My best friend watched the first ep of Kill la Kill and the first thing she said to me was "Dem Utena vibes."
Hells to the yeah.
Hells to the yeah.
STOP. I'm not ABF. I'm not going to fill pages of text being led on a rhetorical wild goose chase with you.But that's my point! If every uniform two stars and up is based on function then what they look like doesn't matter! It's not a statement.
Further, Ryuko's uniform is still a sailor uniform so she's actually still in proper uniform too!
My best friend watched the first ep of Kill la Kill and the first thing she said to me was "Dem Utena vibes."
Hells to the yeah.
STOP. I'm not ABF. I'm not going to fill pages of text being led on a rhetorical wild goose chase with you.
Boxing gear isn't lewd because it's the accepted way of dress for a boxer, much like the skirt on the Tennis uniform. All of these uniforms do not clash with norms. You're getting hung up over a total distraction.
Hey now, all my posts have been short! If you want to up it to pages and pages of text that's on you lol.STOP. I'm not ABF. I'm not going to fill pages of text being led on a rhetorical wild goose chase with you.
What I'm getting at is this:Boxing gear isn't lewd because it's the accepted way of dress for a boxer, much like the skirt on the Tennis uniform. All of these uniforms do not clash with norms. You're getting hung up over a total distraction.
So I've been playing Kid Icarus uprising and I cannot stand the camera in this game. Like, first it won't move enough, then it moves too much. GUH. I wish it had been better implemented, because half the time I'm so busy trying to get it to cooperate that an enemy is behind me.
Also Magnus is Jecht.
Err, actually, if Hito's talking about color more than skin I'll agree with him. But don't tell him that, I wanna see if he'll go up to ABF level post lengths.Honnouji uniforms are white with some blue, Senketsu is black with some red.
White with blue is law and black with red is chaos, if the boxart of SMT IV is anything to go by.
If only I could get an actual response or rebuttal instead of "BUT THE PURPLE ELEPHANT".Really liking the lawful evil/chaotic good line of discussion.
If only I could get an actual response or rebuttal instead of "BUT THE PURPLE ELEPHANT".
Applejack!Then shout out the Orange Pony.
If only I could get an actual response or rebuttal instead of "BUT THE PURPLE ELEPHANT".
Then shout out the Orange Pony.
Then shout out the Orange Pony.
Go to the menu to tweak it?
Honnouji uniforms are white with some blue, Senketsu is black with some red.
White with blue is law and black with red is chaos, if the boxart of SMT IV is anything to go by.
If only I could get an actual response or rebuttal instead of "BUT THE PURPLE ELEPHANT".
I didn't know I could. I'll have to try.
But that doesn't address my point at all, and furthermore, he doesn't seem to understand the ways a show can comment on an issue.I kinda get what mac is getting at (I think) at how weird it is to have non-standard uniforms. Probably why those people have been club members thus far to justify it.
Eh, it's all a red herring anyway.
it's mystery men not kick-ass.
Samurai Flamenco 01
So I totally enjoyed that. I get when people compare this show to Kick-Ass but right now I'm digging the interactions between the cop and the sort of earnest kid like naivety of the other protagonist. Will continue to watch.
EDIT: Ugh, I feel terrible. Sick to the stomach. Bleh.
Who compared this to Kick-Ass, and can I press charges?
EDIT: Ugh, I feel terrible. Sick to the stomach. Bleh.
Image two is where I realized Samurai Flamenco was probably going to be generic garbage/ a less interesting fujoshi-bait retread of Kick-Ass.
Image three is where I put it on the "I guess I'll watch this" list of horror, along with that thing where she eats her nee-san.
Maybe. I'm hoping Samurai Flamenco does a 180 as I don't need Kick-ass-oniIsama.
These are the days I miss my anime lover.
Samurai Flamenco 1
I thought this was going to be a legit super hero show, not an adaptation of Kick-Ass.
