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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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What is up with people following the tv series but refusing to watch the ONAs?

The TV series is an expansion of the ONA material (this first episode covered the fifth ONA, and the second episode will be covering the first), so watching the ONAs isn't necessary. Although they're still worth watching just because of how different the take on the same material is.


Still without luck
Ace Of The Diamond 2

This show is way too serious. They haven't established any interesting characters yet but they act like everyone is so important. I hope the show improves.
Still raw about them removing following pokemon in Gen V.

Nah, that was Riolu's stupid rarity in the ranch that made me mad.

Too reasonable. It's "Hey wanna have my Weedle for a MEW?"

And it's still not back.

What made me raw though was that they changed one of Riolu's moves to be learned two levels later.... just to fuck with you for the gym match.


Pokemon The Origin

Mmmm that delicious Koyama as Giovanni.

That was fun. Production values seemed to be average for the most part but they stepped up when it came to the Pokemon battles, especially in the latter half. The nostalgic side of me definitely got a kick out of seeing these old pokemon duke it out and the orchestrated renditions of these songs were a joy to listen to. I really wish there would've been more time to spend on those gym/elite four battles but whatevs. Good times.

Also, as a side note, I'm seeing a fairly similar resemblance between the new Kalos Professor and Kill La Kill's homeroom teacher...


And it's still not back.

What made me raw though was that they changed one of Riolu's moves to be learned two levels later.... just to fuck with you for the gym match.

Yeah let me tell you how pissed I was that I spent two hours getting that fucking overhyped piece of mon and then I found out the only move it knew was "Counter" and "Counter" was worthless.

BRRRRRRGH. Whatever, I beat the gym, I have eggs with the super infants of my besties from all past games waiting, and now I'm gonna steam roll across this goddamn region.


I can't decide if KLK is more of a comedy show or more of an action show.

I also find it disquieting how the main hero is both the straight man of the show (despite carrying around a giant scissor that she uses to fight) and the fanservice object. Ergh.

Although frankly if KLK is getting all the fanservice out of their systems so they don't go HAM on LWA2 or something I'm all for it.
Monogatari Series Second Season - 15

I'm pretty sure I can say without hesitation that this is the strongest arc since Bakemonogatari. Of course, I haven't read Kizu yet, but barring that.

Call me stupid, but
I didn't see the "Nadeko is an unreliable narrator" twist coming at all.

I also didn't expect it to end like that.


Ace of Diamond Episode 2:

Good fucking Jesus tap dancing Christ but does this show love using the patented SHONEN EMOTIONS at every god damned turn. It got hilarious at turns, at others unbearable, pitching practice is not the battle of the century no matter how you frame it. Anyway, aside from that, the pitching battle was the highlight as we got an answer to a question, love does bloom on the battlefield and Eren, er, Eijun and Satoru is a romance that shall transcend the mere arena of sports.

Otherwise the episode was pure tedium of waiting for Eijun to make the obvious choice of getting out of the boonies and head to the place that can make his dream come true. Good by small town friends, you were so minor I never bothered to learn your names. Anyway, serviceable enough this week, but I am starting to tire of the antics of this program. It may be sent back to the minors after a few weeks.


Monogatari Series Second Season - 15

I'm pretty sure I can say without hesitation that this is the strongest arc since Bakemonogatari. Of course, I haven't read Kizu yet, but barring that.

Call me stupid, but
I didn't see the "Nadeko is an unreliable narrator" twist coming at all.

I also didn't expect it to end like that.

It's crazy, cause
Shinobu straight up told us in plain language what she was up to and why and yet it never really occurred to me that Nadeko being a dirty lying liar who tells lies would extend to the narration itself. Nisio pulled a fast one and all I can do is give a golf clap and say "well played."

Really liked this arc overall, and agree with your assessment at the start of your post. I think Neko White had the stronger conclusion but lagged quite a bit in the leadup.


