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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun or My Little Monster Episode 3


I like how the visuals in this scene highlighted the somewhat awkward emotional distancing the characters felt in this moment. Despite being so close physically, whenever one of the characters would speak, a pop up would appear and they would be shown framed inside another picture removing themselves from the first picture, creating a sort of wall putting themselves in another space distancing themselves from the other.


More awkward emotional distancing between characters, this time symbolized with pop cans!

Now that all, or many, of the characters are together, it was nice to see them interacting in an activity together showing how they react and play off of one another in that kind of an environment. I find Haru came across as more normal in this episode and some of his violence such as
when he punched the blonde guy a couple of times.
It came across as a bit more humourus now such as
kind of a "Hey, get your hands off my girlfriend" type approach.

All the reaction scenes and faces in this show are still really great. It's also nice to have some variety. Many different shows can come across as too categorized sometimes, such as "Here's the shocked face", "Here's the mad face" etc. Wheras Tonari seems to have a few shocked faces and a few mad faces, not just the usual all the time. With a visual medium like this why not get creative like that? The voice work of the characters too really continues to be great.

The scene near the end was interesting to see both narratively and the visual symbolism used to represent that.

The story has been how Haru has an interest about Shizuku and she doesn't originally know how to react to his feelings. He seems more sure of himself and his feelings than Shizuku does towards him. Staircases or inclines where one character is seen looking down at another or the other looking back up to the first, shows a bit of superiority of the one individual on top in their feelings or power over the one on the bottom, which is how it came across to me in how Haru and Shizuku feelings towards one another were understood.

As the scene continues though
Shizuku comes to realize her feelings towards Haru and confesses them to him after initially retracting them earlier. She comes to understand, as does Haru himself, that her feelings are different than those of Haru's. The way she moves past him on the stairs and is now the one higher than him shows that she is the one "in control" and understands her true feelings but will wait for Haru to catch up. Moving up the stairs feels like she's advanced in her understanding of her side of the relationship and is closer to the goal whereas Haru realizes that he has to discover his true feelings for Shizuku in order to advance and catch up to her.
Naturally thise scene doesn't last too long though as another complication is mixed in.

The new male character also seems like he could be interesting. Based on his looks and his demeanor he appears to be
Haru's brother or even twin.
I recognized he's voiced by Yuuichi Nakamura (who does the voice of Oreki in Hyouka) so that should be fun too.

The episode did have some flaws as mentioned, such as the panning shots with voice overs or some of the animations or art maybe not looking quite as good at times but overall a pretty good episode.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 02-03

Just completely amazed by how awesome this show is. It's definitely my 2nd favorite show of the year (well so far) after F/Z and its right up there with some of my favorite romcoms of all time. It's a beautiful show with fantastic characters and is just completely charming. I can't get enough of this show.

One of the things this show does right, which is something almost nearly every single romcom gets wrong, is the use of support characters. They are neither too involved to the point of being obnoxious (Toradora says hi) nor completely irrelevant. They don't exist solely for the purpose of furthering the main pairing yet they subtly nudge things along in their own way and are interesting in their own right. It's really rare where I can watch a romcom and not end up completely loathing at least one character in the show. Theres still time to fuck this up but it's been quite the ride so far.

Roosters are awesome.


Haven't seen MLM episode 3 yet, but I love those framing tricks.
I have a hard time actually seeing them and pointing them out because they are usually subtle, but I appreciate the effects.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
chuu 3


My GOD she's so cute! Definitely best girl! And believe it or not it's hard to say that because if they were in other shows, both Rikka and Kumin could be best girl. She's best girl of best girls! I said goddaaaaamn girl!

Though I have my suspicions about
her joining the circle. I think she's going to try to "save" him from Rikka.


My GOD she's so cute! Definitely best girl! And believe it or not it's hard to say that because if they were in other shows, both Rikka and Kumin could be best girl. She's best girl of best girls! I said goddaaaaamn girl!

