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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Tonari 1

Well that was certainly a nice first episode! I think there might've been a little too much crammed in, but overall it was enjoyable. Their chemistry was great and it's definitely fun to watch Haru's misunderstand everything.

Fall season is starting off on the right footing.


So apparently the NYC tickets went up and sold out without the Madoka twitter bothering to fucking mention that to anyone. Jesus Christ.

Fucking idiots.
I actually feel like that's underselling the quality of the animation a little. Outside of big show case titles like Fate/Zero and Hyouka I can't think of too many works that looked as good overall as the first episode of Tonari. There were, as you say, a number of 'stand out moments' but even the 'regular' sequences had quite a bit of character too them.

I certainly agree that the animation had a fair degree of character to it which went a long way to selling the personalities and interactions. What I was meant is that, while Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun is perhaps on the high end of ordinary-level TV productions, it doesn't really go beyond that to become a sakuga show - Hyouka was actually what I had in mind when I wrote "outstanding".

I will say that the first episode of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun easily had better animation than the first episode of Fate/Zero.


So apparently the NYC tickets went up and sold out without the Madoka twitter bothering to fucking mention that to anyone. Jesus Christ.

Fucking idiots.

Being Jarmel is suffering


Maturity, bitches.
What video player do you guys use on a Mac?

MPlayer.app or MPLayerX.

I use the first because I can save commands so I can easily export frames by just ticking a box. The latter looks prettier and is updated more often. It also has auto playlisting (if you have obvious file names it will play the next file automatically).

Both have the plus side of being separate from the App Store.


Don't oversell it, either:

-Eureka Seven AO 1 and 2
-Smile Precure 23
-Umakoshi episodes of SSOmega
-SSY 1
-Zetman 1
-Driland 1
-Certain episodes of AnoNatsu
-YuruYuri S2 1 and 12

All were definitely better, animation-wise, than Little Monster 1. A few of these were also better than anything in Fate/Zero, tho.

I didn't watch half of that stuff because I had no interest in those shows. I would normally be more informed by monthly sakuga videos but I haven't been keeping up.
I will say that the first episode of Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun easily had better animation than the first episode of Fate/Zero.

Well, I wasn't really talking about the first episode of Fate/Zero!


All these positive tonari impressions are making me anxious, as I won't be able to watch it till next week.;_;


I didn't watch half of that stuff because I had no interest in those shows. I would normally be more informed by monthly sakuga videos but I haven't been keeping up.

You can't talk yearly sakuga unless you watch every single "awesomely-animated episode in otherwise poor-looking show"!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
My Little Monster 01
Extremely impressive. Vibrant both visually and in tone, the show carries itself with a strong sense of style that strikes me just the right way. Rather importantly, the show treats itself with a degree of seriousness and manages to achieve a degree of realism with the characters while at the same time making them bizarre, over the top, and interesting. Undoubtedly an impressive feat, but I really adore everything about the show and it didn't lose me for a second. Really looking forward to seeing how it progresses. Everything here was tight and well done.


Maturity, bitches.
More Kokoro Connect drama

They are changing the OP theme on the bluray/dvd because the composer of the theme insulted the singer on twitter.


Theme is pretty good
HA HA HA HA HA. This show cannot catch a break. Well I'll be frank, the strengths of that song are the composition and not the singing so if they keep the melody and replace the vocals they shouldn't suffer too much of a blow.

Sword Art Online 11+12

I like the show overall but 11 and 12 was legit bad.
For a show based around a computer game the sudden plunge in computer knowhow was shocking. We're talking CSI levels here.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 1

Most ridiculous romcom premise since Kimi ni Todoke. Just replace awkward, submissive teens with awkward, mental teens. It's a poor man's Kare Kano.

The production is nothing special. Outside of the use of colours and the stylized OP, it's pretty standard fare. I'd go so far as to say it's lacking in a few departments, particularly the music direction. It's either nothing or sad piano interludes. The sound effects sound like they're from a flash animation. The animation is above average at least for a romcom. The best praise I can give it is the pacing. It's never dull. I do wonder why they inserted a bunch of stills of random characters at the beginning.

I suppose I shouldn't write it off just yet. I endured fourteen episodes of Kimi ni Todoke. A few more episodes won't kill me.


do i at least get to see lizbeth soon, guys

For way too infuriatingly short of a time. she's by far the most adorable and likeable girl in the cast.

Not GSC? No buy!

Not all of episode 11 was terrible. I mean... come on.

I know, GSC figures have me spoiled now. The quality is fantastic usually.

More Haibane Renmei nakama are always welcome.

Is this the only show we can agree on?

Judging by how often someone in this thread states that they have to finish shows they start, I wonder if large amount of us have slightly more OCD than the average slice of society?

