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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Accel World 01:

This is all duckroll's fault.

Kawahara wish fulfillment taken to DA NEXT LEVEL. Brain Burst actually looks legit awesome. Why the hell is the world suddenly
a 1984-esque police state
, though? That certainly........casts an uncomfortable pall over events.

Also, Haru is a better protagonist than Kirito, no question. He's not any less of a viewer insert, but he's way more entertaining, and entertainment is the one thing I don't feel when watching SAO. I expect great things out of the virtual adventures of this little spherical person.

Yes, Haru is definitely better. He's also cuter as a little pig avatar, especially when KYH is hugging him. D'awww. He could stand to be less whiny, but he's still more interesting than Gary Kirito.

I don't think Nanoha was ever nearly as popular as Madoka.

It definitely wasn't (what is?), however it was heavily marketed and has several spinoff ova's and movies. It was fairly popular apparently.

Brave 10 - 1

Well...girl runs into guy that saves her from trouble.
You don't see that everyday.

The music is atrocious and the dialogue doesn't help.
However, the fight in the first half wasn't too shabby. It wasn't great, but easily the best part of the episode.

Will things get crazy? Can the two main characters get any more bland? Will Saizou ever get more food?
All these questions and more to be answered!

Just marvel at how cute Isanami is. Madpierrot took the liberty of screencapping her just so I didn't have to watch this. It must be awful.

Planetes 18

Great episode, but I guess the show will change from now.

Yes, the show takes a far more serious turn from here on out. You are in the thick of it now.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - 02


Best girls decided.

I'd say the first episode was better, if only for the fact that I was under the impression
Misaki had a huge love/lusting for Sorata and was going to be one of the main girls pining for his love during the show's progression. In this episode she tries to claim Jin, with hints that there may be something more behind her teasing. At this point I can already tell what's going to happen. You have the phenom-playboy Jin who can literally bed any woman he wanted, but for some reason (wait for it) decides to to ignore Misaki's playful advances just because of the fact that she's his childhood friend (smh). This in turn will lead to some half-ass dorama where Misaki confesses her feelings for him, only to be temporarily turned down until he confides in Sorata who will then give him this 'enlightening' perspective that allows him to commit and reciprocate Misaki's feelings and abandon his player ways. Good grief.

Whatever, at least there's
the girl from Ginga e Kickoff (Aoyama)
to pick up the slack.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Half of Little Busters 02
It's like everyone is stupid and nobody is aware of it.

Skipped forward to the end. That was also a dumb "twist."


Why is it that when one of the two or three shounen that can actually make me angry gets an anime, the more prominent members of animegaf love it?
What bugs you about it? The fact that everyone is kind of a dick in the show?

That could be why. No FURENDSHIP here so far.


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - 02

I'd say the first episode was better, if only for the fact that I was under the impression
Misaki had a huge love/lusting for Sorata and was going to be one of the main girls pining for his love during the show's progression. In this episode she tries to claim Jin, with hints that there may be something more behind her teasing. At this point I can already tell what's going to happen. You have the phenom-playboy Jin who can literally bed any woman he wanted, but for some reason (wait for it) decides to to ignore Misaki's playful advances just because of the fact that she's his childhood friend (smh). This in turn will lead to some half-ass dorama where Misaki confesses her feelings for him, only to be temporarily turned down until he confides in Sorata who will then give him this 'enlightening' perspective that allows him to commit and reciprocate Misaki's feelings and abandon his player ways. Good grief.

Whatever, at least there's
the girl from Ginga e Kickoff (Aoyama)
to pick up the slack.

You're just jealous Misaka can storyboard, design, animate, colour and edit an anime all on her own. And has nice buttocks to boot.
What bugs you about it? The fact that everyone is kind of a dick in the show?

That could be why. No FURENDSHIP here so far.

Nah, shows with dicks are fine. I watch/read enough stuff with anti-heroes to not be bothered by that. It's the portrayal and justification that bothers me.

