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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Hope people don't read that on the subway, but japan.
I remember a little while back Media Factory or somebody giving out a bookcover as a bonus item, that had some kind of character illustration accompanied by text like, "Contents completely innocent. Totally not porn. No need to stare at me." and cheerfully recommending it for use when reading books on the train.
I wish I could remember enough details to search for it.
Did anyone post this over the weekend?


Too many fucking pages to check, so I don't give a fuck if it's old. Trailer for IRON MAN: RISE OF THE TECHNOVORE! Look like Madhouse got some extra motivation, since the Iron Man suit is actually hand animated this time, instead of bad CG.

looks not shabby.

Gotta love how the movies pretty much made the whole 'head cam holgraphic cross hair over the eye' look iconic with iron man now.


Hah, I'm afraid they're still bound by Japanese law for the illustrations. *Very NSFW*
You'll just have to read the text and imagine the details for yourself!
rip mushroom



Did anyone post this over the weekend?


Too many fucking pages to check, so I don't give a fuck if it's old. Trailer for IRON MAN: RISE OF THE TECHNOVORE! Look like Madhouse got some extra motivation, since the Iron Man suit is actually hand animated this time, instead of bad CG.

Sweet, the 1st season was the only Marvel anime that I finished ;__;
I hope they're not lying with the trailer again.


Maturity, bitches.
Because of this.
I hope this isn't a trend otherwise I may have to go avatarless.

We have enough people here that we could make a visual novel or something to that effect if we wanted to.

It's just that we're all lazy bastards.
There will be no agreement on who is the Gary Stu MC and who is the best girl. It would be chaos.

Well it is, you know, an anime.
This is a slippery slope. If we excuse its shortcoming because of its medium anime will never evolve.

My laptop's wallpaper always shocks me awake. I should change it but it's so :cajun
Well since everyone else posted theirs and I doubt anyone checks the desktop thread here's mine.

From years of reading UK film mags I've noticed that Britain typically gets blu-rays of interesting catalog titles long before the US does, not to mention the high level of quality seen from companies like Masters of Cinema, the BFI, etc. (or on the genre side, companies like Arrow Films. I actually don't know if Arrow's releases are any good, but they certainly have my heart for their dedication to sleaze "world cinema, cult, horror, and erotica.")

Though, unfortunately I suppose, this trend might not actually extend to anime.
Yep. We apparently like everything but anime. Though it does allow you to sound more sophisticated than you really are. Telling someone you watch "foreign media" comes off as abit more classy than "I watch anime".

Nope! I always change any anime wallpaper I have back to a normal avatar anytime someone walks anywhere remotely close to my computer.

I have issues.
Weak. I use that above desktop at work.
It's covered in windows so no one sees it anyway

Nobody rocks the default Windows 7/8 Wallpapers?

C'mon now.
I used to
But I'm guessing you weren't talking about OS X.

It's an old platform, but some excellent games have been ported to it.

School Days branded toilet paper. How nice.

I'll give you a present ;)


Since there seems to be a paucity of information, not to mention interest, of the denizens here regarding From the New World, and no one conversant in Japanese seem willing to relay information from that side of things, here are some tidbits from, of all places, the Chinese version of the novel's Wikipedia entry, in addition to certain blog posts.

Note: Spoilers below, may or may not be significant to you





As mentioned before, it is much more dense and convoluted than what it appears initially. The complexity should ratchet very soon after Episode 3. The camping trip will be a harrowing of sorts, the kids getting to taste the dark reality behind their lives and how it has been micromanaged and manipulated since their births (rather obvious). Then, the children's peaceful world will be shattered in two instances. One, the deceptively docile Queerats will no longer abide by their pitiful existence, and quickly launched a brutal insurrection to overrun the village. The children will be conscripted to fight that war with all their might. Second, in some yet unspecified future date they will encounter a archivist robot centuries old, serving as a time capsule of sorts to preserve the past, warts, secrets and all. That event apparently will trigger another confrontation that will launch them onto their final(?) perilous journey.

