Crash Station
Juvia for sure.
I dont know many others.
How about:
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Juvia for sure.
I dont know many others.
My understanding is that the movie is just a remake of the first few episodes anyway, so I would say yes.
You're confusing animegaf with jrpg gaf. The latter is quite defensive, the former doesn't care.
How about:
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Maybe we should be like them!
Still sucks that people are like "lol u anime pedo."
I don't really care if they like the medium or not, it's that people get labeled as a pedo for liking the medium that bothers me.
You should have seen Rurounizel's Atelier game thread.
Poor guy.
You should have seen Rurounizel's Atelier game thread.
Poor guy.
We're all very disappointed in you. Perhaps one day you'll transcend your military-fetishim and rise to new heights.Legend of Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
Yeah, I think this is just a bit too silly for me. The scale is so insanely out of whack that the numbers are meaningless. And, maybe because I came in not expecting talking heads, it was a bit off putting to open the movie with talking heads opining about the future of the state... followed by even more people talking at each other for a while until we get to the Yang parts.
(And god, the Yang parts with the awkward love triangle were just such a relief after all that stuff.)
I did find the ending of the battle hilariously impressive, both because of the scale and because of how insane this formation would be if it happened in the real world. Kirk would school these guys so hard... and all he would need is a single starship (and a star to guide her by).
(Also, what kind of jackass has a recliner on their starship? Even tea drinking Picard wasn't that self-indulgent! lol).
I'm sure there's a good show in here, but it's unfortunately not what I'm in the mood for at the moment.
Doing dirty things to those girls, no doubt!That was very cute, members with cute girl avatars were everywhere. ^_^
You know what's sad? I'm almost at the point where I'm thinking of watching Battleship (again) because there's simply nothing out there.We're all very disappointed in you. Perhaps one day you'll transcend your military-fetishim and rise to new heights.
Doing dirty things to those girls, no doubt!
She's also not a child! lolYours doesn't even have a head!
She's also not a child! lol
Well, she's the best Eva character at least!Misato Katsuragi is the only waifu for me!
Well, she's the best Eva character at least!
I don't get how a genre that basically built a publishing company (Baen) has a dearth of television and film options. You've got like... Bab5, DS9, BSG (Baltar harem included) Star Trek 2, parts of Star Trek 6 ("Gas, captain. Ionized gas!")... and that silly Wing Commander film that treated space combat as if it submarine combat. lol
In the Wing Commander movie, the dude tells them to be quiet because their cheering might alert the Kilrathi. Yes, sound in space!Hey, Kirk vs Khan was submarine combat!
Best character is best, etc.She drives a Renault Alpine Sport A310 and has a beer swilling pet penguin.
She is amazing!
[Pyscho Pass] - 2
Well even after they used that exposition in the first episode they still managed to have quite a bit more to unload here - and really, I'm fine by that. It's just something I've grown to expect from any work that has a variety of things that need to be explained to the audience. From the New World episode 4 did the same thing, it just dropped it a few episodes in rather than having it appear right at the start. Sure, you can be a lot more subtle and just fill the show with dialogue and scenes that the audience will have difficulty understanding until they can put all the pieces together, like in Infinite Ryvius or The Wire, but people don't like being confused or having to do any hard work so I can't really blame them for having so many info dumps.
Still, I vastly preferred this episode to the first one because it felt like a much more interesting exploration of the characters and the world they inhabit as opposed to some very standard "chase the bad guy" stuff. The reason they opened the show like they did was clearly to hook the audience in with some fairly simple stuff before moving onto something more interesting. I hope that they can continue in that fashion.
Yeah, it would be great if other arcs could be condensed like this. I do fear it wouldn't work as well with the later ones since they are loooooooooong. Movie 8 tried it and ended up butchering the arc. Movie 9 apparently did a better job, but it was a re-imagining rather than a straight-up remake like this. Maybe they could stretch it over two specials or so.
If they were going to recreate any more, this really needs to be the standard.
I guess it is.
I can't imagine the kind of person who gladly puts his name in front of this work.
I can't imagine the kind of person who gladly puts his name in front of this work.
So I guess this is the Vividred Operation PV, huh.
As something from the Strike Witches team, it might be a little NSFW in places, I dunno.
What's your opinion of how the show presents Akane.
I can't imagine the kind of person who gladly puts his name in front of this work.
Maaya Uchida.Edit 2 - Actually just need the VA for best girl Rei
Maaya Uchida.
I agree her design look weird.. And yet the other female look uglier than her lolstill dont like her design
the world is far too realistic for her derpy anime facial structure
A man whose proud of his accomplishments, clearly.
still dont like her design
the world is far too realistic for her derpy anime facial structure
The kind of person who is actually well known for this:
I agree her design look weird.. And yet the other female look uglier than her lol
At least now we have her holographic squid thing in the show as well. They look like they fit each other, so all the scenes in her apartment look pretty consistent! Lol.
Oh, I missed that this was from the Strike Witches team.
I guess that explains everything.
It's like he's flying.
David Production really outdid themselves this week. I can't decide if this scene is better or worse than the first-person running scene from episode one. I imagine that one will forever remain ingrained in my heart because of the exceptional cinematography.
At least they moved on from bloomers to hot pants!
It's like he's flying.
I'm so glad there's a gif of this.
It might only be me but it looks like Dio is just growing into a giant in mid-air.
It's like he's flying.
David Production really outdid themselves this week. I can't decide if this scene is better or worse than the first-person running scene from episode one. I imagine that one will forever remain ingrained in my heart because of the exceptional cinematography.
So Hunter X Hunter, 2011 or the old series? I've only watched the first episode of the original series.