The fact that she's dorky enough to join Rikka's circle (wtf is a circle) elevates her enough to maybe be best girl. Rikka is just so gosh darn cute though!

No one can be saved. No survivors.


My GOD she's so cute! Definitely best girl! And believe it or not it's hard to say that because if they were in other shows, both Rikka and Kumin could be best girl. She's best girl of best girls! I said goddaaaaamn girl!

Though I have my suspicions about
her joining the circle. I think she's going to try to "save" him from Rikka.

Natsume and Shizuku are tough competitors this season though.
Quality best girls for sure.


Though I have my suspicions about
her joining the circle. I think she's going to try to "save" him from Rikka.

Well, she certainly has the best intentions, if that's the case!

I will be disappointed if Yuuta ends up being dragged down as a result of Rikka.


Well, she certainly has the best intentions, if that's the case!

I will be disappointed if Yuuta ends up being dragged down as a result of Rikka.

Me too. I'm hoping he helps Rikka mature but he also learns having a bit of fun is okay.

I would rofl if she is also like Yuuta who's trying to put her Chuunibyo life behind her. lol.

Hundreds of magical girl costumes scattered across the floor of her room.


She might be.
Most of the characters in the show seem to have that side to them.
Personally I think they will end up not really changing, but maybe realizing that there are appropriate times and places for such behavior.
If they completely lose the playfulness it will take a lot out of the show.


Tragic victim of fan death
She might be.
Most of the characters in the show seem to have that side to them.
Personally I think they will end up not really changing, but maybe realizing that there are appropriate times and places for such behavior.
If they completely lose the playfulness it will take a lot out of the show.

You know, given how she acts and stuff she might really be a former chuunibyo. It might be a situation where she knew Yuuta when they were in middle school, not personally but she knew of him. And now that high school has started, she changed up her image i think - the mirror scene in episode 1, goes to a school far away from her home - i mean she takes the same train as yuuta, and she wants to get close to Yuuta - who was also a former chuunibyo. Who knows.


Me too. I'm hoping he helps Rikka mature but he also learns having a bit of fun is okay.

I do think that will be the result,
Learning to move on (as well as not completely abandon your former identity/personality), but also giving Rikka the incentive to do the same, albeit not all at once.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 02-03

Just completely amazed by how awesome this show is. It's definitely my 2nd favorite show of the year (well so far) after F/Z and its right up there with some of my favorite romcoms of all time. It's a beautiful show with fantastic characters and is just completely charming. I can't get enough of this show.

One of the things this show does right, which is something almost nearly every single romcom gets wrong, is the use of support characters. They are neither too involved to the point of being obnoxious (Toradora says hi) nor completely irrelevant. They don't exist solely for the purpose of furthering the main pairing yet they subtly nudge things along in their own way and are interesting in their own right. It's really rare where I can watch a romcom and not end up completely loathing at least one character in the show. Theres still time to fuck this up but it's been quite the ride so far.

Roosters are awesome.

It's funny because the rooster, just like Tapioca was in Tsuritama, is completely useless.
From the New World 1

Dat atmosphere. I hope that prick who was shitting on Reiko
gets eaten/maimed/murderized. Saki was a little too cartoony with her numerous "baka!!!!" moments, but other than that she's cool.


It was Australia all along.

Some speculah that will probably be shot down in the second episode:

-Saki says the school reminds her of the farm because the kids are totally, like, caged animals being bred and groomed and stuff, man
-The faze/filth cat is a tool being used by the governing body to cull children with low Psi Strength
-The history lesson about the bridge being cut was incomplete/bullshit
-Red will be Best Girl
-Saki will form a contract with the faze cat to resurrect
and become Meguca


I'd be highly disappointed if no magic girl costumes show up in this show.

Surely not everyone with this illness has to go goth.

I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate neogaf mobile!!!

I was hoping for that as well.
The Cuteness potential if one of the girls has a magical girl complex is off the charts.