There will be two time jumps from their current 12 year old selves. One when their 14, and another one to their 26 year old lives (remember the narrator's voice?)


We will have a love triangle.....a same sex love triangle. One female to one female and one male, the same male to another male. The other male apparently will not get any. This may or may not be of interest to you

History of the World:

From what can best be gleamed....

Apparently the first psionics (such as the one in the 1st episode) originated from clandestine experiments (standard evil govt tropes), but on individuals already predisposed to such psionic powers. As expected, thing went awry and those individuals managed to spread themselves worldwide.

Surprisingly, the emergence of such powerful individuals did not, immediately speaking, reduce 21st century civilization down to Mad Max levels. The process was, to guess here, more gradual and punctuated. Initially there was a great deal of death and destruction, but gradually governments worldwide managed to pinpoint its causes and nature and responded accordingly. For some nations retribution was swift and brutal, for example almost all of the psionics in America were gunned down (surprise) mercilessly. But others came to appreciate the potential applications of such abilities and responded accordingly. Powerful propaganda campaigns were unleashed to calm the public and suppress if not outright expunge records of such psionic appearances. Meanwhile when things calmed down more selective usage of such psionics were made to target and kill undesireable elements in society. As to what exactly precipitated the final "fall" of industrial civilization to such rural levels, is anyone's guess so far until the story progresses.....

Psionic Abilities aka Mantra or Curse Force/Power (literal translation from Kanji)

There are two theories as to what first spawned such abilities in ordinary humans. One is posits the esoteric influences of the Sun, the other speculates on the emergence of novel quantum physical phenomenon in brains of certain individuals. In any case until we see more of the series these things are pure gobbledegook.

In terms of the nature of those psionics, it is simply a direct, physical manifestation of whatever events/objects/thoughts etc. are going through their minds at that particular moment. AKA, a form of reality warping (hence the rainbow interference ?) . Apparently there is no direct physical limitation for such things, considering how vast our "imaginations" are, so as expected there are potential for both great and terrible things. On the terrible side, in theory such abilities can exceed the destructive power of thermonuclear weapons (don't know if they actually reached that point before....)

The psionic individuals that first appeared in the 21st century were actually weaker than their descendents centuries later. Nor were they powerful enough to collapse their societies outright. Though some did find novel uses for them such as raping women (the mind boggles on this is possible).........

In any case, at some point in time a genome wide modification program was done on broad swathes of humanity, at least those with psionic genes/potential. To maintain the peace two crucial modifiers were inserted into their genomes. One is a self destructive mechanism set to activate whenever an homicidal intent is detected from the individual in question to another human. Initial signs include headaches, disorientation, fear, anxiety, etc. If the target persists then death is automatically triggered. The other one is an aggression dampener/inhibitor, which seeks to prevent any psionics from pursuing murder in the first place. By and large, those approaches appear to work on the majority of the psychic population. But now and then natural, spontaneous mutations arise in the genome, overriding such things....

That's how you get the two "monsters" mentioned, the Oni and the Karmic Demons.
Oni, or, in more academic parlance "Fox in Henhouse Syndrome", are socio/psycho-pathic individuals with both genomic modifiers disabled in their brains, and hence kill without remorse or compunction. Past rampages led to deaths in the tens of thousands....

Karmic demons are a bit more interesting. They originate from reclusive, socially maladjusted individuals, who, somehow during bouts of anxiety/panic attacks, warp their powers to become mutagenic onto their surroundings. Whatever living thing caught under their "breakouts" are mutated physically/biologically beyond recognition and hence cannot survive. More astute observers may wish to link such as abilities to the origins of the Queerrats....

Flora and Fauna:

Think molerats, hive colony, the likes. No, they are not dumb. Their intelligence and sentience are actually comparable to humans. Yes, they have their own culture and language. Drones/workers cannot speak the human tongue, but Queens and Commanders of the hive can definitely understand it, and presumably speak it as well...