I meant to respond earlier to something, fell asleep on my keyboard, woke up, watched part of a show, fell asleep again, went to bed, woke up to go get food, watched more, then posted this reply. I have issues.

Xenoblade is the only JRPG you've played?

I think you'd enjoy a lot of games from that genre, you should definitely try some out.

Yes its the only RPG I have EVER played. No Final Fantasy, no Tales games, no Atelier, no CHrono Trigger, No Mother.

My Little Monster - Episode 1

Holy fucking shit. Brains Base isn't just back, they've gone beyond my imagination. This is by far the most impression first episode of this genre I have seen in years. Romantic comedies aren't really my genre, but I do give the ones which look interesting a try, especially those with shoujo elements. Here, I was totally blown away. I didn't really know what to expect, but boy.... that was so fucking good.

The production here is top notch. Everything from the backgrounds, to the character art, to the animation, it just pops out. Bright colors, nice lighting, really charming atmosphere. It definitely feels like something like Jellyfish Princess, rather than Penguindrum or Sengoku Collection. There's a real sense of polish in the visuals which gives the solid direction that extra push.

But the real winner here that elevates the entire work from "great" to "amazing" is the script. I'm not familiar with the manga, so I don't know how faithful this is, but it definitely can't be easy to pack the sequence of events in the introductory episode into a normal runtime while still feeling like everything has space to breath. Nothing felt rushed, the characters were developed well, the jokes were funny, and they explored an entire spectrum of emotions. Really amazing stuff.

P.S. Oh and the OP rocks too. <3

You sold me ducky. I'm gonna check this out. Especially if its a Rom Com and you compare it to Princess Jellyfish in any way.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
People talking about My Little Monster Pony being the new Toradora! are gonna see some shit when I catch up with you in a week.


Tragic victim of fan death
Tonari 1

Good episode. The visual style is very distinct and the art style really lends to its simple nature of the show overall. The same can be said for both Haru and Shizuka who are also simple yet at the same time are discovering new aspects of their lives as they enter into high school. I think the show lends itself because it feels more slice-of-life than it does try to pull of a comedy with gags and such. Two socially awkward/inept people who try to go about in their school lives. Very interesting.


You can't talk yearly sakuga unless you watch every single "awesomely-animated episode in otherwise poor-looking show"!

Speaking of which, have you got a list for Seiya Omega? I fell behind at around episode 16 or so and don't have much desire to catch up (when "watching" a show is putting it on in the background while you ignore it, you know it's time to call it quits) but the show occasionally pulls good stuff out.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 1
Most ridiculous romcom premise since Kimi ni Todoke. Just replace awkward, submissive teens with awkward, mental teens. It's a poor man's Kare Kano.

The production is nothing special. Outside of the use of colours and the stylized OP, it's pretty standard fare. I'd go so far as to say it's lacking in a few departments, particularly the music direction. It's either nothing or sad piano interludes. The sound effects sound like they're from a flash animation. The animation is above average at least for a romcom. The best praise I can give it is the pacing. It's never dull. I do wonder why they inserted a bunch of stills of random characters at the beginning.

I suppose I shouldn't write it off just yet. I endured fourteen episodes of Kimi ni Todoke. A few more episodes won't kill me.
Man usually I just like letting people think whatever they feel because I enjoy a diversity of opinions, but this post is just actively bad and wrong.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-Kun 1

Well, I'm one of the only people who hasn't watched this yet, and my chances to have unaffected first impressions were shot to hell by waiting this long (am I going to have to completely clear my schedule by 10:30am on Mondays from now on?), but I did flip through the first four chapters of the manga earlier to give myself a base to work off of and liked what I saw.
Definitely seems like a strong romcom with potential. Love the music and the characters' expressions.

Also, for anyone who enjoyed the OP "Q&A Recital!", take a look at the full PV for it, with more Haruka Tomatsu being cute than you'll ever need.


Care to elaborate why you think hes trolling?

Haven't seen this show yet but as much as I enjoyed Kimi ni Todoke, I never ever want to watch anything like that show ever again.

I don't want to really pass comment on people commenting on the show or passing comment on those passing comment on those commentators but Kimi Ni Todoke and My Little Monster really don't have that much in common. At all.

Bar the director.

And the whole shoujo thing.

And highschool romance.

They're very different works though. Character-wise, tone-wise and pacing wise.
Haibane Renmei 13 [End]

While I believe Haibane Renmei is an exceptionally well told story, I couldn't promise a percentage on how many people would be open to the pacing at the start of it. A basis is created for the world and characters, but I could see a moderate number of potential viewers not open to the direction. An issue that could never be fixed for everyone, even with explanation, I'm afraid. Nonetheless, I would recommend it to those that can take a very good paced story that knows how to present drama in a manner not matched by many dramatic animated works I've watched.

This title I will not forget.

