Although it wasn't as strong as the first episode, this was still rather impressive and enjoyable. The exceptional execution more than makes up for the rather generic premise. Though not quite as good as Tonari, it's subdued nature contrasts the former excellently.

Mei and Yamato's relationship is pretty good so far, and I'm really looking forward to see how it develops. The ending was my favorite moment, as the
multiple kisses were an excellent way to illustrate the extent of his feelings for her
. For some reason, even though I loved the ending, it instills in me an odd feeling that Mei's happiness will be rather short-lived, unfortunately. The more realistic nature of the story predetermines that a plethora of painful complications will interrupt, perhaps in a severe manner, the growth of their relationship, which will likely affect Mei the most.

Mei is an extremely likable character, and Yamato's becoming more interesting as the story progresses. The few side characters are very enjoyable, particularly Asami. Kenji's
confession to her
was a nice moment. It's great that the portion of the story involving
Yamato's first love
was dealt with in an uneventful fashion, since she, in her brief appearance, was quite annoying. Of course, I'm certain there's several more characters that have yet to intrude on their happiness, who, in all probability, will likely be worst and more unlikable due to their inevitably persistent, manipulative, personalities.

The production values, though good, are somewhat inconsistent in quality. The direction is, I feel, the best element of the show, wonderfully displayed in the minimalistic framing of certain shots, such as
Mei and Yamoto's final kiss
. It consistently captures the specific emotions in the majority of scenes that hold heightened significance. The music is terrific, as it's quite essential in establishing the atmosphere, particularly during the romantic moments. The naturalistic style of the dialogue is another strength. The art is good, as it's used to portray a visually muted aesthetic that works surprisingly well. The weakest aspect of the production is the animation, but that's hardly a significant criticism.

The OP is quite good, especially the song. I really love how the "previews" are done.

All in all, Sukitte impresses considerably with it's direction, writing, and character interactions. It occasionally contains a certain level of harsher realism that the majority of other shoujo's don't possess, straying from the lighthearted tendencies of the genre. This has greatly exceeded my expectations; definitely the surprise of the season.


Thanks. Speaking of writing, part of the reason I've been drawing is because I'm trying to get my artwork at a level that I can finally be okay with so I can FINALLY start doing the illustrations for the book I basically finished a couple years ago. I've been putting off doing anything with it 'cause I want my artwork to be up to standard.

What kind of book?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
What kind of book?

Well, it's the first of five (in theory, the original idea was 9, but considering how slow this is going I'll probably never finish anyway). It's basically like a light novel, but without the haremshit. The most it ever goes to is a love triangle.


I know that venting can be good. I just always feel guilty afterwards. Like everyone's having a good time and having fun and here I come pooping up the party. I felt immediately guilty after posting the first bit, but had to continue in my replies since I'd already started. I'd already pooped the party, no point in stopping now. ;_;

Ah, I wouldn't worry about that. If someone had a problem and needed to talk about it, I think most people, including you, wouldn't find it a bother to listen. I'd be happy to stop talking about how Tomat and I are OTP to hear someone out on their issues. You're definitely not pooping anyone's party.


Subete no aware
Well, it's the first of five (in theory, the original idea was 9, but considering how slow this is going I'll probably never finish anyway). It's basically like a light novel, but without the haremshit. The most it ever goes to is a love triangle.
I have a project for you - can you draw a picture of Kanna
and her delicious tears?


I think I'm closer to becoming full weeaboo when I can recognize actresses based on the accent they have though. Fuck. :(

Does glumly reflecting on the halcyon days of your youth, those years you can never get back before you turned full weeaboo, count as :firehawk?


Well, it's the first of five (in theory, the original idea was 9, but considering how slow this is going I'll probably never finish anyway). It's basically like a light novel, but without the haremshit. The most it ever goes to is a love triangle.

Interesting. Hope it turns out well.

Alright, that's enough gaffing for me tonight. Sweet dreams, y'all.


You haven't done anything bad. I don't know what I was thinking. Lately I never know what I'm thinking. Only that I make phenomenally bad decisions, am stupid, slow at everything I do and... fuck this is just turning into rant.

I'm just not feeling good lately. Too depressed and the inferiority complex I thought I had managed to suppress has been back in the last couple of weeks with a fucking vengeance. It's nothing you did, believe me. It's all me.

I'd forgotten you used it until everyone and their brother mentioned it. >>; Sorry.

*hugs NAKAMA
S'alright bro I got your back.