Subete no aware
Chuuuuuuuu 3


Move over sister, a new challenger has arrived!


Also, this phone is the most gothy thing ever. lol

You know what I find funny though? This show is basically BokuTomo/Waganai/Haganai but with a somewhat more realistic premise and less harem wahjah. (Well, also, it doesn't have an extremely unlikable character, but that's another issue :p). I expect the popular girl
to have some dark past that explains why she doesn't want to join the cheerleader squad or whatever (or maybe, she knew THE DARK FLAME MASTER from way back when and is a crazy herself. lol)

I also love the Electric Ocean as a metaphor for the internet. Fuck the information superhighway, let's surf the waves of the ELECTRIC OCEAN. Amazing!


Could you spoiler my quote, Billie? I think that skirts on the wrong side of spoilers.

For what it's worth and from what I understand,
apparently that character is from volume 2 of the light novels. The anime so far has been only using volume 1 material as a base, with a hefty dose of original content (including the entire characters of Kumin, Sanae, and Tooka).
Not saying she couldn't maybe show up at the end, but who knows.


whats wrong with gaf mobile?

Well a few things.
Quoting doesnt always work. Especially if you refresh to see new replies.
Multi quoting and lengthy posts like abf, nafe, jexhius posts are impossible to reply to because it wont go below the quote tab.
Cant see post history.
Gifs sometimes dont work.

Could you spoiler my quote, Billie? I think that skirts on the wrong side of spoilers.

Oh damn.
I never saw this! Wasted potential!!


For what it's worth and from what I understand,
apparently that character is from volume 2 of the light novels. The anime so far has been only using volume 1 material as a base, with a hefty dose of original content (including the entire characters of Kumin, Sanae, and Tooka).

Ah, okay. Although, with the the way KyoAni are handling this, that sort of character would probably look out of place.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
The fact that she's dorky enough to join Rikka's circle (wtf is a circle) elevates her enough to maybe be best girl. Rikka is just so gosh darn cute though!

Circle is just what they use for group sometimes. Doujin groups are referred to as a "Circle" as well.

Natsume and Shizuku are tough competitors this season though.
Quality best girls for sure.

I haven't checked them out yet, no time these days. ;_;

Well, she certainly has the best intentions, if that's the case!

I will be disappointed if Yuuta ends up being dragged down as a result of Rikka.

Me too. I'm hoping he helps Rikka mature but he also learns having a bit of fun is okay.

That's the outcome I hope for as well.

She might be.
Most of the characters in the show seem to have that side to them.
Personally I think they will end up not really changing, but maybe realizing that there are appropriate times and places for such behavior.
If they completely lose the playfulness it will take a lot out of the show.

I agree, they need to be at least somewhat playful.

I do think that will be the result,
Learning to move on (as well as not completely abandon your former identity/personality), but also giving Rikka the incentive to do the same, albeit not all at once.

That's the outcome I'm hoping for. They're on opposite sides of the spectrum, hopefully they'll meet in the middle. Best end. ^^


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! - 03

Another solid episode. Wished Rikka's sister was in it though. ;_;

Be careful Yuuta!
Super cute idoru has your number!

And by 'be careful' I mean 'go for it!!!!!'


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou 01
Oh, the title was literal. How...awkward. Still seemed fairly well made all things considered.


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! - 03

Another solid episode. Wished Rikka's sister was in it though. ;_;

Be careful Yuuta!
Super cute idoru has your number!

And by 'be careful' I mean 'go for it!!!!!'

She's joining the club to go after Rikka /yurigoggles


Circle is just what they use for group sometimes. Doujin groups are referred to as a "Circle" as well.

I haven't checked them out yet, no time these days. ;_;

That's the outcome I hope for as well.

I agree, they need to be at least somewhat playful.

That's the outcome I'm hoping for. They're on opposite sides of the spectrum, hopefully they'll meet in the middle. Best end. ^^

See, this post was barely short enough that I was able to get the the end of the quote tag to reply and I still had to delete some empty space.