Marine Life (remember the drowned cities in the ending theme?)
There are giant crabs and giant sea slugs in the sea. The crabs prey on the slugs. You don't want to get near either of them, though both do not prey on humans. The sea slugs closely resemble modern day blue glaucus sea slugs, but bigger and more poisonous. As an aside, the villagers consider them a sign of divinity.



Since there seems to be a paucity of information, not to mention interest, of the denizens here regarding From the New World, and no one conversant in Japanese seem willing to relay information from that side of things, here are some tidbits from, of all places, the Chinese version of the novel's Wikipedia entry, in addition to certain blog posts.

Come discuss the show in our official thread for it!

Be warned, though, I don't think anyone's going to take too kindly to spoilers for a show like this where half the fun is in discovering the mysteries as you go - and this is from someone who's already read too many spoilers for the show.


Since there seems to be a paucity of information, not to mention interest, of the denizens here regarding From the New World, and no one conversant in Japanese seem willing to relay information from that side of things, here are some tidbits from, of all places, the Chinese version of the novel's Wikipedia entry, in addition to certain blog posts.

Note: Spoilers below, may or may not be significant to you





As mentioned before, it is much more dense and convoluted than what it appears initially. The complexity should ratchet very soon after Episode 3. The camping trip will be a harrowing of sorts, the kids getting to taste the dark reality behind their lives and how it has been micromanaged and manipulated since their births (rather obvious). Then, the children's peaceful world will be shattered in two instances. One, the deceptively docile Queerats will no longer abide by their pitiful existence, and quickly launched a brutal insurrection to overrun the village. The children will be conscripted to fight that war with all their might. Second, in some yet unspecified future date they will encounter a archivist robot centuries old, serving as a time capsule of sorts to preserve the past, warts, secrets and all. That event apparently will trigger another confrontation that will launch them onto their final(?) perilous journey.

There will be two time jumps from their current 12 year old selves. One when their 14, and another one to their 26 year old lives (remember the narrator's voice?)


We will have a love triangle.....a same sex love triangle. One female to one female and one male, the same male to another male. The other male apparently will not get any. This may or may not be of interest to you

History of the World:

From what can best be gleamed....

Apparently the first psionics (such as the one in the 1st episode) originated from clandestine experiments (standard evil govt tropes), but on individuals already predisposed to such psionic powers. As expected, thing went awry and those individuals managed to spread themselves worldwide.

Surprisingly, the emergence of such powerful individuals did not, immediately speaking, reduce 21st century civilization down to Mad Max levels. The process was, to guess here, more gradual and punctuated. Initially there was a great deal of death and destruction, but gradually governments worldwide managed to pinpoint its causes and nature and responded accordingly. For some nations retribution was swift and brutal, for example almost all of the psionics in America were gunned down (surprise) mercilessly. But others came to appreciate the potential applications of such abilities and responded accordingly. Powerful propaganda campaigns were unleashed to calm the public and suppress if not outright expunge records of such psionic appearances. Meanwhile when things calmed down more selective usage of such psionics were made to target and kill undesireable elements in society. As to what exactly precipitated the final "fall" of industrial civilization to such rural levels, is anyone's guess so far until the story progresses.....

Psionic Abilities aka Mantra or Curse Force/Power (literal translation from Kanji)

There are two theories as to what first spawned such abilities in ordinary humans. One is posits the esoteric influences of the Sun, the other speculates on the emergence of novel quantum physical phenomenon in brains of certain individuals. In any case until we see more of the series these things are pure gobbledegook.

In terms of the nature of those psionics, it is simply a direct, physical manifestation of whatever events/objects/thoughts etc. are going through their minds at that particular moment. AKA, a form of reality warping (hence the rainbow interference ?) . Apparently there is no direct physical limitation for such things, considering how vast our "imaginations" are, so as expected there are potential for both great and terrible things. On the terrible side, in theory such abilities can exceed the destructive power of thermonuclear weapons (don't know if they actually reached that point before....)