White Album 2 2

This episode had some pretty funny bits: Hayasaka's ghost story, and the scene where they poked at the "part-time job to support a sad family" trope was pretty great. Also Haruki meditating on Touma's man hands while hanging onto a ledge by one hand.

The "reveal" of
Touma being the pianist
was pretty obvious, but I liked that they hid her face anyway. Gave a bit more impact to when you saw her for the first time.

Like this show so far, I'll be following it.


The TV series is an expansion of the ONA material (this first episode covered the fifth ONA, and the second episode will be covering the first), so watching the ONAs isn't necessary. Although they're still worth watching just because of how different the take on the same material is.

When you say "the first episode covered the fifth ONA" it implies that they were similar, but even the same material covered by both was covered in very different ways. And, although the tv version added a lot in some ways, there were still events in the ONA that didn't appear in episode 1 tv at all, in spite of the ONA's shorter length, like
Myoe drawing mirror Kyoto and the final scene

Also, episode 1 of the tv show had quick flashbacks to past events shown in ONA II 4, which would be completely meaningless to someone who didn't watch it before the tv series. Although, it's true that we'll probably see those events again shown in some other way in the tv show itself, but, if episode 1 is anything to go by, it won't be just an expanded version of the ONA, but a completely different way to show parts of the same backstory.


Outbreak Company 2

My struggle of finding shows to drop continues. Watching medieval fantasy girls discover manga, learn Japanese and struggle with modern concepts of equality is remarkably enjoyable. Curse you show why do you not suck.

Also the chibi forms of the characters that appear in the OP and the end card illustration are ADORABLE MAX.


White Album 2 2

This episode had some pretty funny bits: Hayasaka's ghost story, and the scene where they poked at the "part-time job to support a sad family" trope was pretty great. Also Haruki meditating on Touma's man hands while hanging onto a ledge by one hand.

The "reveal" of
Touma being the pianist
was pretty obvious, but I liked that they hid her face anyway. Gave a bit more impact to when you saw her for the first time.

Like this show so far, I'll be following it.

Makes me wonder what the first season was like. As enjoyable as this?
Makes me wonder what the first season was like. As enjoyable as this?

I don't think it should be thought of as a "first season". They're different adaptations done by different anime staff of different visual novels which were written and drawn by different people and are not directly connected except that they exist in the same world and the "White Album" song comes up in both. It's kind of an awkward situation, but there you go.


Awww, poor guy. If it makes you feel better, all my problems tonight are first world.

"Why is trading in Gen V of Pokemon such a hilarious hassle full of unnecessary time wasting?"

Work is just really really rough tonight. Too mNy loads, not enough manpower driving. On top of bad weather slowing them all down and we just keep falling behind schedule. All I can do is fight through the mess and minimize runouts.


Hito and I tried to warn you about feels!

Kenji/Ginrei makes me tear up every fucking time.
By that time I'd have already realized my mistake but it was too late.
There is no mistake in watching Giant Robo.

Oh yesssssss.
This is of course not the only really nice scene in the show. There are many of them but hot damn that scene.

Guys help I keep spending money on trainer things and not Pokemon things.
Sounds like you are doing it right. You still need to show us your trainer though so we can judge you admire your work.

Kiss X Sis TV. I started it earlier today. Conversation started in relation to that.
KissxSis TV is kinda boring. If you're going to go through the effort at least do the OVA.
Samumenco is good. Those who don't like it are probably bad people.


Doki Doki Precure 35

After a week long delay, we remember that Makopi is an idol, yet also displays how she's not of this world, and thus, is rather ignorant for the sake of looking cute.

Ai is apparently having her period, which is why she's upset
more like she's in that age where's she is more defiant
Aguri hints abound, when we can't keep our token (kugi)loli, and Mana still has introduction impulses. But hey, Cure Sword finally said her declaration again, and her iPad attack was actually a blast of wind. EAT IT OTHER THREE!

PAJAMA LOVEADS! ADVERTISEMENT! Most painful part of the episode.