Congratulations! I agree that the beginning of the show is definitely on the slow side as it gradually settles you into the world and characters, but it pays off in spades by the end. The last episode remains etched in my mind. It was the first TV anime I (knowingly) watched, and to this day it remains my favorite.


Speaking of which, have you got a list for Seiya Omega? I fell behind at around episode 16 or so and don't have much desire to catch up (when "watching" a show is putting it on in the background while you ignore it, you know it's time to call it quits) but the show occasionally pulls good stuff out.

1, 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 20, 21

And hopefully 27. (UMAKOSHI PLZ DON'T FAIL ME)


K-ON!! Episode 9


Thou hast established a new bond...

Now that it's been confirmed that Yui has no future past high school, everything carries on gleefully, wait...

Yui inverts the fable of the The Tortoise and the Hare, by coming top in her exams, all whilst finding the time to goof off and do better things. Way to ruin my world view KyoAni! If she wasn't such an affable character, I'd be in my right mind to despise her. Damn you, and your endearing ways!


If it fits, it ships

Azusa is a proxy for Mio at this point, pretty much since the Kyoto episode, where she (Mio) suddenly became more free-wheeling, particularly within the confines of the group. So that renders Azusa the most mature (boring) band member, pretty much by default. Seriously though, she is a fine enough character, but she has been stuck filling the role of Ms. exposition lately. I think the balance is due a reshuffle, and I'm sure it'll occur at some point. Um, why else would she top fan-polls? Enough of that!

It was at least good to see her getting a little more focus, here. Yui seems like the natural foil for her, so I hope to see that continue.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - 01

This fall season is off to a good start.

Care to elaborate why you think hes trolling?

Haven't seen this show yet but as much as I enjoyed Kimi ni Todoke, I never ever want to watch anything like that show ever again.

For one they've progressed together far more in one episode than the whole 2 seasons of Kimi Ni Todoke.



But seriously, this greatly pleases me. :D

Yeah, Sentai already owns a sizeable chunk of my income and they're about to get a lot more. They did the same with ADV. Somehow they just know what shows hook me in.

Haibane Renmei 13 [End]

This episode was excellence. The direction for this final confrontation with
Reki's inner demons
was rock solid. Reki's
submission to darkness and Rakka's extended hand demanding trust
were showcased with such power.

"chasing" of Rakka outside of her "dream room" is a type of confrontation that has been done before in media. The character who deliberately scares away a helpful party in order to face something alone. In a way, they create themselves as a pure antagonist to the forces of the other party.
However, it is executed here in a notably skillful fashion that I do not usually witness in anime because
the harsh words were Reki in her most primitive form. They were the truth, or at least, they were before her actions of turning others into mere means ended up changing her into a figure of genuine support. It was not simply a tactic temporary facade, in fact the mask was taken off to present Rakka with "the beast."

Recalling my previous impressions, I wanted Reki and Rakka to have the final "tango" of this production. This entire episode not only handled it optimally, but, again, conveyed it with a grand emotional impact. The scene mentioned previously only being one of the segments that made the episode give a potent message.

Conclusively, the strong characterization (notably from
) and dramatic events surrounding these characters is what makes Haibane Renmei a very good watch. This is aided by the world-building and constant air of mystery surrounding the environment shared by the humans, Haibane and Toga/Communicator. The honing on a couple of characters in the latter stretch while further constructing the environment for the viewer was the best direction this story could have taken. Mind you, the characters are fair in general, but Rakka and Reki take the crown for the most interesting by far. This conclusion was a naturally guided development and it functioned smoothly.

While I believe Haibane Renmei is an exceptionally well told story, I couldn't promise a percentage on how many people would be open to the pacing at the start of it. A basis is created for the world and characters, but I could see a moderate number of potential viewers not open to the direction. An issue that could never be fixed for everyone, even with explanation, I'm afraid. Nonetheless, I would recommend it to those that can take a very good paced story that knows how to present drama in a manner not matched by many dramatic animated works I've watched.

This title I will not forget.

This is why its my favorite anime of all time.
Its a lot more rewatchable than you'd think too.
Nothing beats the first time you watch it though of course.

Time to watch the Brain Base show now. Hype!

The next Toradora. Believe!

Thats quite a standard to live up to (seriously)

They allowed you to switch your avatar? That's some bullshit.

Not really. I like it much better :D


Man usually I just like letting people think whatever they feel because I enjoy a diversity of opinions, but this post is just actively bad and wrong.

I'm not saying it's bad. I'm simply subduing the hype it's generated to and not praise it as some kind of revelation in romcoms.

I don't want to really pass comment on people commenting on the show or passing comment on those passing comment on those commentators but Kimi Ni Todoke and My Little Monster really don't have that much in common. At all.

I hope not. For the record, I namedropped Kimi ni Todoke because they both share ridiculous premises, not because they're similar. Though it's nothing new in shoujo land.
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