The psionic individuals that first appeared in the 21st century were actually weaker than their descendents centuries later. Nor were they powerful enough to collapse their societies outright. Though some did find novel uses for them such as raping women (the mind boggles on this is possible).........

In any case, at some point in time a genome wide modification program was done on broad swathes of humanity, at least those with psionic genes/potential. To maintain the peace two crucial modifiers were inserted into their genomes. One is a self destructive mechanism set to activate whenever an homicidal intent is detected from the individual in question to another human. Initial signs include headaches, disorientation, fear, anxiety, etc. If the target persists then death is automatically triggered. The other one is an aggression dampener/inhibitor, which seeks to prevent any psionics from pursuing murder in the first place. By and large, those approaches appear to work on the majority of the psychic population. But now and then natural, spontaneous mutations arise in the genome, overriding such things....

That's how you get the two "monsters" mentioned, the Oni and the Karmic Demons.
Oni, or, in more academic parlance "Fox in Henhouse Syndrome", are socio/psycho-pathic individuals with both genomic modifiers disabled in their brains, and hence kill without remorse or compunction. Past rampages led to deaths in the tens of thousands....

Karmic demons are a bit more interesting. They originate from reclusive, socially maladjusted individuals, who, somehow during bouts of anxiety/panic attacks, warp their powers to become mutagenic onto their surroundings. Whatever living thing caught under their "breakouts" are mutated physically/biologically beyond recognition and hence cannot survive. More astute observers may wish to link such as abilities to the origins of the Queerrats....

Flora and Fauna:

Think molerats, hive colony, the likes. No, they are not dumb. Their intelligence and sentience are actually comparable to humans. Yes, they have their own culture and language. Drones/workers cannot speak the human tongue, but Queens and Commanders of the hive can definitely understand it, and presumably speak it as well...

Marine Life (remember the drowned cities in the ending theme?)
There are giant crabs and giant sea slugs in the sea. The crabs prey on the slugs. You don't want to get near either of them, though both do not prey on humans. The sea slugs closely resemble modern day blue glaucus sea slugs, but bigger and more poisonous. As an aside, the villagers consider them a sign of divinity.


Well I appreciate the work, but I can't really read any of this post right now because spoilers :(


Sword Art Online 13-15

Woah, I totally didn't expect
the game to end so soon. I didn't even expect the "betrayal", though it was nice to see that what looked like cheating was cheating.
15 unlocked the NTR route, though I'm sure Kirito will bring it back to the vanilla path.

Btw, after 15 episodes I still don't see how anyone could dislike Asuna. She isn't annoying nor a weakling, doesn't do stupid things (most of the time), has maxed cooking and will
sacrifice herself for her lover.
What more could one ask for?!


Maturity, bitches.
Sword Art Online 13-15

Btw, after 15 episodes I still don't see how anyone could dislike Asuna. She isn't annoying nor a weakling, doesn't do stupid things (most of the time), has maxed cooking and will
sacrifice herself for her lover.
What more could one ask for?!
Reasons usually given are a lack of distinctive personality, the other girls are better, she's a damsel in distress despite the fact we're told she is one of the strongest characters.

Oh and she isn't as :chet as the cousin.

TeamMum is the best team.

The optical illusion thing was cooler.
Just wanted to celebrate JoJo's return with an avatar that
incorporates the two main characters
Guess one could see it as a Halloween avatar even if I don't really bother is that holiday.

(While the image alone isn't a spoiler, that black box is. Don't click it and then cry that I ruined it for you.)


Oh right, there were some music sales too...

Single CD
*4, 38,906 38,906 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari "Luminous"
11, *6,969 *6,969 BTOOOM! "No pain, No game"
22, *2,194 31,083 Kuroko no Basket Character Song Duet Series vol.3 Shintaro & Kazunari
31, *1,611 *1,611 Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen Character Song vol.2 Toshiki
36, *1,418 *1,418 Cardfight!! Vanguard: Asia Circuit-hen Character Song vol.1 Aichi
41, *1,324 77,781 Sword Art Online "crossing field"


Until the person who gets the sixth to last post starts complaining.