This post sums up my feelings pretty well.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nah, shows with dicks are fine. I watch/read enough stuff with anti-heroes to not be bothered by that. It's the portrayal and justification that bothers me.

This post sums up my feelings pretty well.

I see what you're saying. I'm curious about the moment that killed it for you though.


The Light of El Cantare
Accel World 02:


This episode's best Pathetic Haru Moment.

Brain Burst is AWESOME, and I haven't even gotten to the truly sakuga moments yet. This stuff deeply scratches my action itch.

Still, about the nature of the game itself, lol.

So some anonymous person is smarter than the world's best scientists and has discovered a way to use cyberbrain (or whatever AW's equivalent is called) technology to accelerate human sensory perception to godlike levels and they decide to integrate it into some kind of illicit underground fighting game? Sorry, mankind, no transcendence for you. The entire scenario is vaguely........Kayaba-esque.

Even in this ridiculous context, I suppose the concept of people being forced to constantly fight each other in order to retain superhuman abilities is kind of cool.

Kuroyukihime is ULTIMATE WISH FULFILLMENT. Asuna who? And yet, because Accel World and its characters are actually fun, all of this is so much more tolerable.
Kuroyukihime is pretty bueno anyway, especially with that crazy-ass butterfly costume, so I'm biased.

Am I a bad person if I'm legit enjoying the show so far?
Gintama 139


Oh boy new arc time! Slow setting up and stuff for the first half but then suddenly we're tossed into action! This arc looks to be pretty awesome but its worrysome that it only seems to be Kagura and Gin there instead of some of the many side characters.


Brave 10 - 2


Today's name of the day is: Saizo

Man, at least remembering the main man's name will not be a worry during this all. Isanami kindly reminds the viewer every ten seconds during battle-oriented scenes.

The emphasized backdrops during action scenes are hideous...

I would ask how much longer they'd be utilized, but I'm sure I know the answer to that (Forever more). As for the battle itself, it was rather poor. The attacks were sluggish and the finisher simply dull.
A giant enemy makes for numerous opportunities for interesting camera work and it wasn't even attempted.

The exchanges between Isanami and Saizo continue to be "gold" as she shares how he's a
ray of light
with him responding
"I only take life away."
This type of flag for character development isn't unheard of, but it comes down to execution and its simply laughable here. It's a "heart-to-heart" moment after an unsatisfying scene of higher tension.

Also, apparently bad ninjas slit the throat of elderly women with kunai! However, the same man also knocked Isanami out cold, sparing me from hearing one more "Saizo" for the episode. For this, I thank him.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Accel World 02:
Am I a bad person if I'm legit enjoying the show so far?
Nope, AW is a lot more enjoyable than SAO in my opinion (only seen a few episodes of both). AW takes itself seriously, but not AS seriously as SAO from what I could tell. Those Linkin Park videos of SAO were funny for this exact reason.
Accel World 02:

Brain Burst is AWESOME, and I haven't even gotten to the truly sakuga moments yet. This stuff deeply scratches my action itch.

Even in this ridiculous context, I suppose the concept of people being forced to constantly fight each other in order to retain superhuman abilities is kind of cool.

Am I a bad person if I'm legit enjoying the show so far?

Even if one doesnt like the plot, I think they would be hard pressed to face opposition for at least liking the concept and the action moments, imo.

I dont understand where you have the idea that
youre forced to constantly fight each other, though


Sword Art Online 13-15

Btw, after 15 episodes I still don't see how anyone could dislike Asuna. She isn't annoying nor a weakling, doesn't do stupid things (most of the time), has maxed cooking and will
sacrifice herself for her lover.
What more could one ask for?!

That's the problem though. She isn't anything really. She lacks any distinguishing characteristics beyond what we're told by other people and some people (myself included) can't really deal with that.

She's like the Queen Amidala to Kirito's Anakin.


The Light of El Cantare
Even if one doesnt like the plot, I think they would be hard pressed to face opposition for at least liking the concept and the action moments, imo.