You need to check out My little monster asap.
You will absolutely love Shizuku and Natsume.


See, this post was barely short enough that I was able to get the the end of the quote tag to reply and I still had to delete some empty space.

Really? The mobile app for GAF has always been great for me, it quotes entire posts, although it can be a little awkward to highlight certain parts of a large text. Apart from that though, it still has pretty much the same functionality.
Magi 2

Compared to other series in the genre, its actually off to a, in my opinion, great start. Characters are easy to connect with, wholly loveable, and the dungeon is quite adventurous and believable. I think its started off stronger than One Piece, and as strong as HxH and even Fairy Tail, which is, for me, pretty good.

Alibaba is easily the best characters, and Aladdin is good too. That whole
dances with flames routine was surprising and Alibaba is quite assertive and "immortal?!" Cool if true
I dont know whats wrong with Mor though. Could she be anymore expressionless and dull? They made it quite easy to just focus on Alibaba and Aladdin while shes just there.
How could she let such an easy chance of escape pass her by. was pretty aggravated that she just stood there and stared as the magic carpet floated away, surely she ought to have grabbed on and took off leaving the nefarious Jamil? Why. I can only pray that Aladdin does something to enable her to break the invisible chains tying her to him.

Good episode and I hope for more dungeons and even more of these good monster designs.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
She's joining the club to go after Rikka /yurigoggles

Have I told you that I like the way you think? Because I like the way you think.

See, this post was barely short enough that I was able to get the the end of the quote tag to reply and I still had to delete some empty space.

You need to check out My little monster asap.
You will absolutely love Shizuku and Natsume.

It's definitely on my list. Sadly I've spent a lot of time this week trying to get my new iPhone's battery to stop sucking a giant cockcicle because sadly I'm the kind of person who doesn't return products unless he's tried every last goddamn thing possible to fix it. Returning a product is always a last resort for me.


For what it's worth and from what I understand,
apparently that character is from volume 2 of the light novels. The anime so far has been only using volume 1 material as a base, with a hefty dose of original content (including the entire characters of Kumin, Sanae, and Tooka).
Not saying she couldn't maybe show up at the end, but who knows.

They created 2 new MAJOR characters, I don't think they are interested in following the LNs.


Really? The mobile app for GAF has always been great for me, it quotes entire posts, although it can be a little awkward to highlight certain parts of a large text. Apart from that though, it still has pretty much the same functionality.

What browser do you use?
It gives me lots of problems.


It really saddens me that Chuunibyo is only one cour. T_T Dammit Kyoani... this so deserves to be 2 cour.
Wasn't K-ON S1 also 1 cour? If Chuunibyou sells very well you can expect a 2 cour season 2 and maybe a movie....unless Kyoani use up all the light novel material for this cour.
Kamisama Hajimemashita 1



I'm rather fond of the OP. It's pretty simple and straightforward, but there's a certain charm to it. Especially with the light, catchy song that I can't stop humming. It's got the feel of a summer breeze and puts a smile on my face.

It's the same with the show as a whole. It's got a low budget (as do most of Akitaro Daichi's shows, it seems) but it has a few nice visual touches which keep things interesting, such as the drooping of Nanami's hair in the prologue. The sound effects can be fairly amusing as well. There's a breezy pacing which keeps me from getting bored even if a gag doesn't work. I'm not completely sold on the chemistry between the two leads yet, but I liked how
the kiss
played out, with
Nanami taking the initiative. In one sense she's the "damsel in distress", but she has a spunk and determination that keeps her from being just a useless log.
There's some promise in this relationship if it develops along the right lines. Of course, I understand that romance isn't the primary focus of the series anyway, which is probably for the best.

Unlike a certain other show from this year, I can appreciate a fanged pretty boy showing up in this context.


IE (Nokia Lumia), but I boot up through the app, not that it makes any real difference.