And and cajun, here is the original art if you want to make your own.

Thanks. This is like the quintessential Akarin pose.

Sword Art Online 13-15

Woah, I totally didn't expect
the game to end so soon. I didn't even expect the "betrayal", though it was nice to see that what looked like cheating was cheating.
15 unlocked the NTR route, though I'm sure Kirito will bring it back to the vanilla path.

Btw, after 15 episodes I still don't see how anyone could dislike Asuna. She isn't annoying nor a weakling, doesn't do stupid things (most of the time), has maxed cooking and will
sacrifice herself for her lover.
What more could one ask for?!

A personality would be nice.


Oh yeah, so it did.

Temporal Blu-ray + DVD Rankings for Summer 2012 (the first volumes)
*1, 22,254 Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II
*2, 10,461 Tari Tari
*3, 10,325 Dog Days'
*4, *7,728 Yuru Yuri ♪♪
*5, *7,274 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
*6, *5,347 Hakuouki Reimeiroku
*6, *4,876 Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
*8, *4,852 Oda Nobuna no Yabou
*9, *4,221 Joshiraku
10, *4,187 Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou
11, *3,762 Arcana Famiglia
12, *3,337 Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
13, *2,810 Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!
14, *2,409 Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
15, *1,945 Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
16, *1,900 Moyashimon Returns
17, *1,888 Rinne no Lagrange Season 2
18, *1,370 Binbougami ga!
19, *1,338 Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi.
20, *1,282 Upotte!!

I have no idea where the extra sales came from, since it was at 8,760 last time I checked on Thursday and it definitely didn't sell 2k this week. Explained later.
It feels like there's a lot of sales competition this Fall, what's going to be the big flop? K? I don't think even the fujoshi can save that one.


It feels like there's a lot of sales competition this Fall, what's going to be the big flop? K? I don't think even the fujoshi can save that one.

That thing indeed look awful at amazon ranking lol. Shin Sekai Yori without doubt will bombed hard too.

So far the best performer is Chuu2byou, TLRD, Little Budget and Jojo... Other big-seller contender like Magi and noitaminA title still no have info about their disc release date.


Oh yeah, so it did.

Temporal Blu-ray + DVD Rankings for Summer 2012 (the first volumes)
*1, 22,254 Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon II
*2, 10,461 Tari Tari
*3, 10,325 Dog Days'
*4, *7,728 Yuru Yuri ♪♪
*5, *7,274 Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse
*6, *5,347 Hakuouki Reimeiroku
*6, *4,876 Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
*8, *4,852 Oda Nobuna no Yabou
*9, *4,221 Joshiraku
10, *4,187 Campione!: Matsurowanu Kamigami to Kamigoroshi no Maou
11, *3,762 Arcana Famiglia
12, *3,337 Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
13, *2,810 Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!
14, *2,409 Hagure Yuusha no Estetica
15, *1,945 Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai.
16, *1,900 Moyashimon Returns
17, *1,888 Rinne no Lagrange Season 2
18, *1,370 Binbougami ga!
19, *1,338 Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu: Uta Koi.
20, *1,282 Upotte!!

I have no idea where the extra sales came from, since it was at 8,760 last time I checked on Thursday and it definitely didn't sell 2k this week.

Dog Days :D :D :D

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
School Days 2

Wow, dude. Going in for the kiss during the movie's rough sex scene. Real goddamn smooth.

Also, what the hell was up with the breast groping by Saoirse? Is this something I should prep myself for more of?

Ten more episodes to go until the payoff.
Don't be jealous of Mankoto.