I dont understand where you have the idea that
youre forced to constantly fight each other, though

You have to refill your Burst points by fighting, otherwise if you totally run out, you're out forever. That's fairly big motivation to continually accumulate more points.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Accel World 02:

Am I a bad person if I'm legit enjoying the show so far?

Most of Accel World is pretty good - definitely better than SAO, mostly because it doesn't take itself that seriously -, so no.



Nope, AW is a lot more enjoyable than SAO in my opinion (only seen a few episodes of both). AW takes itself seriously, but not AS seriously as SAO from what I could tell. Those Linkin Park videos of SAO were funny for this exact reason.

Great minds think alike.
This is one thing I don't understand, the changes in Hachimakis behaviour and character. I guess he'll be reminded of the things he didn't keep track of with some drama, then revert back on how he was? Happens all the time in anime.
That's the problem though. She isn't anything really. She lacks any distinguishing characteristics beyond what we're told by other people and some people (myself included) can't really deal with that.
She's kicked a fair amount of ass on-screen, and we've seen her commanding side on a few occasions. The problem is that they try to juggle that with her being a damsel in distress.
She's like the Queen Amidala to Kirito's Anakin.
Let's not get carried away now!


Even if The Flowers of Evil doesn't sell much, don't panic! It falls into their plans:

Entrevista a Hiroshi Nagahama said:
(...)"what was his motivation to become the director of Aku no Hana (The Flowers of Evil), being this one a not very traditional manga with a fairly transgressive plot to be shown in TV?"

"That is something I didn't decide on my own, a producer entrusted it to me. I said that to him myself. He told me they didn't need something to sell as of right now, but to keep selling it for 10 years. I think that a work based on this manga can last a lot of time. When I did Mushishi they told me something similar, but afterward it had very positive reviews."



This show is fairly strange. It's fairly hard to parse what, exactly, they're going for. One half of the show is about apparently amoral pretty boys (assorted, handily, by hair colour) laying waste to stuff with their super-powers and the other half is about our female heroine, Sakura, who strives to achieve justice by smacking dudes in the face and trying to get them arrested. This combination shouldn't really work, and maybe it won't long term, but right now it's highly entertaining. There's something delicious about how unapologetically horrible the male lead is and how the show doesn't even bother to suggest that he's going to face any kind of retribution for his actions. That's what makes this show wok - the kind of things people do are Devil Note-level in terms of how over-the-top they are but no-one's winking at the camera. This is a serious production.

Sakura is a great female lead - she's motivated by her own belief system, everyone's in love with her (Utena style), she's physically capable of handling herself and she likes shouting about THINGS THAT SURPRISE HER. She's the kind of heroine who would normally be fairly annoying but, in the context of the show, she's actually very likeable because the show knows how to be funny, as well as serious. Everything about her is exaggerated but so is everything else in the shows so she fits right in with everything else. She even has an annoying best friend with a large chest - they're really ticking all those boxes, aren't they?

The production values on this series are surprisingly...good? I mean, there are plenty of works with better animation out there but this show doesn't feel particularly cheap and there isn't any ugly CG! There's a surprisingly high volume of 'silly faces' and 'funny dog animations for a work about burning people to death. Did I mention the music yet? It's overblown, but completely fitting for the kind of show this is. They really nailed it.


This is one thing I don't understand, the changes in Hachimakis behaviour and character. I guess he'll be reminded of the things he didn't keep track of with some drama, then revert back on how he was? Happens all the time in anime.

His father's legacy is what's keeping him down. He wants to achieve his dream, but on his own accord and not because he's the son of a famous engineer.


Gintama 50

Did Gintama really have as troubled of a start as the show hints at?
Cant get enough of the Gundam jokes either. Catherine is now second best
too. In fact, all these shows should be real, especially DragoBleaPiece.

I can only imagine animators had fun working on this given all the varied aspects. Amazing ep.
His father's legacy is what's keeping him down. He wants to achieve his dream, but on his own accord and not because he's the son of a famous engineer.

