Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:

Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Imouto Paradise 2: 2
Pink Girl gets the lovin this episode, of course my forgetfulness here made me think she took up both episodes which would've irritated me. And honeslty, I like the blue girl more. Somehow more natural when it comes to sensual activities with your older brother.
No, like the last episode, there was no sakuga lovefests, which makes this inferior to the first one, and I doubt the others will get any screen time either. What a shame. I liked them more.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Here's the garg video.
Extreme high quality brought to you by my iPad propped up by a mobile battery pointed at the screen. PONPO RAWS.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Oh cool you have a new youtube channel. Don't delete this one by accident please.
Also Amy is best girl. No contest.
Here's the garg video.
Extreme high quality brought to you by my iPad propped up by a mobile battery pointed at the screen. PONPO RAWS.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Wait a second is this a prequel season or something?
The video seems to be focusing on Commander Kugel. I guess we're going to be seeing what he was up to while Ledo was off with Amy before his untimely death.
Wait a second is this a prequel season or something?
The video seems to be focusing on Commander Kugel. I guess we're going to be seeing what he was up to while Ledo was off with Amy before his untimely death.
I'm sorry but this is anime.I hope this season stays more low-key.
That's the second OVA preview, the only tease for the sequel so far is that big announcement pic.
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
I have an up to date copy of it here. Gonna try and push some fixes today if I get some more feedback.Isn't there some other AnimeGAF cool kid club show I have to watch, still? Like Arjuna or something?
DAMN YOU YAMATOTAKERUNOMIKOTO!Say it with me: "Yamato Takeru no Mikoto"
Yami is something completely different, in that it's creatively horrible in every way but having a bad dub.
I recently (2 months ago) watched it so you can search for my impressions in the last thread.What about Mad Bull 34? What's that? I know wonzo's a fan.
For an easy $4.99 a month you too can be featured on the list!I'm going to have to manually add Black Rock Shooter to this list every time, aren't I?
This episode is really the highlight of the English dub too.Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt 3
I don't have words that work here.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Finally kirby showing nice taste
I liked the blue girl too, maybe because the black stockings, and you are right it feels more natural with her. At least we had a scene with her at the end.
There is going to be another Ova? do you liked the first season?
Sugita bot better make a return in order to make me give a damn about a sequel and of course more Ledo x Amy.
Ooh, they're doing a rerelease of the Mushishi Blu-ray box set in Japan this December. MSRP this time is 23000 yen, about 10000 yen less than the original release four years ago. Doesn't have English subtitles, but hey, it's nice to know that someone somewhere thought it was worth another release.
I'm ready for a early Winter airing announcement, as I keep trusting on Chihiro Okamoto first forecast.Building hype for Season 2!
And the proper edit of it available to represent Mr. Ikuhara's fabulous influence...
As much as I enjoyed Gargantia, I can't imagine them doing anything interesting with it in a second season. Would love to be wrong!
As much as I enjoyed Gargantia, I can't imagine them doing anything interesting with it in a second season. Would love to be wrong!
I would rather just have more Aria if there's no more Chambro.I hope its a light-hearted slice of life series thats focused on the 3 main girls and their daily lives as couriers as they interact with the other people of the world.
so yes basically a new season of Aria.
Fifteen days until the release of the Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt BD-BOX Forever Bitch Edition, complete with English subtitles and a CD containing Taku Takahashi's new remixes, and TRIGGER Inc., executive director Kazuya Masumoto already has it (! Showcasing another suggestive cover that features P&S toying with what I suppose is one of Garterbelt's big black frankfurters.
I'm ready for a early Winter airing announcement, as I keep trusting on Chihiro Okamoto first forecast.
And the proper edit of it available to represent Mr. Ikuhara's fabulous influence...
- Sword Art Online S2 01
Yeah, going to have to count myself in with the group that's happy for more from the franchise but has no idea where they're going to go with the story given how the TV series ended.
I kind of want this.
I wonder if containers like this actually appear in the movie.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
What do you mean finally :l
I don't know if we'll get another one, but I'm hoping. However none of the other characters have even appeared in the slightest during these OVAs so I don't know. And yes I do like the first season.
Great news. Hopefully the UK will see BD release sometime soon. Even DVD would be fine as long as it doesn't take as long as Bakemonogatari.
Didn't the first one have the weird shaky cam or am I thinking of something else.
Gargantia sequel confirmed!
Bonus look at lewd new characters in the second OVA:
Do want .... i wonder how would a gargantia anime will do on the long run without chamber
chamber was awesome.
Ideal Gargantia sequel: (s1 ending spoiler)salvaging Chamber from the sea, happy reproductive rights ending for Ledo, slice of life aboard the fleet
What will probably happen:the galactic federation cometh