Honestly, I think a lot of it is work. It's just been overbearing the last month. I'm training new people, trying to manage for people who are out, trying to keep my numbers up, and I just can't seem to get any slack. It's just getting to me, and it's pooring into other areas of my life. Part of why I haven't been watching anime lately. I'm drawing and drawing and drawing because just once I want to finish a piece that I can be proud of when I look at it... I keep trying to improve my efficiency and speed, but those won't improve until I actually learn to fucking draw without redrawing everything a hundred times and spending hours upon hours just fixing mistakes. I just end up feeling like a fucking failure. I keep painting because if I stop then I never will get better, but I just keep wounding myself with each color I add, each line I draw. It's wrong, it's always wrong.
There are creators that never get over that phase, but transform that into something to always fight with for the better. You know, for a lot of composers there are only remains of a couple of pieces of what they were satisfied with, and many totally recognized as sublime ones at their respective moment where trashed due to personal obsessions. Those magnificent creations were lost in time to never be recovered, and many lamented that, or their very lives, looking at incomplete works all around them that, of course, ended up despising as well.

Man, RurouniZel, please hear me on this. Just. Keep. Moving! Finish what you can even if you don't like it, take it as a harmless try aiming for the better. Save everything, all you do and, passed a time, reflect on what you can improve, trying again and again. Do other things in the meantime. Give it time, don't burn over it because you have time and time on your hands. You will see why in the future, what valuable memories you could have lost if not.
Moyashimon Doesn't Return Again

well, I think S2 was weak compared to S1. Boring France arc, a festival again and an inferior character design. It was the disappointment of the season for me.

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to settle for the next 6+ -monogatari series instead.

the correlation between Moyashimon and -monogatari but that's cool that we will get more Nekomonogatari because of the bad sales of Moyashimon.


There are creators that never get over that phase, but transform that into something to always fight with for the better. You know, for a lot of composers there are only remains of a couple of pieces of what they were satisfied with, and many totally recognized as sublime ones at their respective moment where trashed due to personal obsessions. Those magnificent creations were lost in time to never be recovered, and many lamented that, or their very lives, looking at incomplete works all around them that, of course, ended up despising as well.

Man, RurouniZel, please hear me on this. Just. Keep. Moving! Finish what you can even if you don't like it, take it as a harmless try aiming for the better. Save everything, all you do and, passed a time, reflect on what you can improve, trying again and again. Do other things in the meantime. Give it time, don't burn over it because you have time and time on your hands. You will see why in the future, what valuable memories you could have lost if not.

Solid advice. This is why I hoard ALL my sketches. I hardly ever throw anything away unless it is completely messed up and trashworthy by any standard. Even my little cute envelope/notepad sketchings and doodles get kept. Drives my Mother nuts when she comes to my house to visit.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Feel better!

You'll be ok in the morning.

I hope you feel less stressed out after a night's rest.

Sleep always makes me feel better.

Thanks. I'm feeling a little better this morning. Wish I didn't have to go to work in 10 minutes but you know. ^^;

Exactly which brings me to my next point: The one thing every artist really needs to work on is marketing.

True enough. I'm terrible at selling myself and my work.

There are creators that never get over that phase, but transform that into something to always fight with for the better. You know, for a lot of composers there are only remains of a couple of pieces of what they were satisfied with, and many totally recognized as sublime ones at their respective moment where trashed due to personal obsessions. Those magnificent creations were lost in time to never be recovered, and many lamented that, or their very lives, looking at incomplete works all around them that, of course, ended up despising as well.

Man, RurouniZel, please hear me on this. Just. Keep. Moving! Finish what you can even if you don't like it, take it as a harmless try aiming for the better. Save everything, all you do and, passed a time, reflect on what you can improve, trying again and again. Do other things in the meantime. Give it time, don't burn over it because you have time and time on your hands. You will see why in the future, what valuable memories you could have lost if not.

I know you're right and I need to push forward. My major issue is only partially the quality of my work, but moreso how stupidly slow I am to finish anything. I'd be happier with my work if I could pump out a couple of decent pieces a month or so.
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