Yeah, but that doesn't warrant his total change in behaviour,
he treats his loved ones like shit, acts like he never knew Tanabe and all that suddenly matters is von Braun. Doesn't make sense.


Subete no aware
Does it change poor direction? I mean I don't know anything about the manga but I still find the pacing to be exceptionally poor and detrimental to the work.
Ignorance can't fix everything it seems. :(

Seriously, they need to just let it go and make something new.

Nope, that's still pretty darn weird.
Maru forever. :(

What would you know about people from Georgia?

Actually, that's rather accurate.

I still remember the last moment of the Atlanta closing ceremonies - "Y'all come back now, ya here?" lol

Of course, only talking about these particular ones from Mr. Yoshino... and yeah, you can't please everyone.

Do it (hey, we talked about this some time ago http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost...ostcount=13768)! It can be a little expensive but the Paradores sites all over the country are beautiful places to go (and something to be proud of, as every part of them is national patrimony), and the one there is majestic. If I'm required to go someday to my region's university (UCLM) campus at Cuenca, I can even be your host there!

One of the many UNESCO World Heritage properties situated in the country I live in:

Historic Walled Town of Cuenca - UNESCO World Heritage Centre


Yeah, it looks great, and any Anglophile/whatever a German-fetishist-is-called-phile tendencies I have are pretty much lost, so if I do make a Europe trip, it'd probably be to check that place out (and Venice, because I'm too much of an Aria fanboy). The anime makes the place look stunning and I'd expect the real thing to be just as amazing... even if it's a giant hotel. lol

Is EoE really a "middle-finger" to the audiences? It delivered what anyone would expect of Evangelion: inventive direction, explosive robot action, military porn, claustrophobic atmosphere and lots of character drama. The bland Rebuild movies are the real "FUCK YOU" to people with taste.
The beginning and the end of EoE are. Deliciously so. :)

Godspeed! Keep it up!

I dropped it 5 episodes in. It is about cute girls pursuing their love of music and horse racing.
I feel bad since I've watched 13 episodes of SAO, the entirety of Accel World, all of Kokoro Connect, and 9 episodes of IS. Despite having better writing, Tari Tari is just dull.
Tari Tari should have been 26 and HanaIro should have been 13. It probably would have made both shows much better.

Saki 1

Are her knees blushing? This is a good sign.
Oh god, you're watching Saki? lol

Even if The Flowers of Evil doesn't sells much, don't panic! It falls into their plans:

I'm really looking forward to this, but if the manga is a bomba, I figure the anime is going to be a super-bomba.

Even though Say I Love You covers the same themes of alienation, at least it does it with the shoujo veneer. Aku doesn't have any real demographic to fall back on.


I sullied the weeaboo purity of the thread when I brought up the podcast with the guy who created Bob's Burgers, but Maron interviewed this dude:


(Well, it's with his voice actor really!)

It's interesting to see how the grinder voice actors find work, since they can't just rely on being a celebrity who is cast to fill random roles in Pixar or Ghibli films. He also tells the origin of the Spongebob voice, which is both funny and kind of un-PC. Nickelodeon hates it when he tells the story apparently. lol

I'd like to hear a veteran Japanese voice actor talk about their grind, but I figure most people just go to voice acting school and then find an agent and then get roles... not everyone can grow up with Bobcat Goldwait!
Planetess 23

Serves as a good episode for the next

Planetes 24

Damn, what a turn of events. The end makes me so curious for episode 25.
She finally realizes that he's in love with something else. He doesn't need her. And then... oxygen runs out. What a horrible situation to be in.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Girls und Panzer - Episode 2

The concept remains ridiculous, but yet so fun. It's pretty hilarious how they are trying so hard to make tank driving moe and charming. The tank otaku girl is a pretty good addition to the main team. The other teams look pretty fun too. Other than that, there isn't really much to talk about, other than the awesome SD cuteness of the ED as you can see below! :D
Did cajunator hack into your account?
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