The weird thing is if I turn the phone sideways i can scroll to the bottom but not using it normally.
I tried it in Dolphin and the normal android browser.
Sometimes I just have to turn mobile off to reply.
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! 3

Although it wasn't quite as good as the second, this was still a great, highly enjoyable episode. I felt that this episode was terrifically paced, allowing for a thoroughly entertaining balance between the introduction of
and the forming of what is essentially the
chuunibyou club
. The lighthearted, embarrassing tone works really well in creating an atmosphere that is quite interesting and engaging. One of the only criticisms I have of this particular episode is that Rikka seemed to be more of a secondary character, thus creating a noticeable lack of the Rikka and Yuuta dynamic, which remains the best element of the show by far.

The best moment was, of course, yet another of Rikka's wildly imaginative delusions that are illustrated by way of an action sequence. I always like the transitions from the fantastical illusion to the mundane reality, such as, in this case,
Sanae and Rikka rolling along on the floor
. Aside from the fight, my favorite scene involved
Rikka feeding a willing Yuuta, followed by the class attentively clapping
, effectively illuminating the gradually altered nuances of his personality, due to Yuuta's interaction with her becoming increasingly natural and familiar. Their relationship and, by extension, their interactions, is the most interesting, enjoyable aspect of the show, so it was a bit disappointing to see that element temporarily overshadowed by a multitude of other developments throughout this episode. Since their relationship provides the most opportunity for character development and growth, I'm really looking forward to the return of that focus. Yuuta's reluctance to
join the club
was unfortunate, since I feel this was a missed opportunity to continue the portrayal of a gradual deterioration of his hesitant nature, since he'll now likely join solely due to
unexpected involvement. The engrish exchange with the teacher was hilarious, particularly due to the teacher's ability to effortlessly play along with Rikka's embarrassing delusion.

Sanae is a surprisingly good character so far. Her
mutual appreciation for delusions
provides some hilarious interactions with Rikka. Despite this, her characterization is a bit lacking though, as she's occasionally a bit too similar to Rikka's own personality. Although Nibutani is pretty likable, she's definitely the worst, least interesting character up to this point. Her
joining the club
was predictable, and, hopefully, rather than indicating
she likes Yuuta
, it's instead a sign that she
possesses chuunibyou tendencies as well
, which would be excellent character development for her, while also serving as an instrument to dissolve
Yuuta's needless affections
for her. As such, Yuuta's
continual infatuation with Nibutani
has become quite tiresome and unnecessary, given the distinct inevitability that he'll fall for Rikka, since, of course, this is their story. I'm assuming the subtle hints that
Nibutani might like Yuuta
are basically used in an attempt to throw off expectations. Of course, I'm also hoping that
doesn't have any feelings for Yuuto, since a triangle would likely depreciate the natural development of Rikka and Yuuta's relationship, and she wouldn't have a chance anyway, so it'd ultimately be a waste of time.

The production values are, for the most part, terrific. Though frequently understated, the direction is really good, due to it's subtle confidence in establishing the contrast in atmosphere and tone between the playful moments in reality and the dramatic nature of the action sequences. The animation continues to be superbly consistent, displayed most notably throughout the fantastic fight, while also impressing with it's ability to capture Rikka's movements in a wonderfully exaggerated fashion. The music is relatively unspectacular, but occasionally great.

All in all, Chuunibyou manages to consistently exceed my expectations, and it's definitely becoming one of the best shows of the season. Despite this, I do feel the story would benefit considerably with an increased focus on the development of Yuuta and Rikka's relationship, which I assume is imminent, and, although I enjoy the lighthearted tone of the story, I'd also prefer a heightened level of realism towards the narrative's conclusion, in which,
through Yuuta's help, Rikka is accepting of her need to essentially relinquish a portion of her childhood

Also, Touka's easily best girl, followed closely by Rikka. Nibutani is the worst girl. She's still good, but definitely the worst.
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