Samurai Flamenco 1
This is so far my biggest disappointment this season. BUT plenty of shows have recovered after a lackluster episode 1. I'm willing to give the show another 2 episodes to hopefully turn into what I thought it would be.
As of right now seeing such a weakling main character is a huge turn off, especially after that intro. If this is gonna be one of those delusion stories where he never achieves the greatness he wants (aka Kick-Ass), then no thanks. Come on Durarara/Baccano guy don't fail me.
Also as much as I love Gintoki's voice actor his voice should be kept strictly for ultra comedy shows.
Samurai Flamenco Episode 1:
Not going to lie, this is my greatest disappointment for the Fall season as I was expecting an over the top action sentai romp or something to do with actual superheroes. What I got was the the incredibility bland adventures of Captain PSA with a quite a bit of UST thrown in the mix. This show is distinctly lacking in both armored troopers from Medieval Japan and exotic Spanish dancing. I may give this show one more chance but dear god is it on thin ice when it is making Kick-Ass look dignified.
it's mystery men not kick-ass.
That sucks.I just got over about a month of being sick and stuff always goes right to my stomach, and it always sucks. Hope you get better soon.
Cat Soup
It was disturbing.
Like a bunch of people ...
and I hope you feel better.
Understand or find relevant? Not sure if relevant is the word I'm looking for her but, to me, I think the importance of her uniform is on par with any other standard hip/cool/toocoolforschool character who wears their uniform with the shirt untucked or some crap. I mean, sure, that's a dig at authority, at expressing your uniqueness in a sea of conformity and meant to establish a bit of the character's rebel personality visually but it's such a standard practice across the board that I wouldn't think to tie it to a grander theme. Since this is a medium that thrives on delivering the same setting over and over, the same characters over and over and providing the viewer with the same fanservice over and over I'm more apt then to say it's the reverse and that the theme just happened to coincide with the fact they were already going to show you a half naked rebellious female character.But that doesn't address my point at all, and furthermore, he doesn't seem to understand the ways a show can comment on an issue.
Like a bunch of people ...
and I hope you feel better.
Well, while I don't mind ending this here......*facepalm*
While the color point is interesting, it's not what I was talking about.
What the heck is this supposed to mean? For one, that's a pretty rude thing to say without saying where to watch or what is wrong, not that I care honestly about being wrong or take offense to that myself but my stance is pretty much not reliant on a text translation anyways so I don't see how my argument is based off of anyone's translation! Unless Crunchyroll visually edited some scenes or something.Also, stop basing arguments on the shit translation CR is putting out.
yoiko questionsHow is something so un-loli pedo?
Good thing the early impressions of Episode 3 sound like it'sKill la Kill definitely wants to be a comedy. Unfortunately the humor all just strikes me as infantile rather than actually funny. It's the same problem I had with Panty and Stocking.
Sometimes I'm not that bothered by faster pacing. I don't necessarily need to see one episode of training and one episode of them talking about the fight before they actually get in the ring to duke it out.Hajime No Ippo: Rising 2
Oh man, I was almost tearing up after that match. Something about that Shimabukuro, a character who's basically only been in 2 episodes, is just so wonderful.
Edit: It seems as if the pace in this fight was massively rushed from the manga, which is a shame, but the end product here is still good. Believe me, this is no Zetman. Now *THAT* was rushed to the point of ruining the series
Liiiiies![Monogatari S2] - 15
Snake girl getting the best arc in a -monogatari series? What the heck is this world coming to!
Anyway, this was certainly the most interesting and well executed arc in some time. Good job SHAFT!
No, seriously, this isn't a joke or anything. This was actually pretty great.
Samumenco is good. Those who don't like it are probably bad people.
Sadly, I'd rather watch Gravity again than any boring 2d anime.![]()
Sadly, I'd rather watch Gravity again than any boring 2d anime.![]()
The truth can be shocking and disturbing, but it must be faced full on and confronted!