NEXT TIME, RACQUEL DISCOVERS HE HAS A PENIS! And thus channels his inner Yes Precure 5

Although "Release the power of his first love"? Lewd.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Monogatari 15:
Nadeko being endgame is fucking lol.


KissxSis TV is kinda boring. If you're going to go through the effort at least do the OVA.

Already planning on it.

And DokiDoki Precure getting watched in time for another DokiDoki Precure. Remember everybody, go to the dentist!
That was a stupid episode. I could barely get through it, all honesty. Hurray for Windows Solitare...


Golden Time 2

Oh God, am I going to be able to drop anything this season? (Okay I already dropped a couple of things but they barely count. I still have way too many series to handle.)

I'm starting to feel quite invested in these characters, and the university setting continues to feel quite fresh and enjoyable. And even though Kouko isn't really my type, I find myself quite enjoying her as a character and the dynamic between her and the MC. I want to see their relationship develop.

Basically I don't feel like I can drop this and that's terrible.


The Big O 4

Ooh many mysterious mysteries were had here. Why was there a model of the city under the city? What does R. Dorothy have to do with this? I unno!

Schwartzwald's head looks like a banana.

So far Roger's skill as a negotiator hasn't really been shown since everything ends up with him beating up the criminals with Big O anyway. xP


Tragic victim of fan death
Jojo 4

I don't even... The fuck? My brain... I just can't comprehend the stupidity in this show. I think I'm going to die.


Jojo 4

I don't even... The fuck? My brain... I just can't comprehend the stupidity in this show. I think I'm going to die.

I really hope they manage to eventually animate the entire series, because I'd love to see some people's reactions to some of the weirder stuff in Part 6.
The best part.


Setec Astronomer
I can't decide if KLK is more of a comedy show or more of an action show.
Why can't it be both?

I also find it disquieting how the main hero is both the straight man of the show (despite carrying around a giant scissor that she uses to fight) and the fanservice object. Ergh.

Anyway, it's funny to see a show do 80's/90's style fanservice and then some people freak out.


Poet Centuriate
SaiKano 3

Wow, uh, that's...hmmm.
Wasn't expecting a female pedophile to be a major story point, wow. She's fucking creepy.


This show is really pulling no punches, damn.


Anyway, it's funny to see a show do 80's/90's style fanservice and then some people freak out.
Maybe Jintor was 15 then and would have found it hot instead of pedo?

Anyways, I think it does the main character a bit of disservice personally which is why I again plead for her to get more clothes as a power up.

She already got a new glove!


Maybe Jintor was 15 then and would have found it hot instead of pedo?

Anyways, I think it does the main character a bit of disservice personally which is why I again plead for her to get more clothes as a power up.

She already got a new glove!

We all know what we really want.

Sensei in a kamui.


SaiKano 3

Wow, uh, that's...hmmm.
Wasn't expecting a female pedophile to be a major story point, wow. She's fucking creepy.


This show is really pulling no punches, damn.

Saikano is still a happy story at this point.


The obvious answer is for Mako to swish her hands across Ryuko's naked body and thus clothe her with her dueling sailor suit as they ride the elevator up to the top of the giant robot in the sky.


Valvrave 6

Hahaha this chick is completely nuts.

Valvrave 7

"You can use my body"

JoJo 4

JoJo becomes a scientologist.

Steins;Gate 4

The banter and quality dub is really the saving grace of this show.


Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku 12 END

...And now I can comfortably say the Summer season is finally over! (lol)

Lots of quick-fire skits in this final episode, which was overall a pretty average episode as Kitakubu episodes go. Which is to say, pretty amusing and enjoyable. I can't say I'll super-miss this series after it's gone or anything, but it was fun while it lasted. During those weeks in which it actually aired, that is.

I'm still surprised that it actually managed to make it to the last episode.


Kill la Kill definitely wants to be a comedy. Unfortunately the humor all just strikes me as infantile rather than actually funny. It's the same problem I had with Panty and Stocking.
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