Honestly, I think a lot of it is work. It's just been overbearing the last month. I'm training new people, trying to manage for people who are out, trying to keep my numbers up, and I just can't seem to get any slack. It's just getting to me, and it's pooring into other areas of my life. Part of why I haven't been watching anime lately. I'm drawing and drawing and drawing because just once I want to finish a piece that I can be proud of when I look at it... I keep trying to improve my efficiency and speed, but those won't improve until I actually learn to fucking draw without redrawing everything a hundred times and spending hours upon hours just fixing mistakes. I just end up feeling like a fucking failure. I keep painting because if I stop then I never will get better, but I just keep wounding myself with each color I add, each line I draw. It's wrong, it's always wrong.

Yep. I feel the same way about work. they always lean on me when everyone else is failing. Always gotta take up the slack. but its all good. Job security. It means your boss confides in you and has confidence in you to succeed.

As for art, well as I said before we all feel the same way. I'm never happy with my art. Ever.

So the post about the new Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo reminded me to watch it, where I made an observation:

I almost thought she was Akane from Smile Precure, but I guess there are a couple of newbies who specialize in Kansai accents. (Well, more likely, they just have those accents given how much range the typical voice actress in Japan seems to have :p)

I think I'm closer to becoming full weeaboo when I can recognize actresses based on the accent they have though. Fuck. :(

Hate to tell you this, but...


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ah, I wouldn't worry about that. If someone had a problem and needed to talk about it, I think most people, including you, wouldn't find it a bother to listen. I'd be happy to stop talking about how Tomat and I are OTP to hear someone out on their issues. You're definitely not pooping anyone's party.

Okay. But I think I've overdone it tonight, I'll try to refrain from it here at least for a while.

I have a project for you - can you draw a picture of Kanna
and her delicious tears?

LOL maybe I'll add that to the backburner.

Sometimes when I feel kinda stuck I go look at pictures and drawings similar to what I've been drawing and seeing what they did and how I can apply it to my own art.

Right now I'm watching this blu ray a friend from Japan sent me with some artists painting. It's quite interesting stuff, but it moves so fast I have to watch it frame by frame so I don't miss out on what buttons their pressing and stuff. >>;

Interesting. Hope it turns out well.

Alright, that's enough gaffing for me tonight. Sweet dreams, y'all.

Night dude.

*hugs NAKAMA
S'alright bro I got your back.

Thanks nakama. :)

Yep. I feel the same way about work. they always lean on me when everyone else is failing. Always gotta take up the slack. but its all good. Job security. It means your boss confides in you and has confidence in you to succeed.

As for art, well as I said before we all feel the same way. I'm never happy with my art. Ever.

I think I feel really bad about it because this was what I was going to do for a living, and I've failed in a most spectacular way on that front.


Subete no aware
Does glumly reflecting on the halcyon days of your youth, those years you can never get back before you turned full weeaboo, count as :firehawk?
I guess it's only firehawk if I cry about it while accepting the truth!

Hate to tell you this, but...

LOL maybe I'll add that to the backburner.
See! Just the thought of it cheers you up! Kanna is good for something after all!


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
LOL yeah. I guess she did.

Anyhoo I need to go to bed, I should have an hour ago, but I just started venting and ranting and raving and ... yeah. I need help.

But sleep first.


Subete no aware
Oh yeah, because I was reminded in IRC - has anyone taken the firehawk challenge and tried to watch the first episode of every single anime this season? lol

I feel like this season is much better, since there aren't like 6 different battle harem shows to watch. :p


Oh yeah, because I was reminded in IRC - has anyone taken the firehawk challenge and tried to watch the first episode of every single anime this season? lol

I feel like this season is much better, since there aren't like 6 different battle harem shows to watch. :p

Someone said they were going to as the last season was coming to a close. Looks like it was Steroyd.
We have enough people here that we could make a visual novel or something to that effect if we wanted to.

It's just that we're all lazy bastards.
KatawaGAF attempted one, but it didn't pan out afaik.

School Days 2

Wow, dude. Going in for the kiss during the movie's rough sex scene. Real goddamn smooth.

Also, what the hell was up with the breast groping by Saoirse? Is this something I should prep myself for more of?

Ten more episodes to go until the payoff.

Edit: Didn't mean to interrupt the goings on in here. I will say that I have enjoyed RurouniZel's posts in the past.
School Days is never an interruption, because it is always with us. Like Makoto in a dark movie theatre.

I don't remember any characters named Saoirse, though. Who are you referring to?
Oh yeah, because I was reminded in IRC - has anyone taken the firehawk challenge and tried to watch the first episode of every single anime this season? lol

I feel like this season is much better, since there aren't like 6 different battle harem shows to watch. :p

that's a thing? I do that every season.


take up the wonzo challenge of watching every single episode of kingdom instead. the winners receive both newfound apathy and a profound insight into why everything is terrible.
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